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Questions tagged [python3]

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7 votes
1 answer

How to NOT change the shell prompt when activating a Python venv?

I created a venv like so: python3 -m venv .venv When I activate it, the shell prompt is changed. antkong@konga-mbp ~/dev/my-project (git-branch-name) $ source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) konga-mbp:...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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How can I use Python macros in Libreoffice calc?

Is it possible use Python macros in Libreoffice calc and Ubuntu 18.04? I meant something like when Calc runs a macro, it would save the data to CSV format, open it in Python, modify the data ...
guest's user avatar
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ERROR: Package 'flake8-2020' requires a different Python: 3.5.2 not in '>=3.6'

I know it is saying that I should use python version in >=3.6, but the issue is here. I am an offline user of Ubuntu 16.04 server and if I want to install any package I just download its wheel first ...
bit_scientist's user avatar
1 vote
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macOS Catalina - Getting SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED with Python 3

I'm getting SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED - certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate error when I try to connect a service hosted through HTTPS. Many have proposed executing ...
talha06's user avatar
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Latest version installed but not being used

I've been trying to upgrade python to 3.7 on a Debian buster server. If I type python3 --version it returns python 3.6.1. However, if I run sudo apt install python3 it returns the following: Reading ...
Phill Healey's user avatar
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pip3 not working after reinstall

I have recently reinstalled python3 on my Ubuntu Xenial Gnome system using apt. I also installed python3-pip. However, now pip3 no longer works. Attempting to run pip3 gives a strange error: bash: /...
Moiré's user avatar
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fireeye flare-vm: Updating 'python3 3.7.2' to 'python3 3.8.0' failed

I have been trying to install fireeye flare-vm when seeing this error at the end of the installation process. Error Message python3 (exited 1) - python3 not upgraded. An error occurred during ...
Sabrina's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do Install and run python scripts for GIMP?

There appear to be 2 directories where GIMP looks for plugins. One is C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins and C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins However, when I go look at the ...
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
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Change from universal serial bus controllers to COM port

When I plug my USB device it is recognized as universal serial bus controllers in device manager but I would like to be on COM port because I would like to use python script to control it. It works ...
DrTransport's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Why did keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Alt-N stop working in Visual Studio Code?

So, I recently installed Visual Studio Code(1.40.0) on Windows 10. Everything was working fine as I was working around to see how to run Python Code, I installed Python extension, pylint, Auto PEP-8 ...
Arko's user avatar
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Error occurs when I try to install sklearn by pip

Version info: python: 3.8 scipy: 1.3.2 numpy: 1.17.4 Details: It works well when I install other libs; however, it throws the below error message when I install sklearn by pip or pip3. Error ...
Wanying Gong's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error while running python file

(base) C:\Users\Admin>activate RR-1722-stage1 (RR-1722-stage1) C:\Users\Admin>pip -m pip install --upgrade pip Usage: pip <command> [options] no such option: -m (RR-1722-stage1) C:\...
Aman's user avatar
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Mac OS X, python 3.8 install, Jupyter notebook kernel fail

I have been using jupyter notebook on my mac via python 3.7 with no issues. Just upgraded to Python 3.8, now jupyter notebook launches but attempting to open any prior notebooks, get error that I ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Aborted (core dumped) after breaking a python progrm

I was following this post, and released a python program running on my console using the combination CTRL+z. Now, each time I try to run this program I am getting: Aborted (core dumped) I am new ...
havakok's user avatar
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ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am using ubunutu 18.04 this is the result of nvidia-smi: Mon Oct 28 12:00:58 2019 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 435.21 ...
el abed houssem's user avatar
1 vote
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pymongo - LookupError: unknown encoding: idna

I'm having an error with pymongo (version 3.6.0) when I try to instantiate a MongoClient. My python version is 3.7.4, running on OS X Mojave. Does any one know how this problem can be fixed or if ...
Cassius Puodzius's user avatar
0 votes
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pip3 install [package] failed no matter with proxy or without proxy

Environment Windows 1903 WSL (kali) python3.7 Description when using pip3 install flask the output display like such WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, ...
iyume's user avatar
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Python3.6 dependency missing on AWS Linux 2 AMI with EPEL

