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Questions tagged [specific-reference]

Use this tag for questions seeking a single specific paper or a short, non-open-ended list of references, like "What paper first discovered X?", "Where can I find the original derivation of X?", or "What is the canonical source for X?" etc. Also for requests for hard-to-find electronic copies of resources when the exact reference is known. NOT TO BE USED for generic requests for resources (use [resource-recommendation] for that).

106 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
12 votes
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Lower bounds on spectral gaps of ferromagnetic spin-1/2 XXX Hamiltonians?

Question. Are there any references or techniques which can be applied to obtain energy gaps for ferromagnetic XXX spin-1/2 Hamiltonians, on general interaction graphs, or tree-graphs? I'm interested ...
Niel de Beaudrap's user avatar
7 votes
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Did anybody film Feynman's explanation of Bell's Theorem?

About 40 years ago, Feynman presented a physics colloquium at MIT. I was there. His main talk was pretty forgettable (even geniuses have off days), but when he finished early he said "OK, let me ...
7 votes
0 answers

1-form formulation of quantized electromagnetism

In a perpetual round of reformulations, I've put quantized electromagnetism into a 1-form notation. I'm looking for references that do anything similar, both to avoid reinventing the wheel and perhaps ...
Peter Morgan's user avatar
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Schuller Quantum Theory Problem Sheets

Does anyone have the problem sheets from Schuller's lectures "Lectures on Quantum Theory"? Or does anyone know a way how to obtain them? I tried emailing Schuller, but no reply.
6 votes
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Experimental tests of Cluster Decmposition

How tight are experimental and astrophysical tests on whether Cluster Decomposition is satisfied at various space-like separations? Is there a review paper or a standard reference on the question? I ...
Peter Morgan's user avatar
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Known properties of a specific class of quantum states

Recently, I have been studying a quantum protocol for the "Hidden Matching" problem that makes use of states that can be expressed as $$|\psi\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^n (-1)^{x_i}|i\rangle$$...
Juan Miguel Arrazola's user avatar
6 votes
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Status of large-scale structure formation within cosmology today

Since the CMB results of the past decade, would it be fair to say that the consensus among cosmologists is that cosmic strings are no longer considered as a (major) source for density perturbations? ...
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K3 gravitational instanton

Could you please recommend a sufficiently elementary introduction to K3 gravitational instanton in general relativity and the problem of finding its explicit form? Under 'sufficiently elementary' I ...
just-learning's user avatar
5 votes
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Advanced quantum field theory by David Tong

In his freely available lectures on Gauge Theories and String Theory, David Tong makes multiple references to a course called Advanced Quantum Field Theory (in particular, the Faddeev-Popov trick ...
5 votes
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On the construction of atomic kernels

Can anybody point me to an English translation of Heisenberg’s three part paper Über den Bau der Atomkerne? Failing that, can you point me to a non-paywalled German version of part III? I have parts ...
John Duffield's user avatar
5 votes
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What does $\text{VAC}$ mean in Weinberg's QFT?

Hopefully Weinberg is sufficiently popular that this question isn't too localized. I'm reading Volume II (16.1, p. 63) and he refers to the state $\lvert\text{VAC}\rangle$ quite a lot. Does this mean ...
Edward Hughes's user avatar
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(Why) Can we simply assume a given alignment of VEVs?

In GUT theories, one often assumes that Higgs fields take VEVs in given representations, of a given magnitude at a given scale. While I am well aware that this is one of the weak spots in such ...
Neuneck's user avatar
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An introductory resource for learning AdS space

Can someone please point me to introductory resources about the geometry of Anti DeSitter Space ? What are some examples of other spaces used in theoretical physics ?.I'm learning Differential ...
5 votes
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Can the Lamb shift be expressed in more-or-less closed form in terms of the renormalized 2-, 3-,...,n-point VEVs of QED?

I see here that there are three contributions to the Lamb shift, from vacuum polarization (-27 MHz), from electron mass renormalization(+1017 MHz), and from the anomalous magnetic moment (+68 MHz). ...
Peter Morgan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Frederic Schuller lecture notes

I saw that Frederic Schuller gave a lecture on statistical physics almost 10 years ago. Does anyone have the corresponding lecture notes? Unfortunately, the link https://eswirdeinskriptgeben.wordpress....

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