I'm getting SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED - certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate error when I try to connect a service hosted through HTTPS. Many have proposed executing the command Install Certificates.command, which was mentioned to be located on /Applications/Python\ 3.7/, as the fix but I do not have that file in my Applications on my machine. How can I fix this issue which looks like specific to macOS as I do not have any issues on my Windows machine, and some others mentioned that there is no problem on Linux as well.

p.s. I'm using the Python 3 which comes with macOS Catalina. Have not installed Python 3 explicitly.

1 Answer 1


I'm also looking for help with this question. I am having the same problem with macOS Catalina and Python 3. I reinstalled python 3.7.4 from the Python site where the installer includes a step to install certificates. However, I am not sure how to verify that they have been installed correctly.

I am using MMQGIS and a google api to geocode addresses and continue get this error after installing certificates: Failure connecting to maps.googleapis.com: : 0 addresses geocoded

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