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How to compare peak location and tail length of two different distributions?

I have the distributions of the fraction of people in each income bracket in a town in 1990 and 2020. The total sample size is the same in both, and assume that the incomes have been adjusted to ...
SNIreaPER's user avatar
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Estimate the likelihood of two continuous samples of unknown distribution

Consider two continuous and unknown distributions $$X : {x_1, x_2, ..., x_n}$$ and $$Y : {y_1, y_2, ..., y_n}$$ both can be tagged as time series with $n > 8000$. I need to estimate the likelihood ...
joueswant's user avatar
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Does taking the ratio of Empirical Distributions (histogram bins) show their differences?

Background I have two Empirical distributions, both derived from social media data. The first represents a broad sample of ~4.8 million posts and the number of followers each post author has. The ...
Connor's user avatar
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Comparing the output distribution of two ML models

Consider a regression task (e.g. predicting house prices) with a given train and test sets. We start with constructing a linear regression model, in which we assume $y_i=X^T\beta+\epsilon$ with $E[\...
Spätzle's user avatar
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The hunt for a 'nice' flexible distribution [duplicate]

Background Suppose I have data $\mathcal{D}_1, \cdots, \mathcal{D}_n$ with each $\mathcal{D}_i$ containing $m$ observations $X_{i1}, \cdots, X_{im}$; these observations are of unknown distribution, ...
Tom Chen's user avatar
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Calculation of a nonparametric equal-tailed (central) tolerance interval for an unknown continuous distribution

Assume we have a sample of size $n$ from an unspecified continuous distribution $F(\cdot)$. We wish to construct a tolerance interval to contain $(100\,\beta)\%$ of the population with a pre-specified ...
COOLSerdash's user avatar
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Distribution and variable analysis

I am doing a statistical test (program used is SPSS). On the basis of distribution and sample size, I have to chose the correct variable analysis. I also have to justify every decision. I have two ...
Chester's user avatar
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Comparing averages of non normal distributions

I want to compare the daily average revenue of a promotion period (7 days) of a business with the daily average of the rest of the year. So, sample 1 has 7 data points, whereas sample 2 has 300 data ...
andstat's user avatar
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When is the central limit theorem not applied?

I am trying to compare two matched samples. In total I have a sample of 34 people. Each patient receives two treatments, a C1 treatment and a C2 treatment. So each patient will be compared to himself ...
Seydou GORO's user avatar
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Problem with a single outlier, non-normal data, and unequal sample distributions

I am wanting to compare two independent groups on a likert-like item. To explain, the dependent variable is structured so that a 1 = <1 units, 2 = 1-<2, 3 = 2-<3, all the way up to option 7 = ...
Amy's user avatar
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Which pair of two distributions are more similar?

Suppose I have two pairs of distributions: distributions A and B in Pair 1, distribution C and D in Pair 2. There are non-parametric tests to determine if there is evidence to say that the ...
David Young's user avatar
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Nonparametric Order Statistics - Does this Exist?

I was reading about order statistics on Wikipedia [retrieved 29 June 2022]: Apparently, if we have a sample with $k$ elements (e.g., $x_1, x_2, ..., x_k$) and assume a probability distribution for ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Deciding the Number of Clusters : Standard Methods vs. Non-Parametric Methods

I was watching this video over here ( that discussed a Non-Parametric based Bayesian approach for deciding the number of clusters in a dataset. Essentially, ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Independent Sample T-test or Mann-Whitney U test?

I am a very young stats learner, and I need help understanding the justification of a test choice. I have a sample of 39 participants (20 females and 19 males) been measured on task performance, and I ...
marth's user avatar
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Compare nonparametric distributions

I generated distributions of travel times of commuters using transportation simulation tools (for different scenarios). The distributions are attached below. I wish to statistically compare each pair ...
SiH's user avatar
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Show that an event is improbable for exponential families iff it's improbable for all absolutely continuous distributions

Since all the exponential families are absolutely continuous, if part is trivial. However, I could not prove the only if part. My idea is to prove by contradiction, i.e. given an event $A$ such that $...
Martund's user avatar
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How to find the type of my distribution?

