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Validity of Boltzmanns Equation and $H$-function theorem?

A while ago I came across a resource (which I have forgotten) on the validity of Boltzmann's equation. It talked about the fact that the Boltzmann's equation is valid at the extrema of the $H$-...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
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Wien on Temperature and Entropy

As far as I understand, Wien defines entropy, which he uses in his derivation, as $$ S = \text{v} \int\limits_0^{\infty} \varphi(\rho, \nu) d \nu, $$ where $\text{v}$ is the volume occupied by ...
ganzewoort's user avatar
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Ask for Frank Wilczek's notes on entropy and entanglement

I know that I am not asking a question on physics. My question is just about learning physics. I am studying entanglement entropy and find some lecture notes by Frank Wilczek But I can only find the ...
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Thermodynamics of binary symmetric channels

I am reading this very interesting paper: about thermodynamics of channels in information theory. More generally, ...
Issam Ibnouhsein's user avatar
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Bolzmann entropy [duplicate]

The Boltzmann entropy is defined as the logarithm of the phase space volume (E). Is there a reference, book, paper which shows where this definition comes and how it is equal to the phase space ...
Srishti M's user avatar
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Entanglement Entropy

I needed some references which involves, the basic definition and motivation for Entanglement Entropy, and its one or two applications to many-body physics/black holes.
Jaswin's user avatar
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Kolgomorov entropy issues

I am long been confused by these entropy terms. Would be obliged if an explanation is provided in less technical jargon What are the differences between Shannon's entropy, topological entropy and ...
user1214586's user avatar
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Confusion regarding entropy, reference papers request

1.a In paragraph at Wikipedia/Entropy it is stated: This is because energy supplied at a high temperature (i.e. with low entropy) tends to be more useful than the same amount of energy ...
Mooncer's user avatar
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Reference paper to support information -- energy relation $\left(kT \ln2 \rm\frac{J}{bit}\right)\;.$

In answer to Maxwell's Demon Constant (Information-Energy equivalence) there is stated that one bit of information allows to perform $kT \cdot \ln2$ Joules of work. Which paper supports the thesis?...
Mooncer's user avatar
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Deriving an Expression for Entropy

How to derive an expression for entropy in form of $S = \ln \Omega$ from the form $\displaystyle{S = - \sum_i \; p_i \ln p_i}$ ? That is the last formula taken as a definition of entropy. Just a ...
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