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Is there a good review on complete class theorems?

I'm trying to get an overview of the various results called "complete class theorems" and their relatives, especially the ones that say things along the lines of "every admissible ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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Showing that the estimator of the log posterior used in stochastic gradient MCMC is unbiased

In the SGLD paper as well as in this paper it is claimed (paraphrasing) that the following estimator: $$\widetilde{U}(\theta) = -\dfrac{|\mathcal{S}|}{|\widetilde{\mathcal{S}}|} \sum_{{x}\in \...
Tan's user avatar
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Large samples property of bayes procedures

I was reading through Wasserman's All of Statistics and I came across this property in the Bayesian statistics chapter: I think I don't really get what is supposed to be the intuition behind it, and ...
DeadKarlMarx's user avatar
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Best estimate of conditional probability P(C|A and B) from P(C|A) and P(C|B)?

Assume I have three events A, B, and C, and I know the following probabilities: Scenario 1: $P(A)$ and $P(B)$ $P(C|A)$ and $P(C|B)$ Scenario 2: I additionally know $P(C)$. I am looking for $P(C|A\...
Remirror's user avatar
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Bayesian Learning: Finding the variance of noise

Suppose $x_i \sim N(10,4)$ - ie, the distribution is known. There is a noisy signal $s_i \sim N(x_i, \sigma_e^2)$ and I want to estimate $\sigma_e$. I see some pairs ($s_i, x_i$) but they are not '...
user20380762's user avatar
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Reduce Variance of monte carlo estimator using guess of mean

Suppose you have a random variable $X$ and black-box function $f$. Suppose you also have prior estimates $m$ and $s$ of the mean and standard deviation of $f(X)$. How can we use this prior information ...
MeowBlingBling's user avatar
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Let $X_1,\dots, X_n$ be random sample from $Bernoulli(p)$. Which estimator is better?

Let $X_1,\dots, X_n$ be random sample from $Bernoulli(p)$. Compare the risks of the squared loss of two estimators of $p$: $$ \hat{p}_1=\bar{X}, \, \hat{p}_2=\frac{n\bar{X}+\alpha}{\alpha+\beta+n} $$...
Hermi's user avatar
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Are bias and variance used as metrics to evaluate estimators in Bayesian inference?

Consider the parameter $\theta$, which is a deterministic unknown in the frequentist paradigm. Given a random variable $X \sim p_X(x ; \theta)$, consider the estimator $\Theta(X)$ of $\theta$, and the ...
mhdadk's user avatar
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Minimax estimator for geometric distribution

I'm trying to solve this problem: Let $X$ be a single sample from Geo($p$) where $p ∈ (0, 1)$. Find a minimax estimator for $p$ under the loss $L(p, δ(x)) = (p−δ(x))^2/ p(1−p)$ . I'm trying to put ...
user115608's user avatar
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What is Bayes estimator of $\theta$ when loss function is $L(\theta,a)=I(|\theta -a|>\delta)$?

Suppose $X$ given $\theta$ has pdf $f(x\mid \theta)=e^{-(x-\theta)}I(x>\theta)$ and there is a standard Cauchy prior on $\theta$. As part of an exercise, I am trying to find a Bayes estimator of $\...
StubbornAtom's user avatar
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Find posterior distribution and Bayes estimator [duplicate]

Suppose that an observation $x \in (-1,1)$ comes from a sample model with a parameter $\theta$, with density function: $$ f(x\mid\theta) = \begin{cases} \theta\ &\text{if }\ -1 < x < 0\\ ...
Uyen Pham's user avatar
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MMSE estimator with dirac delta prior pdf

The question is as follows, it's mainly part 3 that I was having problem with. A discrete-valued parameter with the prior pdf $$p(x) = > \sum_{i=1}^2p_i\delta(x-i)$$ is measured with the additive ...
square potato's user avatar
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Estimating the $\chi^2$-divergence with Monte Carlo: which distribution to sample from?

Notation: let the $\chi^2$-divergence between $p, q$ be defined as $$\chi^2 (p||q) := \int \left ( \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} \right )^2 q(x)\mathrm{d}x -1 = \int \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} p(x)\mathrm{d}x - 1. $$ ...
fool's user avatar
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Find Bayesian estimator for $e^{\theta}$

Given $\{Y_i\}_n\sim U(\theta-1,\theta+1)$ and prior distribution $\theta\sim U(a,b),1\leq a<b$ is the posterior distribution conjugate? Find the absolute error estimator for $e^{\theta}$ and ...
convxy's user avatar
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Robustness of MAP estimate

In Bayesian inference, we have a dataset $x$ and assumed to come from a known parameterized distribution with unknown parameters $\theta$. We then seek to maximize the posterior $P(\theta|x)$ in order ...
900edges's user avatar
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