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Maxwell distribution solely using the Stosszahlansatz and geometric transformations?

Background To quote Wikipedia: The assumption of molecular chaos is the key ingredient that allows proceeding from the BBGKY hierarchy to Boltzmann's equation, by reducing the 2-particle distribution ...
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"Bogus Axioms of Continuum Mechanics"

In this very interesting IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics article on the sources of irreversibility in thermodynamics [1] L.C. Woods writes This author has latterly published two articles on the &...
4 votes
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Wien on Temperature and Entropy

As far as I understand, Wien defines entropy, which he uses in his derivation, as $$ S = \text{v} \int\limits_0^{\infty} \varphi(\rho, \nu) d \nu, $$ where $\text{v}$ is the volume occupied by ...
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Boltzmann’s original derivation of the Stefan–Boltzmann law

Does anyone here know a source where I can find Boltzmann’s original derivation (using primarily thermodynamic arguments) to the Stefan–Boltzmann law (the radiant power emitted by a body in thermal ...
Bruno De Souza Leão's user avatar
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Translated publications of Boltzmann

I have been looking for Boltzmann's papers (in english) and had no luck. Anyone knows if they were translated at the first place, and if yes where to find them?
Patzerook's user avatar
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Thermodynamics of binary symmetric channels

I am reading this very interesting paper: about thermodynamics of channels in information theory. More generally, ...
Issam Ibnouhsein's user avatar
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What is the origin of the kinetic theory of temperature?

Count Rumford's experiments with canon barrels are often cited here, but the kinetic theory certainly precedes them. Another candidate is Daniel Bernoulli, who, in his 1738 book Hydrodynamica showed ...
user1604015's user avatar
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Fitting van der waals law on real data

For an examples class on thermodynamics, I would like to fit Van der Waals law on data of real gasses, say $CO_2, H_2O_2, CH_4$. I want to set out measurements of pressure and volume at constant ...
sjdh's user avatar
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Confusion regarding entropy, reference papers request

1.a In paragraph at Wikipedia/Entropy it is stated: This is because energy supplied at a high temperature (i.e. with low entropy) tends to be more useful than the same amount of energy ...
Mooncer's user avatar
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Reference paper to support information -- energy relation $\left(kT \ln2 \rm\frac{J}{bit}\right)\;.$

In answer to Maxwell's Demon Constant (Information-Energy equivalence) there is stated that one bit of information allows to perform $kT \cdot \ln2$ Joules of work. Which paper supports the thesis?...
Mooncer's user avatar
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Energy versus free-energy diagram

Energy versus free energy diagram. I haven't been able to find an adequate definition of these two terms in relation to each other. Could someone point me in the right direction, please? From Borrell ...
AJP's user avatar
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Deriving an Expression for Entropy

How to derive an expression for entropy in form of $S = \ln \Omega$ from the form $\displaystyle{S = - \sum_i \; p_i \ln p_i}$ ? That is the last formula taken as a definition of entropy. Just a ...
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