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Questions tagged [spin-chains]

One dimensional quantum systems which can either be multiple discrete spin particles or their continuum limit.

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Difference between boundary conditions in thermodynamic limit

Consider a model for a spin chain. I somehow am able to find a general formula for the expectation value of some observable in both periodic and open boundary conditions. ie., under PBC, I have $\...
Souroy's user avatar
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Are strong correlations of boundary spins possible in the absence of long-range order in the bulk?

Question about one-dimensional models with short range interaction of quantum spins, such as transverse Ising and Heisenberg models. Are there any examples when, in the ground state of the system, the ...
Gec's user avatar
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Example of an injective matrix product state (MPS)

I am struggling to understand what is an injective matrix product state (MPS). From the definition, it is said that an injective MPS $|M(A)\rangle$is one where the tensor $A$ has a projector $P(A)$ ...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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What is the Haldane gap?

The Haldane Phase is a topological phase of matter in which a Haldane gap opens due to the breaking of either time-reversal symmetry or inversion symmetry. Physically speaking, what is the "...
MrDoppler's user avatar
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Why is the excitation energy of antiferro 1/2 spin XXZ chain associated with the $\psi_{n+2}$ and $\psi_{n-2}$

I do not understand the equation on page 5 of nagaoso's book "quantum field theory in strongly correlated electronic systems". The Hamiltonian is shown in this form $H=\frac{J_\bot}{2}\sum_{...
Shihchia's user avatar
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What is the appropriate 'Page Value' for entanglement entropy in a symmetry sector, say for example with a $U(1)$ symmetry?

Don Page derived the formula for the average entropy of a subsystem of a quantum system (assumed to be in a pure state), if the system is partitioned into two subsystems of dimensions $m$ and $n$, ...
Tanmay Bhore 's user avatar
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Transforming spin operators into fermionic operators and finding their anticommutation relations

The Jordan-Wigner transformation (JWT) is a method used in quantum mechanics to map spin operators, which are typically associated with spin-1/2 particles, to fermionic operators, which describe ...
amirhoseyn Asghari's user avatar
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Gap of the XXZ model in fixed magnetisation sectors

I am wondering whether it is known, or whether it can easily seen from the Bethe ansatz solution, what the gap of the spin-1/2 XXZ model of finite size $N$ with periodic boundary conditions ($H=\sum\...
lm1909's user avatar
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Can the edge degeneracy in spin-$2$ AKLT go away on an arbitrarily small $SO(3)$-symmetric bulk perturbation?

I am learning about SPTs, or symmetry-protected-topological phases. There is a rich structure in antiferromagnetic spin chains. The Heisenberg point is gapless in half-integer-spin antiferromagnets ...
user196574's user avatar
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Can a $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry generated by $\prod_{i} \sigma^x_i$ and $\prod_{i} \sigma^z_i$ be broken in a spin-$1/2$ chain?

I am interested in understanding patterns of spontaneous symmetry breaking in spin chains. I want to understand what happens when I have "competing" orders, like symmetry breaking orders ...
user196574's user avatar
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Jordan-Wigner transformation in transverse field Ising model

Jordan-Wigner transformation provides an exact solution for transverse field Ising model in both the ferromagnetic phase and the paramagnetic phase. Yet this seems to imply that in both phases, the ...
Tianchuang Luo's user avatar
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What is the signal of a spin wave?

From what I understand, for example in the Ising model, we can probe the correlation function via neutron scattering, and the correlation function gives the magnetic susceptibility for the system. Is ...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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Why is $H = J \sum_i (S^x_i S^x_{i+1} + S^y_iS^y_{i+1})$ always gapless for any spin $S$?

In the following I have in mind antiferromagnetic spin chains in periodic boundary conditions on a chain of even length $L$. Consider the spin-$S$ spin chain $$H = J \sum_{i=1}^L (S^x_i S^x_{i+1} + S^...
user196574's user avatar
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Relative Sign In XXZ Chain

This is a relatively simple question that I just want confirmation on. In literature, I have seen 2 ways of writing the Heisenberg XXZ Chain: 1.) $H = -J \sum_{n=1}^{N}\left(S_n^xS_{n+1}^x+ S_n^yS_{n+...
tumm's user avatar
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Phase transitions in the XXZ model

Consider the one-dimensional quantum XXZ model defined by the Hamiltonian: $$ H = J \sum_{i} \left (X_i X_{i+1} + Y_i Y_{i+1} + \Delta Z_i Z_{i+1} \right). $$ First, let us focus at zero ...
PhysicsNerd's user avatar
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Parity of a 1d Ising model, and with higher order terms

I don't know if this should be asked here or in a math stack exchange, but I'll try here first. Consider the classical 1d Ising model with periodic boundary condition: \begin{equation} H_2 (\vec{\...
Jun_Gitef17's user avatar
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Can the hybridization of edge states in the 1D SSH model be observed numerically?

