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Questions tagged [median]

The median is the value below which half the data or probability distribution lies - when the sample size is odd, the median is the 'middle' value of an ordered sample.

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5 vs 3 measurments of one parameter

Hellow, smart people of the internet, I have a question: We are doing a study of 170 people- where 20 parameters will be measured 3 times over 2years and the median of every parameter will be compared ...
Mila Bu's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the median of the minimum or maximum of multiple samples?

Suppose I have a variable with a known distribution, and suppose I sample that variable k times and record the minimum. If I repeat this many times, will the median of the minimum converge to a ...
bridget's user avatar
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Generate weighted median from activity per timespan

I have a set of data where I have a number of observations over the course of a year per individual. Generally speaking, I want to know the average activeness of the individuals that participated in ...
P.Weyh's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Calculate mu and sigma of a log normal distribution from p50 and p99 in javascript

I'd like to generate realistic sample data in javascript for monetary donations. I've chosen to model them as following the log normal distribution. I think a fairly intuitive way for a lay person to ...
michaelmcandrew's user avatar
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mean of medians consistently differs from median

Disclaimer: my first question here. Background of the problem: I want to compare two distributions (n1 ~ 500 and n2 ~ 700), not normal and with different variances, but roughly unimodal. I decided to ...
Paul S's user avatar
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Are there known bounds for the median of a negative binomial distribution based on its parameters?

This seems like an innocent enough question to me, but I could not find a satisfactory answer when I did some digging. The binomial distribution has a closed form median and the Poisson distribution ...
ricewhitlam's user avatar
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Distribution of medians of triplicate samples taken from Gaussian distribution

My Monte Carlo simulation seems to show that the standard deviation of the medians of triplicate samples taken from the Gaussian distribution approaches 2/3 of the SD of the original distribution. ...
Maciej Tomczak's user avatar
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Mean Index of deprivation score

I've created a python function which can return a subset of the 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation scores representing the LSOA areas within a defined radius of a certain latitude and longitude. Here'...
elksie5000's user avatar
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3 answers

Does sample size affect the value of median?

I have two groups of A and B. Group A consists of 11 people and group B of 35 people. The results of one behavioral outcome measure is higher for the group B while logically it should be the other way ...
Lily's user avatar
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9 votes
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When does positive skew imply median<mean?

For a random variable $X$, the skew is defined as $S(X):={\frac {E\overline{X}^3}{(E\overline{X}^2)^{3/2}}}$, where $\overline{X}=X-EX$. It is often claimed that positive (resp. negative) skew implies ...
2 votes
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Decision theory when distributions don't have a first moment? [closed]

Lets say that we are presented with two gambling opportunities and would like to decide between them in a decision-theoretic framework. For gamble 1, the cost is $1$ and the payoff is $X_1$ where $X_1 ...
QMath's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to calculate the median from a set of data where some of the data is sampled over unequal intervals of time?

Suppose you are measuring how much money you spend each calendar week (Monday to Sunday) over the course of March 2024 and the results are as follows: Date range Money spent ($) 03/01 to 03/03 0 03/...
SSS's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Deviation between Mean and Median

If I have a mean of 15 and median of 10, is there a term for the difference between these? Can you use this difference of 5 for anything valuable statistically?
greenguy's user avatar
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8 votes
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Median of a set with even number of elements

Consider the following sample of numbers: 9,18,11,14,15,17,10,69,11,13 Since there are 10 elements, the median of the set would be (13+14)/2 = 13.5 However, is it wrong to say that median is one of 13 ...
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Probability mass function of sample median (Bootstrap)

Consider a sample $X_1,X_2,...X_n\overset{\text{iid}}{\sim}F$. Let $T_n=F_n^{-1}(1/2)$ be the sample median where, $F^{-1}(x)=\inf\{t:F(t)\ge x\}$ and $F_n(y)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb{I}(X_i\le ...
reyna's user avatar
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