Since last Saturday (2019-10-12) it seems that the dependencies for rlwrap are broken on Amazon Linux 2 AMI using the EPEL repository. The problem is that rlwrap requires Python3.6 (package python36), ...
Lasse Lybeck's user avatar
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HTTP response time

I want to ask a stupid question. Just using curl as an example. If we use curl -I, maybe the big file upto 600MB, but i surprised to found it only used 0.160s, which is ...
vimi Liu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Save complex object during flask session

I need advice. My flask application has no database. I have a custom authorization system. I connect to the API service and during the user session, I make requests to it. Tell me where to save the ...
Alex's user avatar
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tkinter doesnt work for me on anything

This is the code that I tried. import tkinter as tk root = tk.TK() root.mainloop() I tried using pycharm and sublime text. Pycharm wont show the blue letters on ".TK", "mainloop" and sublime text ...
Brandon Coffman's user avatar
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Want to get rid of extra python installations ( MAC Mojave)

I have two Python 3 installations with following paths. /Library/Framsworks/Python.Frameworks/Versions/3.7/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python3 Should I remove the one of them? if so which one? if so,...
chikitin's user avatar
0 votes
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Mac OS X: brew reports python 3.7.3, python3 --version reports python 3.6.3. How to fix?

I'm running Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13.6. When I do a "brew list python" from the terminal, it shows that I have python 3.7.3 installed: user@laptop:~$ brew list python /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7....
slantalpha's user avatar
1 vote
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Visual Studio Code Python Indentation Issues

So I have been having issues with my VSC and python 3.7 It works when I try to run the code through Sublime and terminal, and seems to fix itself after I restart visual studio, but always returns ...
zmirina's user avatar
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How to use choice option in python for my py file? [closed]

I am running Prawler to get proxies. I installed this with the instructions given on GitHub. It works fine too, but I would like to add a choice option in it. To get a proxies, I use this following ...
Philip's user avatar
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How to downgrade Python 3 to Python 2?

From my understanding, mysql isn't compatible with Python 3. I've tried several methods on Google to downgrade my version of Python, like run conda install python=2.7.12 But this didn't work. I ...
Justin Starks's user avatar
0 votes
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Make a full backup with bb

I used Butterfly Backup to make incremental backups of an NFS share, with a weekly retention. The command used is the following: bb backup --computer srvfs1_1020 --destination /dev/nfs/bck --custom-...
jehisica's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Opening a .py file directly

While working with Django, I have to modify and a variety of other files. What's bugging me is that I have to open these .py files through the python IDLE application every time and then ...
user1092728's user avatar
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html.entities not found although using Python3

I wanted to get back into using Python regularly, for webscraping in particular. I installed pipenv with Homebrew and began installing requests and BeautifulSoup, but when I try to import ...
Elarbe's user avatar
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Issues while trying to run python through Anaconda3 from Git Bash

Please can someone help me understand (and resolve) whats going on. I think my problem relates to some kind of path issue or permission issue, But I need help or direction/coaching to resolve this. I ...
user7104840's user avatar
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How to use python2 on jupyter notebook

I am using mac book pro. I am using python3 on jupyter notebook. But in order to use apache-spark I need to use use python2 on jupyter notebook. Is there any way to use both python2 and python3 on mac ...
Park.t.h's user avatar
2 votes
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django + uwsgi + nginx, python files download instead of parse/execute

I am trying to get a new webserver up and running. php files will parse correctly but python files will not. I changed the file to +x, an this has no effect. I am not getting any errors in my logs ...
Nix's user avatar
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3 votes
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Trouble installing h5py on OS X 10.14.6 (Mojave)

I am trying to install the H5py (h5py) Python wrapper for the HDF5 library ( in a virtual env. on my MacBook Air (mid 2019) running OS X 10.14.6 (Mojave). The Python ...
mrs-qv7's user avatar
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Less intensive processing for frame captures

I am currently writing a script for my raspberry pi 3B that calls FFmpeg to write m3u8 streams to a .TS file. However since I am recording hour long streams, some that aren't needed, I also wrote side ...
happy150's user avatar
0 votes
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Cannot import Python Libraries anywhere