So I was reading the lecture notes by Asboth on topological insulators . In the first chapter the SSH model is discussed : $H_{SSH} = \sum_{i = 1}^N v|i,A\rangle \langle i,B | + h.c. + \sum_{i = 1}^{N-...
Sayan Mondal's user avatar
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Is there a name for a Heisenberg-like model, but instead of the ZZ operator, we have one that favor only spin-up-spin-up configurations?

I understand that the Quantum Heisenberg XXZ model in 1D has the form: $$\hat H = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j=1}^{N} (J_x \sigma_j^x \sigma_{j+1}^x + J_y \sigma_j^y \sigma_{j+1}^y + J_z \sigma_j^z \sigma_{j+1}...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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A simple calculation in the XXX spin chain

I am currently studying the XXX Heisenberg spin chain using the Bethe ansatz. I am working in the string hypothesis and I am having troubles deriving a simple expression for Fourier transformation of ...
Truth and Beauty and Hatred's user avatar
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Example of first-order quantum phase transitions between two gapped phases with unique ground state in local 1d spin chain without extra symmetry

I'm trying to better understand first-order phase transitions in local, 1d quantum systems, particularly spin chains. I realized that I don't have a strong understanding of what's possible and ...
user196574's user avatar
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Generating Matrix Product States from a (random) vector

I try to decomposite an arbitrary quantum state into a matrix product state. For this i follow this paper by U. Schollwöck where especially section 4.1.3 is relevant. So far I did the following: ...
Luc4aa's user avatar
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Mathematical meaning for Algebraic Bethe Ansatz

I'm a mathematician who's trying to understand the meaning of Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. What I understood is that when dealing with quantum integrable models (like XXZ Heisenberg spin chain), one is ...
BlueCharlie's user avatar
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Limit of solving the 1D Heisenberg chain to find the dynamics numerically

I am trying to simulate the dynamics of a 1D Heisenberg chain using Python. I am going step-by-step. There is an external magnetic field along +Z direction. At first we consider a single classical ...
QuestionTheAnswer's user avatar
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Time reversal symmetry and Bosonization

Bosonization of Spin 1/2s to fields $\phi(x)$, $\theta(x)$ is defined as (Ref: 'Quantum Physics in 1-D' by Giamarchi): $S^z(x)=\frac{-1}{\pi}\nabla\phi(x)+\frac{(-1)^x}{\pi a}\cos 2\phi(x)$, $S^x(x)=\...
Barry's user avatar
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How non-local can the interactions be for Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) to still work?

I know that Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) / Tensor Networks (TN) work well for local Hamiltonians, where on each site I have a fermion or boson, which only have nearest-neighbor ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Coupling two Ising chains via an energy-energy interaction

Consider the transverse-field Ising model on a chain with periodic boundary conditions: $$ H = -\sum_{i=1}^{L} \sigma_{i}^z \sigma_{i+1}^z + h \sigma_{i}^x$$ There's a phase transition at $h=1$, which ...
user196574's user avatar
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Mapping a 1D quantum Ising chain to a 2-dimensional classical Ising system

Going through Ref. 1 (I'll stick with the book's equation numbering), I'm learning about the mapping of quantum systems into classical systems. First of all let me briefly recap notation and some ...
Mr. Feynman's user avatar
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Symmetry Protected Topology and Edge Modes

I have a spin 1/2 chain with open boundary conditions described by Hamiltonian $H=\sum_i \sigma_{2i}^z \sigma_{2i+1}^z$. From $H$ it's clear that boundary sites are decoupled from the rest of the ...
Barry's user avatar
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Ground state energy of infinite Heisenberg XXX model with open or periodic boundary conditions equal?

I was wondering if there is anywhere a formal proof that shows that the ground state energy of a Heisenberg XXX model with periodic boundary conditions becomes equal to the ground state energy with ...
user1792605's user avatar
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Tunneling lowers the energy of a ground state superposition of spins up and down in the quantum Ising model

Considering an Ising model in the quantum scenario in quantum spatial dimension d=1 (that corresponds to classical D=2=d+1 dimension). Starting with the Ising model hamiltonian under the approximation ...
Cuntista's user avatar
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