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9 votes
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Adjusted R2 and bias

Consider the population $R^2$: \begin{equation} \rho^2 = 1- \frac{\sigma^{2}_u}{\sigma^{2}_y} \end{equation} This equation describes the proportion of the variation in $y$ in the population explained ...
Dimitru's user avatar
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4 votes
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Mathematical Step for consistency

Let me state my problem from the beginning: Let $i$ be an index representing countries ($i = {1,2,\ldots,N }$), and $t$ represent time, denoted as available data for country $i$ ($t = {1,2,\ldots,T_i }...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Difference in differences to estimate differential impact of treatment?

I'm having some trouble thinking through the implementation of difference-in-differences / if DD is the best approach to use when I am comparing two groups who are both treated, but which I ...
stats_novice's user avatar
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I am looking for a method to estimate a threshold function for binary outcome data

A literature search yielded no obvious answers, so I wonder here if there any feasible methods to estimate the following. Suppose I have data $Y_i, \vec X_i$ indexed by $i = 1, \cdots, N$. Note that $...
Eyeconoclastic's user avatar
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Asymptotic property of estimators

I'm studying the asymptotic properties of estimators. Let $\{ \hat{\theta}_T : T=1,2,3... \}$ be a sequence of estimators of the $p \times1$ vector $\theta \in \Theta $, and $T$ is the sample size. ...
John M.'s user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do we know the true value of a parameter, in order to check estimator properties?

For example, we say that an estimator is unbiased if the expected value of the estimator is the true value of the parameter we're trying to estimate. However, if we already know the true value of the ...
Angelos Koulas's user avatar
3 votes
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Delta Method around zero is a N(0, 0)

I have this problem: $\sqrt N \hat{\theta} \sim N(0, V)$ where $E(\hat{\theta}) = \theta_{0} = 0$. I must find the asymthotic distribution of $\frac{N}{V}\hat{\theta}^{2}$ but if I use the Delta ...
HolParadise's user avatar
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Consistency of OLS estimator with unobservable variable

Suppose I have the next model $Y_i = \alpha_i + \beta_i X_i + u_i$ where $u_i - N(0,\sigma^2)$ and $\alpha_i$ is unobservable, also $E(X_i \alpha_i) \neq 0$ My OLS estimator for $\beta_i$ is $\hat{\...
Diego's user avatar
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GLS estimator - derivation

I'm stuck with the following question: Given the model $$Y_t=\alpha+\beta X_t+u_t\,,$$ where the standard assumptions hold but $Eu_t^2=\sigma^2 X_t^2$, derive the GLS estimator. Basically, all Gauss ...
Maximilian's user avatar
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How to prove that $\hat\theta_n$ is a consistent estimator of $\theta$ if and only if $a_n \rightarrow \infty $ as $ n \rightarrow \infty$

Suppose that $\hat\theta_n, n \in \mathbb{N}$, is a sequene of estimators of $\theta \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $$a_n (\hat\theta_n - \theta) \xrightarrow{d} \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$$ for some ...
asd7's user avatar
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Econometrics: How to Derive the OLS Estimators of a log-log model

Consider the following two simple linear model specifications: $log(y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1log(x) + u$ $(1)$ $log(y/x) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1log(x) + v$ $(2)$ where y and x are two random variables for ...
Anthony Michael Yacub's user avatar
2 votes
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Compare the variances of restricted and unrestricted estimators?

Problem Given a linear model $y_i = \beta_1 + \beta_2 x_i +\epsilon_i, \quad i = 1, \dots, n$ I need to compare the variance ordinary least squares estimator of $\beta_2$ without the restrictions and ...
Bruh's user avatar
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What determines the precision of my estimator?

I suppose I want to run the following regression: $$y_{ist} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \tau_{st} + \beta_2 T_t + \beta_3 \tau_{st} T_t + \epsilon_{ist} $$ $\tau_{st}$ is my continuous treatment variable. ...
Arthur Carvalho Brito's user avatar
3 votes
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Use of Weighting Matrix (GMM)

While conducting estimation via the Generalised Method of Moments, or GMM, I understand that we need to minimise the following expression: $Q_n(\theta)=g_n(\theta)'W_ng_n(\theta)$ Where $g_n(\theta)$...
Student's user avatar
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How to prove variance of OLS estimator in matrix form?

I am reading Wooldridge's Introductory Econometrics (2000), don't judge me, old version = cheap second hand book, and in the page P94 Theorem 3.2 of Multiple Regression Analysis, it says that: $$ Var(...
SayMyNameHeisenberg's user avatar

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