I checked the normality of my data on SPSS and one of the variables is not normally distributed. I have the mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis , min and max values of my distribution. But I ...
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What is a medcouple?

What is a medcouple? I understand that it is the median of a couple of data points but it is not clear to me what these pairs of data actually are. E.g.
Maths12's user avatar
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How to estimate the probability that a single value follows the same distribution as a a set of values

This question is a possible duplicate of this one but I would like to go a bit further. I have a set of values $X=x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n$ that are iid estimates of a reference value $y$ given by a ...
Gustave Coste's user avatar
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Nonparemetric tests: how to support the null hypothesis you claim to be testing

Let us assume that we have taken an unbalanced number of independent random samples from 5 different populations, which will be analogous to 5 different locations in this example. Each observation ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Fitting a range of distribution and test for goodness of fit - choose based on p-value or chi-squared values?

I have data for which I want to study the best distribution that fits this data. I am following this blog post to do my experiments. Basically the following things are happening: fit a number of ...
Perl Del Rey's user avatar
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Sampling distribution from a parametric curve?

I'm not sure if this question is well-founded, given that it seems to be mixing random and deterministic processes, but I'm wondering if there's a meaningful answer. Suppose we have a parametric curve ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to prove a multivariate r.v. does not follow the nonparanormal distribution?

Background You may find the definition of the non-paranormal distribution at the 2nd paragraph in p.2296 of this paper. In short, $(X_1, \ldots, X_p)$ is non-paranormal if there exists a set of ...
inmybrain's user avatar
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Finding the right hypothesis test

I have two distributions (Generic and Generic Masked) that I want to compare. I want to show that one is distributed closer to 1 than the other, but don't know which hypothesis to test for this. I ...
Jimmy2027's user avatar
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Test to show one distribution is bigger than another

Here is a MWE of my problem: I measure the size, $S$, of 10 red apples and 32 green apples. $\bar S_\mathrm{red} = 8 \pm 1\,\mathrm{cm}$ and $\bar S_\mathrm{green} = 4 \pm 2\,\mathrm{cm}$. I want ...
Sean Mooney's user avatar
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What is the resulting distribution of a data set that was originally normally distributed but has been quantized and had all negative values removed?

I am trying to benchmark a seasonal forecasting model and calculate not just the point forecasts but the forecast densities from the model. To do this, I generated a simulated data set in the ...
Akaike's Children's user avatar
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Ways to make parametric statistics work with real time (often non-normal) data

BACKGROUND: I have been tasked with teaching basic data analysis methods with R to a group of people in a business setting. While my stance is that I am most difinitely not at the level where I ...
random_guy's user avatar
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Binomial distribution for two groups if success rate is not given

Two groups of twelve statisticians are taught two different methods of Statistics. (Assume that a statistician in group one is matched in terms of their Statistics ability with a statistician in group ...
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Estimating conditional probability distribution from samples

I have three continuous variables, $X$, $Y_1$ and $Y_2$. All three are correlated. For a given value of $X$, the conditional probability distributions of $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ are typically bimodal. I'm ...
ylangylang's user avatar
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When a function of two random variables is Gumbel?

Consider two random variables $X,Y$. Is there any example in which $X$ and $Y$ have a known parametric distribution such that $f(X,Y)$ is Gumbel with scale $\sigma$ and location $\beta$, for some ...
Star's user avatar
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Non norma distribution

I have a non-normal distribution (Kilograms ~ Years), so I can't use ANOVA test to reject the null hypothesis (that the tree means are equal). There is a tendency of weight to be 100kg. Is there a way ...
Bruno Silva's user avatar
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Parametric or non parametric test

I want to compare trends of R&D expenditures before and after a crisis. I was planning to use a paired T-test or a non-parametric alternative. But, before of that, I tested the data for normality. ...
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Confused about the statistical tests to choose or any transformation to apply

I am new to the stackexchange, so please forgive me for my editing ignorance. I am confused and stuck about how to proceed further with my data. I have the following data ...
ronizidane's user avatar
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Determining differences between curves with the K-S test

I'm running an experiment where my treatments have a significant and highly sensitive effect of the distribution of a result. For example, if i alter a certain nutrient in a vegetable, the ...
user3020881's user avatar
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Why does the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test work?

