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13 votes
2 answers

How do I tell my DM that dice don’t need to dictate the story?

So while I like my DM, it's kind of hard to say that our game has a consistent story and that she legit decides everything on dice rolls. Oh you want to persuade that character? Yeah, that depends on ...
Astral bard.'s user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Should I quit my D&D game because my DM still is showing favoritism? [closed]

Okay to start off, I'm friends with my DM and the other player in our small campaign. I adore them a lot. The DM is nice but maybe a little sensitive to criticism. This group currently is the only way ...
Rootbeerfloats's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

How to deal with a GM who favors other players

I have seen plenty of GMs write about how to deal with problem players, and I suppose I should ask about a GM who favors some players over others. It's only natural if you have a more rich backstory ...
Anonymous Player's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

What to do about a GM that does not allow for out-of-character discussion?

My GM tries to keep the game moving by not allowing for in-party discussion or out-of-character questions or remarks. For example, our party travels across town to an NPC's place with the intention ...
Luck's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How do I encourage my GM to relax her grip on the story and let the players have some free will?

I've been playing a number of different games with the same core group of friends for years now. We meet once a week with the occasional exception. For the last few months, one of our players has ...
DWShore's user avatar
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50 votes
8 answers

How to communicate to my GM that not being allowed to use stealth isn't fun for me?

I started with a group some times ago a new campaign. I made a thief that used a bow and was very very stealth based (level 3 thief having +21 on stealth with all effects applied). The intent was ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

The other players in my D&D party keep ignoring me. How can I get the other players and DM to consider my input equally?

I wanna preface this whole thing by saying that some of my party get along well and interact with the story - not to mention that outside of the campaign, I get along great with the other players. ...
slug_meat's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

My GM is creating situations that I feel are ruining my experience

That does sound a bit harsh, but let me explain. We have been gaming for a few years now in this group. We do have fun, but lately I have been noticing a recurring factor that is impacting on my ...
Ben's user avatar
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59 votes
12 answers

How can I tell the DM that I wasn't having fun and that I fault him for it?

Yesterday I was playing a one-shot DnD 5e and didn't expect that I would become salty. The Adventure The one-shot started at level 5 and I made a Sharpshooter\Fighter and my character was Neutral Good....
Medo's user avatar
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27 votes
8 answers

How to handle a boring campaign (as a player)

I've been tabletop-ing with a longtime group of friends (Shadowrun, but it doesn't really matter). I've been having fun, I suppose, but we are five sessions in and there is still no semblance of a ...
flazzo's user avatar
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191 votes
10 answers

How does a player correct a GM mistake without being a rules lawyer or pushover?

You are playing in a game. The GM says that you need to roll a given roll. The rules clearly state something different. I realize one solution is to go along to get along, then tell the GM after the ...
Pulsehead's user avatar
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