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Questions tagged [player-communication]

For questions on out-of-character communication between players, or between GM(s) and players.

191 votes
10 answers

How does a player correct a GM mistake without being a rules lawyer or pushover?

You are playing in a game. The GM says that you need to roll a given roll. The rules clearly state something different. I realize one solution is to go along to get along, then tell the GM after the ...
Pulsehead's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

What are the benefits of using the X Card safety tool in comparison to plain communication?

I am aware that this question may come across as ignorant or as an attempt at trolling. While I cannot prove it, I hope enough people believe that this question was asked in good faith and with the ...
Lucas F.'s user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What are the key features of Stars and Wishes?

Stars and Wishes are a system of positive critique that has been included in the TTRPG-Toolkit since around 2020 and got some references on the stack. It seems to be all about giving feedback to the ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 45.1k
82 votes
7 answers

How can I get a player to accept that they should stop trying to pull stunts without thinking them through first?

How can I get a player to accept that they should stop trying to pull stunts without thinking them through first? To explain the issue, one of the players in my game wants to assassinate a high-...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

How can I present an "unsolvable right now" puzzle without frustrating my players?

I think me and my players are quite fond of puzzles in our TTRPGs, me designing them and they solving them. Last session I presented them with a puzzle that was unsolvable “at the moment”. I thought ...
Helwar's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

My GM is creating situations that I feel are ruining my experience

That does sound a bit harsh, but let me explain. We have been gaming for a few years now in this group. We do have fun, but lately I have been noticing a recurring factor that is impacting on my ...
Ben's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

How do I, as a player, encourage my fellow players to role play?

I am a player in a group of 5 +1 dm. Three of them are wonderful, as well as the DM. They role play, provide commentary, and are great sports when it comes to the game. The last two are a bit more ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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19 votes
11 answers

Encouraging out-of-the-box thinking in combat encounters

I'm a GM currently running D&D 3.5. I try to think of situations that present the players with a number of possible solutions. The players, however, always resort to the same pattern of killing ...
Heather's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How do I handle a table mixing up the DM and the players' roles too often?

So, after some time I came back to playing live (not online) RPG because a friend of mine, who is used to D&D 3.5, asked me to help him with a 5e table where almost all the players are new to D&...
HellSaint's user avatar
  • 37.1k
5 votes
3 answers

How to handle the party that doesn't trust you?

A problem with my character is that the party doesn't trust him at all. Background My character, a Cavalier, was hired by the Council (made up of noble men and women from across the kingdom) to ...
pop009876's user avatar
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50 votes
8 answers

How to communicate to my GM that not being allowed to use stealth isn't fun for me?

I started with a group some times ago a new campaign. I made a thief that used a bow and was very very stealth based (level 3 thief having +21 on stealth with all effects applied). The intent was ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Should I discuss the type of campaign with my players?

The campaign I’m preparing is designed to give the illusion of choice via side quests and an open world (not really open), but with a main story line that will be pushed into them sooner or later. The ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
31 votes
10 answers

Roleplay pacing in non-combat situations

I am running the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus module and my players are taking very long to approach certain situations. To set an example: There is a gate with two guards who are checking ...
Rafael Lambelin's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

How to deal with a group of passive and non descriptive players?

I run a D&D 5e game for my SO and her family. They are all first time players and agreed to try it on my behalf. The group consists of: Me (25M) DM My SO (25F) Her father (54M) Her mother (49F) ...
mathi1651 's user avatar
25 votes
10 answers

How do I help my players stay engaged (with the game and each other) at the table?

I GM a long-running Pathfinder campaign, and for some time now I've been noticing our group fall into a familiar pattern of lethargy, where only one player engages with me at a time and the rest seem ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
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