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Mathematical Step for consistency

Let me state my problem from the beginning: Let $i$ be an index representing countries ($i = {1,2,\ldots,N }$), and $t$ represent time, denoted as available data for country $i$ ($t = {1,2,\ldots,T_i }...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Variations of Correlation Coefficient of Simple Linear Regression with Estimators [duplicate]

Suppose we are using an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator of $\alpha_{0}$ and $\alpha_{1}$ for the simple linear regression below: $$ H_{i} = \alpha_{0} + \alpha_{1}X_{i} + \epsilon_{i} $$ How ...
Plesiozaurus's user avatar
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Estimating ratio of regression coefficients

What is the best method of estimating a ratio of regression coefficients $\beta_1/\beta_2$ under the usual assumptions / in practice? I have two relatively well approximated signals $X_1, X_2$ and ...
Magemathician's user avatar
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Least squares more efficient than maximum likelihood?

I have synthetic data which is sampled from a non-central chi distribution (similar to what is obtained experimentally). I am fitting a non-linear model to this data to extract three parameters of ...
user2551700's user avatar
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In OLS, does the uncorrelatedness between regressors and residuals require a constant?

I'm reading this PDF. It shows how to obtain the OLS estimator and its properties. It is said that from the normal equations we obtain $X' e = 0$. Where $X$ is the design matrix and $e$ is the vector ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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How did we derive the least square estimator using OLS?

How does multiplying a matrix with its transpose equal "minimizing" it? When calculating the partial derivative, where does the X' come from? Why setting the value of third equation to 0 is ...
Shamim's user avatar
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Consistency of a simple estimator for $y_i = \beta_1 x_i + u_i$

Let $y_i = \beta_1 x_i + u_i$ for $i=1,2,..,n$. If I define $$\hat \beta_1 = \frac{y_1 + y_n}{x_1 + x_n}$$ then whether my $\hat \beta_1$ will be consistent or not in this setup? For my estimator to ...
Ujjwal's user avatar
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Does a linear regression assume that the (unconditional) predictor data is i.i.d?

Say I have a linear, cross sectional relationship - $y_{i}=x_{i}b+e_{i}$. Where $E(e_{i}|X_{j})=0$ for all relevant $i,j$. Given this, one can prove that the OLS estimator is unbiased. However, ...
user121416's user avatar
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OLS estimator question: using a subset versus using a dummy-interacted variables

Suppose that we are interested in the following model: $$y_i=\beta_1+\beta_2x_{i2}+\beta_3x_{i3}+u_i$$ Here, there is a dummy variable $d_i$. I am wondering whether the following estimators are ...
M.C. Park's user avatar
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Do robust estimators like M-estimator still have higher variance than OLS in presence of non-normal errors and/or outliers?

In my studies I've learned that even with non-normality of the errors, the OLS estimator is still considered BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator). The texts also suggested using M and L estimators ...
wwyws's user avatar
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Can you explain LINEAR in BLUE?

I have hard time understanding the LINEAR part. Found something like this: Linear property of OLS estimator means that OLS belongs to that class of estimators, which are linear in Y, the dependent ...
Retko's user avatar
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How can I derive OLS predicted error term ^ei as a function of ei?

First of all, I'd like to say that any kind of help would be really helpful, whether it's a hint or a good grad/undergrad book. Right now I'm working with Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and ...
K A's user avatar
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Instrumental variables - OLS - estimation

I have a question regarding the OLS estimation, in the case of an estimation with instrumental variables: We assume the linear model $𝒚= 𝑿\beta+𝒖$ with $Z$ = instrumental variables. Multiplying the ...
Joe94's user avatar
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Proof of invariant angle between $Y$ and $\hat Y$ in $L^2$ regularisation

On this site is the following question which claims that the $L^2$ regularised OLS preserves the angle between $\hat Y$ and $Y$ irrespective of the value $\lambda$. I have not found any source that ...
Ice Tea's user avatar
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Asymptotic efficiency of estimators of autoregressive models

Are OLS or MLE estimators of autoregressive model asymptotically efficient if errors are i.i.d? Consider the case of an AR(1) model $$x_t=\alpha x_{t-1} + \epsilon_t$$ with $\epsilon_t$ ~ $i.i.d. N(0,\...
Oragonof's user avatar

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