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4 votes
3 answers

Nonparametric Order Statistics - Does this Exist?

I was reading about order statistics on Wikipedia [retrieved 29 June 2022]: Apparently, if we have a sample with $k$ elements (e.g., $x_1, x_2, ..., x_k$) and assume a probability distribution for ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Deciding the Number of Clusters : Standard Methods vs. Non-Parametric Methods

I was watching this video over here ( that discussed a Non-Parametric based Bayesian approach for deciding the number of clusters in a dataset. Essentially, ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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How to estimate the probability that a single value follows the same distribution as a a set of values

This question is a possible duplicate of this one but I would like to go a bit further. I have a set of values $X=x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n$ that are iid estimates of a reference value $y$ given by a ...
Gustave Coste's user avatar
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Test to show one distribution is bigger than another

Here is a MWE of my problem: I measure the size, $S$, of 10 red apples and 32 green apples. $\bar S_\mathrm{red} = 8 \pm 1\,\mathrm{cm}$ and $\bar S_\mathrm{green} = 4 \pm 2\,\mathrm{cm}$. I want ...
Sean Mooney's user avatar
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When a function of two random variables is Gumbel?

Consider two random variables $X,Y$. Is there any example in which $X$ and $Y$ have a known parametric distribution such that $f(X,Y)$ is Gumbel with scale $\sigma$ and location $\beta$, for some ...
Star's user avatar
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Prove the relation between two distribution functions

I have been given a homework in a subject called "Non-Parametric Statistics" and I'm a bit stuck with it. I would be very thankful if you could give me any advice or help, which would lead to a ...
Martin Smith's user avatar
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Derive probability distributions from i.i.d. Gumbel

I have a question on how to derive (if possible) the following probability distributions. Consider 3 random variables $(X,Y,Z)$ mutually independent and identically distributed. Specifically, $X$ is ...
Star's user avatar
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Type of parameter of the chi-squared distribution

Chi-squared distribution $\chi^2(k)$ has parameter $k$. On the one hand, $k$ should be the shape parameter because chi-squared distribution is a special case of Gamma distribution: $\chi^2(k) \equiv ...
Rodvi's user avatar
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Estimating Gamma PDF parameters from data with negative increments

Say we have collected data, and from a physical perspective we know that the collected data should increase positively with time. However the data looks more like this: This data shown in the figure ...
AnarKi's user avatar
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Distributions of parameters

What are the traditional distributions for assigning probabilities to model parameters? For instance, assume that we have a binomial distribution: $$y \sim Bin(n,\theta)$$ Then we can distribute $\...
olejnik_'s user avatar
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Empirical probability and Dirac distribution

According to Deep Learning p.65(Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, available online): (...) This can be accomplished by defining PDF using the Dirac delta function $\delta(x)$: ...
mokebe's user avatar
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Probability that a random variable is k-th when ordered - simplification needed.

My first post... I'm trying to simplify the following problem: Let $F_e(x)$ be a continuous cdf of some distribution parametrised by $e$. Let us assume that: (a) The mean of this distribution ...
zctpf72's user avatar
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Probability of an unknown distribution

I have the sample of a variable $X$ whose distribution is unknown and I would like to know how to estimate the probability of $X$ taking some values. How can I do that? I assume that there's a non ...
Valde's user avatar
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Probability that randomly chosen value from one distribution is greater than randomly chosen value from another distribution

Say I have $n$ values sampled from two distributions, $A$ and $B$ . That is, I have a sample $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$ and a sample $B_1, B_2, \dots, B_n$. How would I go about finding $P\left(A_i>...
Jake Fisher's user avatar
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Example of parametric and non-parametric method

I have not understood this example from wikipedia. Suppose we have a sample of 99 test scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 1. If we assume all 99 test scores are random samples ...
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