Issue on importing Python Library Background I am on MacOS 10.14.5. I currently cannot import any Python third-party Library from anywhere (including VSCode, Pycharm and terminal). Detail For ...
yChen's user avatar
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Issue connecting to Azure Cognitive Services Bing Web Search API-'Resource Not Found'

I cannot connect to Azures Bing Web Search API though Cognitive Services. I followed everything in the setup guide but when i run the QuickStart script with freshly created subscription key and ...
ross's user avatar
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virtualenv returns [Errno 13] Permission denied

I am trying to start a new virtual environment in my folder. I have Python3, Python2 and virtualenv installed, it doesn't seem to be a dependency problem. I do the command: sudo virtualenv -p ...
CTFE's user avatar
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Module not found error: No module named 'nltk' on OS X 10.14

I am still somewhat new to Python programming. Having read the contributions to this topic, I am still stuck: I have Python 3.7.4 installed (with Homebrew) on OS X 10.14. In terms of the path ...
PyKoch's user avatar
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Ubuntu system occured a 'gdbm' error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_gdbm'

Whatever I input any command like ls screen or execute a bash file and vi to read a file or modify the file the error returned, so I can't do anything now on my remote server which is a ubuntu system. ...
DuMinghao's user avatar
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Base64 in python3 vs python2

this is my base64 String "lFKiKF2o+W/vvLqddOdv2ttxWSUX/SSZEyqcdyDDb+8=". In python2 the following code works print("lFKiKF2o+W/vvLqddOdv2ttxWSUX/SSZEyqcdyDDb+8=".decode('base64', 'strict')) ...
user3780647's user avatar
0 votes
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Python alpha_vantage module not returning all quotes for 'get_batch_stock_quotes'

When using alpha_vantage to pull batch stock quotes for some reason get_batch_stock_quotes does not return the quote for symbol "ARRS". However, if the function is called using only "ARRS" in the ...
John Fiorello's user avatar
1 vote
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Why can't I install any packages on Pycharm?

These are the three main resources I've been mainly using to try to either use the Google Sheets API or manipulate an excel spreadsheet on Pycharm:
rmarti89's user avatar
2 votes
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pipenv, pip not found following python3 update

I am running Debian bullseye/sid and recently updated to Debian unstable to experiment with the Sway windows manager. This went fine until I updated to a more recent version of python. My python3 is ...
krozruch's user avatar
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Installing Basemap for python

Trying to install basemap via this website Basemap Matplotlib Toolkit I have followed everything they say until this part of the installation: if libgeos_c is in /usr/local/lib and geos_c.h is in /...
student programmer's user avatar
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Recommended Python configuration

I've been trying to set up Python correctly on my Linux machine for some time and never been 100% happy with how it's set up. I'm running the latest Linux Mint which out of the box comes with a ...
Nexus490's user avatar
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How do I resolve the (ModuleNotFoundError: No module name '_tkinter') for WINDOWS 10, Python 3.7

Windows 10 Python 3.7.4 OSGeo4W Shell C:\ActiveTcl\bin is in the PATH tkinter folder is located in C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/Python37/lib/tkinter python Traceback (most recent call ...
micah.muir's user avatar
0 votes
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Collecting futures==3.2.0 failed in Deploy python flask app into Heroku

I am new to Heroku and I am trying to deploy a python flask app into Heroku, but in doing so, I got the message: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement futures==3.2.0 (from -r /tmp/...
Admin Seeoil TH's user avatar
0 votes
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EnvironmentError when installing sklearn

I used "pip install scikit-learn" to install sklearn. During the installation process, I received an error msg: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or ...
Akash Gupta's user avatar
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How to convert pyinstaller compiled file to python code

I have file as foo.n‍. When I enter this command: file '/home/mrmahdi/Downloads/Telegram Desktop/foo.n‍' I got this: /home/mrmahdi/Downloads/Telegram Desktop/foo.n‍: ELF 64-bit LSB executable,...
MrMahdi313's user avatar
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Error during Python Pynini lib installation: "fatal error: 'ios' file not found"

I ran the command '''python3 install''' and '''python3 install --prefix=/usr/local''' in order to install the Python package Pynini through CLI but got the following unexplained ...
benjaming's user avatar

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