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11 votes
4 answers

Should I quit my D&D game because my DM still is showing favoritism? [closed]

Okay to start off, I'm friends with my DM and the other player in our small campaign. I adore them a lot. The DM is nice but maybe a little sensitive to criticism. This group currently is the only way ...
Rootbeerfloats's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

What to do when I'm forced to make battle decisions by other players?

I've been playing a campaign in which there have been a few instances in battles where I feel like I'm being forced to make some non-optimal moves in battle by the rest of the PC group. For example me ...
user66539's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Dealing with an extreme player reaction to a PC choice

Preface We are playing Savage Worlds. My character is an ex-military dishonorable discharge that was granted an opportunity to waive the charge by volunteering for a Black Operation service term ...
Ben's user avatar
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21 votes
8 answers

Accepting criticism as a DM

I've been running two campaigns as a DM for about 7 or 8 months at this point. I've been running it with 2 different groups. The problem that I'm facing, currently, is the perception, from some ...
Mousedorff's user avatar
50 votes
7 answers

How do you balance a group with both charismatic players who enjoy role-playing and introverted players who don't?

I have been involved with RPGs in general for a long time, but have only been involved with tabletop RPGs (like D&D 5e, currently) for a year or so. In my current game (D&D 5e), I play a ...
Jun Kang's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

How to deal with a player who makes bad characters and kills them?

This is kind of a two part question, firstly about the bad character thing and secondly wrangling table drama. For context, I am currently DMing D&D 5e Curse of Strahd, with 5 players. Some of you ...
Baja Blast's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How do I handle a table mixing up the DM and the players' roles too often?

So, after some time I came back to playing live (not online) RPG because a friend of mine, who is used to D&D 3.5, asked me to help him with a 5e table where almost all the players are new to D&...
HellSaint's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What should I discuss with my DM prior to my first game?

I'm new to D&D and am making my first character for a home game. What should I discuss with my DM prior to my first game? And what do I need their permission for? Classes, races and sub-races I ...
Undead-bedhead's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do I get my players to communicate with me?

I've been GMing for a few months and have run two campaigns. In each of these campaigns, people have ended up leaving because of problems I could have fixed if I knew what was going on. So how do I ...
Waubbafet's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How can I best deal with this player conflict?

I am new to being a DM. A few months back, three of my friends wanted to play D&D for the first time so I offered to be the DM. Everything was going fine until our most recent night. Basically we ...
user avatar
191 votes
10 answers

How does a player correct a GM mistake without being a rules lawyer or pushover?

You are playing in a game. The GM says that you need to roll a given roll. The rules clearly state something different. I realize one solution is to go along to get along, then tell the GM after the ...
Pulsehead's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Player Agenda - how to keep people happy at the table

There have been many attempts to classify player types and what they seek to get from play sessions - for instance, this WotC marketing survey and this article on the RPGNET wiki on Creative Agenda. ...