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Can there be an **essential topic** in physics which cannot be archimedean? [closed]

In physics it seems everything is explained with $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$ typed entitites. Is there anything in or that would be in future in physics that would need the utility of $p$-adics in an ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Wannier's solution of the Landau-Zener problem

It is said that Wannier had a very simple solution of the Landau-Zener problem. His paper is on Physics 1, 251 (1965). Apparently this journal is closed and I cannot find the paper online. Does ...
John's user avatar
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Helicity for Zero Rest Mass Field Equations

I'm trying to reconcile the usual definition of the helicity operator, namely $$ h = \hat{p}.S$$ with the definition of a massless helicity $n$ field as a symmetric spinor field $\phi^{A\dots B}$ ...
Edward Hughes's user avatar
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Question about the HVZ theorem

In this paper1 the authors cite the HVZ theorem2 saying that it follows from the method used by M. Reed & B. Simon without modifications; I don't really understand this point. Is there anyone who ...
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Electric potential of a spheroidal gaussian

I'm looking for results that compute the electrostatic potential due to a spheroidal gaussian distribution. Specifically, I'm looking for solutions of equations of the form $$ \nabla^2\Phi=N\exp\left({...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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Equations of fluid dynamics and differential geometry [closed]

Where can I look for equations of fluid motion written in terms of nifty things from differential geometry like exterior derivative, Hodge dual, musical isomorphism? Preferably both with and without ...
Yrogirg's user avatar
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Group rings in Physics

In my institute a few mathematicians work on Group Ring. Since it has close connection with representation theory, I thought that there must be some interesting connections of it with Physics. However ...
RSG's user avatar
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Discussions of the axioms of AQFT

The most recent discussion of what axioms one might drop from the Wightman axioms to allow the construction of realistic models that I'm aware of is Streater, Rep. Prog. Phys. 1975 38 771-846, "...
Peter Morgan's user avatar
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Fourier Methods in General Relativity

I am looking for some references which discuss Fourier transform methods in GR. Specifically supposing you have a metric $g_{\mu \nu}(x)$ and its Fourier transform $\tilde{g}_{\mu \nu}(k)$, what does ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Axiomatic statistical mechanics

Ive read a few courses on statistical mechanics, and while their textual explanations and example choices differ, the flow of information from microscopy to macroscopy seems the same, and reading ...
propaganda's user avatar
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Numerical Analysis of Elliptic PDEs

I am looking for an elementary reference regarding issues of stability in numerical analysis of non-linear elliptic PDEs, particularly using the finite difference method (but something more ...
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Characters of $\widehat{\mathfrak{su}}(2)_k$ and WZW coset construction

I am currently studying affine Lie algebras and the WZW coset construction. I have a minor technical problem in calculating the (specialized) character of $\widehat{\mathfrak{su}}(2)_k$ for an affine ...
Heidar's user avatar
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Physics talk with an emphasis on Mathematics [closed]

I have to give a 10 minute physics talk that have to involve a fair bit of mathematics -- i.e. not just qualitative/handwaving material to some undergrads. I have wasted the last 3 hours looking for ...
Markov's user avatar
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What are the justifying foundations of statistical mechanics without appealing to the ergodic hypothesis?

This question was listed as one of the questions in the proposal (see here), and I didn't know the answer. I don't know the ethics on blatantly stealing such a question, so if it should be deleted or ...
Logan M's user avatar
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K3 gravitational instanton

Could you please recommend a sufficiently elementary introduction to K3 gravitational instanton in general relativity and the problem of finding its explicit form? Under 'sufficiently elementary' I ...
just-learning's user avatar

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