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Questions tagged [video]

Questions about video editing, streaming, conversion, capturing or video output. Use a more specific tag if possible.

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video logo clock ffmpeg

with the codes I created myself, the time setting does not appear. Only the screw logo and the movie name appear. I could not make this time setting. Are there any friends who can help me? ffmpeg -i ...
Yes Tech's user avatar
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FFMPEG segment_times arg makes command too long

Context: I have long video files (600+ hours) that I want to split on resolution change & keep the high-res parts. I have extracted all the timestamps to a file with ffprobe so now all that's left ...
Hato1's user avatar
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Adding custom tags to AVI video file

I use software that accepts another AVI file, but not mine. I converted my file to have similar properties, and currently, there is not much difference between the files, I think the only thing I have ...
Yarden's user avatar
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How to change output to timestamps for ffmpeg freezedtect?

ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -vf "freezedetect=n=-60dB:d=5" -map 0:v:0 -f null - Will output: lavfi.freezedetect.freeze_start: 324.266667 lavfi.freezedetect.freeze_duration: 5.066667 lavfi....
Farn3's user avatar
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Best settings to compress a 4K 60fps ProRes 422HQ video to ~50GB HEVC using FFmpeg? [closed]

I recently upscaled a 1080p 60fps 90-minute video to 4K using Topaz. The output was set to ProRes 422HQ, resulting in a file size of 1.2TB. Naturally, I don’t want to keep the file this large and aim ...
Tibério's user avatar
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FFmpeg -ss option and keyframes

I would like to clarify that I understand how to use -ss, -t, -to, stream copy, and the difference between stream copying and reencoding/transcoding. What I don't understand, is how the seeking/...
Blacki's user avatar
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Ffmpeg image parameter for YouTube

Is there any image png command equivalent to parameter below? ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune stillimage -crf 18 -c:a copy -shortest -pix_fmt ...
Michael's user avatar
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How do you create an ffmpeg lossless image without re-encoding?

I'm using the command below but not sure if it’s really lossless and without re-encoding? Is there specific command to create lossless image and without re-encoding? I'm new to this. ffmpeg -lavfi &...
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I make three 10TB external hard drives act as one 30TB hard drive?

I have a huge collection of videos I am using for a book. I have over 30TB of data. When I am searching for and downloading new videos for my research, it is a huge benefit for me if I do not download ...
Boballoo's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Intel QSV to have hwaccelerated tone mapping in ffmpeg?

Currently I am trying ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv -hwaccel_output_format qsv -i "Z://Movies/Luca/Luca.mkv" -vf 'hwdownload,format=p010,zscale=transfer=linear,tonemap=hable,zscale=transfer=bt709,...
Nathan Cloutier's user avatar
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Avidemux loads vertical video in horizontal orientation

I have recorded a video while holding phone vertically. It opens vertically on phone, as well as on PC, in VLC. However, when I load it in Avidemux it rotates the video to horizontal aspect rate. I ...
overdriven's user avatar
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How do I prevent an extended frame when suspending and resuming an ffmpeg process?

I have a c# application where I have control of an ffmpeg ( process. I am using it to capture video and audio, either from desktop or webcam. I am using code similar to the ...
this_is_a_display_name's user avatar
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What a correct playlist.m3u8 should contain, or should look like?

24/06/2024: [Presentation of the problem] I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, few years ago. I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts a single file playlist.m3u8 In my example: A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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How to solve a final pb when merging a series of .ts file with concat command of FFmpeg?

I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, feaw years ago… I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts In my example: a series of 306 files named from segment1_4_av.ts to segment306_4_av.ts A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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To cut and download part of video from

I try to cut and download part of an online video from, using yt-dlp and ffmpeg, in one step. I tried ffmpeg $(yt-dlp -g '' | sed 's/^/-ss 05:00 -i /') -...
jsx97's user avatar
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