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Questions tagged [feature-selection]

Methods and principles of selecting a subset of attributes for use in further modelling

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Would it be possible to use regularization methods as a feature selection method and then use machine learning models to analyses data?

My data is RNA-seq data with more than 14000 features and the problem is binary classification. Then the total sample is 50 and p>>n. When I use Elasticnet method with train and test data, the ...
Leila ali's user avatar
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I have a dataset with 18 biomarker features and a target variable. I want to find the features which are having the biggest impact on the target

I Have some disease biomarker datasets that contain 18 biomarker readings from different samples and a target variable which shows presence or absence of disease (features are both categorical and ...
Alex Keir's user avatar
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Why using mutual information is allowed for feature selection if depends on the "scale" of entropies?

It is common to use mutual information as feature selection method. However, I fail to see why this is the case, since the mutual information $I(X, Y)$ depends on both entropies $H(X)$ and $H(Y)$ via ...
ado sar's user avatar
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What is the basic difference between "feature selection" and "feature extraction" and "dimensionality reduction"? [duplicate]

What is the basic difference between "feature selection" and "feature extraction" and "dimensionality reduction"? I have one thousand features and one million samples in ...
user366312's user avatar
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How many samples should I use at minimum for successful feature selection?

Suppose I have a million samples and a thousand columns in a tabular dataset. I want to run a feature subset selection algorithm on the dataset. Loading a full dataset will overwhelm my system. So, I ...
user366312's user avatar
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How can I use a neural network to choose a subset of features from a dataset? [duplicate]

Suppose my dataset has 256 features. Right now, what I can think of is this: Create an NN model like this: a. create a sequential model b. add a Conv1D layer c. add a flatten layer d. add 1024 dense ...
user366312's user avatar
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Assessing Random Search Cross Validation: Tuning in ElasticNet with Large Feature Sets

I'm working on estimating an ElasticNet model for a large dataframe with over 100,000 variables, resulting in a well overidentified scenario. To tune my model, I've set up a grid of hyperparameters (...
george1994's user avatar
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What kind of classifiers we shouldn't use for feature selection?

Generally, I see that, for feature-selection, people use PSO as optimizer and inside the cost function, they use less powerful classifiers like SVC, Logistic regression, KNN, etc. Is there a reason ...
user366312's user avatar
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Feature selection for logistic regression and random forest (using Orange - no coding)

I’m using Orange to create a prediction model for the Indian liver patient dataset (binary target variable – either has or does not have liver disease – with 580 instances and 10 features). I’m using ...
Jess's user avatar
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Looking for a modification of variable importance in ANCOVA-type glmm

This question is about a statistical concept I think should exist. I would like to know if it has a name and hopefully an R package that will implement it. It is related to variable importance/...
IMH's user avatar
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PLS Regression on data with high number of zeros in dependent variable

I want to perform a PLS regression on a data set coming from spectral images (NIRS). My goal is to relate the different spectra to the total amount of a compound. To do this, I have a dataset ...
anttphy's user avatar
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What is the boundary curve for $λ_1$ and $λ_2$ that give at least a 0 component in elastic net?

Define the elastic net estimate: $ \hat{\beta}^{\lambda_1, \lambda_2} = \arg \min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^p} \left( \frac{1}{2n} \| y - X\beta \|_2^2 + \lambda_1 \ \frac{1}{2} \|\beta \|_2^2 + \lambda_2 ...
george1994's user avatar
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Least-bad stepwise procedure for a simulation that shows issues with stepwise regression

I am well-aware of the issues that stepwise regression causes. I want to demonstrate some of them via simulation in a particular situation. I am thinking of a regression where I have some categorical ...
Dave's user avatar
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Motivation for automated variable selection in case of p>n

I have written the following text as a motivation for using automated variable selection in cases where the number of variables (p) is greater than the number of observations (n). However, I am not ...
george1994's user avatar
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Evaluating Lasso's Unique Solution and its consequences in applications?

I've grasped from a paper ( that Lasso may not yield a unique solution when the number of variables (p) exceeds the number of observations (...
george1994's user avatar

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