When using alpha_vantage to pull batch stock quotes for some reason get_batch_stock_quotes does not return the quote for symbol "ARRS". However, if the function is called using only "ARRS" in the symbols list, the quote is returned. I don't want to make several individual calls if I can get all the quotes returned in one request.

Here's the test code:

import pandas as pd

from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries

import time

api_key = '12BHXD9VVA9M1PUM'

ts = TimeSeries(key=api_key, output_format = 'pandas')

stocklist = ("ARRS","PCG","AAPL","ACB")


data, meta_data =ts.get_batch_stock_quotes(symbols=stocklist)

for label, row in data.iterrows():


    print (STOCK,PRICE)


$ python3 test8.py

PCG 11.67
AAPL 212.3
ACB 5.79

If I just use stocklist = ("ARRS") the result is:

$ python3 test8.py

ARRS 31.64

Why does this happen? Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Why does this happen?

Unfortunately, this seems to possibly be something specific to your environment. Copying and pasting your code on Windows 7 with Python 3.7.4 yielded all four symbols with prices, as expected:

ARRS 31.64
PCG 11.03
AAPL 202.79
ACB 5.64

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