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Questions tagged [estimators]

A rule for calculating an estimate of a given quantity based on observed data [Wikipedia].

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Using Rao-Blackwell to improve the estimator of P(X/Y < t)

X and Y are independent N (0, 1) random variables, we want to approximate P (X/Y ≤ t), for a fixed number t. The first part of the problem was to describe a naive Monte Carlo estimate. I described ...
stat_student123's user avatar
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What is the difference between unbiasedness, consistency and efficiency of estimators? How are these interrelated among themselves? [duplicate]

!Efficiency( Given snapshot of the book states that among the class of consistent estimators, in general, more than one consistent estimator of a ...
Parth's user avatar
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Terminology clarification about sample moments

According to MathWorld (link): "The sample raw moments are unbiased estimators of the population raw moments". While in Wikipedia (link) it is said: ...the $k$-th raw moment of a population ...
user1420303's user avatar
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Why can we get better asymptotic global estimators even for IID random variables?

Let $X_1,...,X_N$ be IID random variables sampled from a parametrised distribution $p_\theta$, and suppose my goal is to retrieve $\theta$ from these samples. We know that the MLE provides an ...
glS's user avatar
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Standard practice to show Biased CRBs

I have a problem with four-parameter estimation. I have derived the variances for the estimated parameters using Monte Carlo simulations (numerical ones) and theoretical ones using the inverse of the ...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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What is the distribution of the unbiased estimator of variance for normally distributed variables?

I must be making some mistake in my derivation of the distribution of the unbiased variance estimator for i.i.d. $X_{i} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\mu, \sigma^{2}\right)$. We have $\bar{X} =\frac{1}{n}\sum\...
YEp d's user avatar
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Demonstrating $SU=U(\sigma^2 I+D^2)$ as a Sufficient Condition in Maximum Likelihood Estimation

I am working on an exercise related to maximum likelihood estimation (in the context of principal component analysis) for the distribution $$p(x) = Gauss(b, WW^T+\sigma^2I)$$ In particular, I want to ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Degrees of freedom for estimation

In the context of estimators, why is it that in general dividing by the degrees of freedom(instead of the sample size) leads to unbiasedness? I see the value in substituting degrees of freedom for ...
secretrevaler's user avatar
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Assumptions needed for consistency of plug-in estimator

Assume $X,Z$ are random variables and let $x_0$ be a fixed number. I want to estimate $A =\mathbb{E}_{X,Z}[\frac{X}{P(X=x_0|Z)}]$. If $P(X=x_0|Z=z)$ is known for all $z$ we can apply the LLN and ...
James's user avatar
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When are mean and variance estimates uncorrelated or independent

I know that in the case of the normal distribution, the MLE estimates of the mean and the variance are independent. My impression is that this is a rare property for a distribution to have. Are there ...
Snildt's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for asymptotic efficiency of MLE

Maximum-likelihood estimators are, according to Wikipedia, asymptotically efficient, that is they achieve the Cramér-Rao bound when sample size tends to infinity. But this seems to require some ...
Luis Mendo's user avatar
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Is there a good review on complete class theorems?

I'm trying to get an overview of the various results called "complete class theorems" and their relatives, especially the ones that say things along the lines of "every admissible ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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Covariance of Best Linear Unbiased Estimators and arbitrary LUE

I'm working on a problem involving two linear unbiased estimators $T$ and $T'$ of a parameter $\theta$, defined from a sample $\{X_1, \dots, X_n\}$ with mean $\theta$ and finite variance. I aim to ...
Taha Rhaouti's user avatar
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Distribution of $F_n^{-1}(3/4)-F_n^{-1}(1/4)$ [closed]

Given $X_1,X_2,...X_n\overset{\text{iid}}{\sim}F$, find the distribution of the sample inter quartile range, $F_n^{-1}(3/4)-F_n^{-1}(1/4)$ in terms of $F$ where, $F_n$ is the emperical distribution ...
reyna's user avatar
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Probability mass function of sample median (Bootstrap)

Consider a sample $X_1,X_2,...X_n\overset{\text{iid}}{\sim}F$. Let $T_n=F_n^{-1}(1/2)$ be the sample median where, $F^{-1}(x)=\inf\{t:F(t)\ge x\}$ and $F_n(y)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb{I}(X_i\le ...
reyna's user avatar
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