In reading about the 2-sample KS test, I understand exactly what it is doing but I don't understand why it works. In other words, I can follow all the steps to compute the empirical distribution ...
Darcy's user avatar
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Confused on normality assumption

I know that the sampling distribution of the mean can be assumed to be normal if N>30, but does this have an implication on the "30" itself (the sample data)? I have three different time series with ...
janebanane's user avatar
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Prove the relation between two distribution functions

I have been given a homework in a subject called "Non-Parametric Statistics" and I'm a bit stuck with it. I would be very thankful if you could give me any advice or help, which would lead to a ...
Martin Smith's user avatar
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Derive probability distributions from i.i.d. Gumbel

I have a question on how to derive (if possible) the following probability distributions. Consider 3 random variables $(X,Y,Z)$ mutually independent and identically distributed. Specifically, $X$ is ...
Star's user avatar
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What among location, scale and shape is Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistic sensitive to and why? [closed]

I understand that the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistic for a given cumulative distribution function $F(x)$ is $D_n = \sup_x |F_n(x) - F(x)|$. However, if I have to rank its sensitivity to location, ...
GeorgeOfTheRF's user avatar
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Why use parametric test at all if non parametric tests are 'less strict'

I have read from several sources, even in my undergrad courses, that parametric tests require the data to have a certain distribution, for instance normal, whilst non-parametric don't. I have ...
user2552108's user avatar
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Type of parameter of the chi-squared distribution

Chi-squared distribution $\chi^2(k)$ has parameter $k$. On the one hand, $k$ should be the shape parameter because chi-squared distribution is a special case of Gamma distribution: $\chi^2(k) \equiv ...
Rodvi's user avatar
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Nonparametric test suggestion for distribution comparison

I am not sure if this is appropriate place to ask, but I appreciate any help on this issue. I want to compare the distributions of the results of the two experiments played by the same group of people....
user64066's user avatar
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What if half of your data is not normally distributed? [closed]

My experiment is to test the different diets (Pk, Hg, BYD & Control) in order to check the development of insect, what are the most preferred diets by insect. For this purpose, I used 3 parameters;...
Faray 's user avatar
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Possible explanations for Imputation before train-test split?

I'm working on a real world data set containing missing information. I understand imputing missing values before data partitioning can lead to leakage of information. I'm using this R package MissMech ...
NoName's user avatar
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Estimating Gamma PDF parameters from data with negative increments

Say we have collected data, and from a physical perspective we know that the collected data should increase positively with time. However the data looks more like this: This data shown in the figure ...
AnarKi's user avatar
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Closeness of 2-parametric discrete distributions when first 2 moments are matching

Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a particular 2-parameter uni-variate discrete distribution family, and let $D(\theta_1, \theta_2) \in \mathcal{D}$ be one particular distribution from this family, where $\theta_i ...
Abhiram Natarajan's user avatar
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Plotting non-parametric (E)CDF confidence envelopes for comparison

I have previously asked about a way to test whether two samples are drawn from the same distribution (Non-parametric test if two samples are drawn from the same distribution). I was very glad to learn ...
Luke Gorrie's user avatar
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Distribution (group) comparison based on PCA

I am looking for a way to compare the first the k principal components belonging to two separate groups of two-dimensional data, in order to see how similar the two groups are. I do not know which ...
MarkoF's user avatar
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Non parametric estimation/regression for conditional distribution

Context : one continuous variable $Y$ dependent on $X$ ($X$ can be anything) Linear regression, generalized linear model... focus on estimating the conditional expectation $E(Y\mid X)$. I want to ...
Benoit Sanchez's user avatar
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Which stats should I use when samples are uneven and data are not normally distributed?

My data have four groups: "A" normal group (AN), "B" normal group (BN), "A" group with a clinical diagnosis (AC) and "B" group with a clinical diagnosis (BC). They were tested on a task that included ...
Grace's user avatar
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