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Questions tagged [specific-reference]

Use this tag for questions seeking a single specific paper or a short, non-open-ended list of references, like "What paper first discovered X?", "Where can I find the original derivation of X?", or "What is the canonical source for X?" etc. Also for requests for hard-to-find electronic copies of resources when the exact reference is known. NOT TO BE USED for generic requests for resources (use [resource-recommendation] for that).

1 vote
1 answer

Fredric Schuller's lecture notes for Classical Mechanics

In 2014, Dr. Friedric Sculler taught a course in German at FAU on classical mechanics. In one of the classes, he mentions sharing his detailed notes with the class which are in English. The link for ...
4 votes
1 answer

About electron radiation frequency in Heisenberg's 1925 paper

In Heisenberg's 1925 article Quantum Theoretical Interpretation of Kinematic and Mechanical Relations, one of the first things he establishes are the form of the frequency functions in (what I assume ...
0 votes
0 answers

Article on 1D deformed quantum harmonic oscillator

Few years ago I was reading an article which I'm trying to find for quite some time but with no success so far. It was a paper about deformation of 1D quantum harmonic oscillator with continuous ...
0 votes
0 answers

Looking for a reference in quantum mechanics treating Coulomb potential as Inverse of coordinate operator

Most textbooks in quantum mechanics handle the Coulomb problem by solving the Schrödinger equation directly in the coordinate representation. Is there any book or reference that adopts a more formal ...
1 vote
0 answers

Matter density estimates in the 1980s

Liddle (2015, p.67) writes: "From the crude estimates that a typical galaxy weighs about $10^{11}M\odot$ and that galaxies are typically about a megaparsec apart, we know that the Universe cannot ...
1 vote
1 answer

Proof for Moment of Inertia of Triangle (with respect to the axis out of the page at a origin) [duplicate]

I found a formula for a "Triangle with vertices at the origin and at $P$ and $Q$, with mass $m$, rotating about an axis perpendicular to the plane and passing through the origin" given on ...
Josh Majors's user avatar
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Article in Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics

How can I find an old paper from Soviet journal of Nuclear Physics B. G. Zakharov, Yad. Fiz. 49. 1386 (1989) [Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 49, 860 (1989)], in Russian or in English? This volume is abs of Sov.J....
2 votes
0 answers

English translation of Weyl's article "Quantenmechanik und Gruppentheorie"

Is there an English translation of Weyl's 1927 article Quantenmechanik und Gruppentheorie. Note tht I do not mean the book of the same name.
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0 answers

Seeking specific Scientific American form mid 1980s on semiclassical interpretation of Compton Scattering

I seem to recall seeing an article in Scientific American which discussed the possibility of interpreting Compton scattering in terms of classical electromagnetic wave theory. If anybody is familiar ...
2 votes
1 answer

Original source "GF92" for two drawings of Dirac belt trick

I am trying to track down the original source/artist of these two drawings of the Dirac belt trick (see link below) to use in my thesis (which is in mathematics, but I believe these pictures likely ...
1 vote
0 answers

Review of Competitive Physics: Jinhui Wang, Bernard Ricardo Part 1 and 2 for Physics Olympiads [closed]

I do have a copy of the book, which seems great. It was written by an Olympiad trainer and a student, which means it is related to Olympiads. But I never saw anyone mention the book. Is it any good ...
0 votes
0 answers

I can't find this article

Does anyone know the DOI of the article below or where I can download it? P. Rhodes and G. Rowlands, “Demagnetising energies of uniformly magnetized rectangular blocks,” Proc. Leeds Phil. Lit. Soc., ...
0 votes
1 answer

Acceleration in flat space-time and gravitational redshift

Consider two observers in flat space-time, of which one, called Terrence, is stationary, while the other, called Stella, moves in an accelerated way. I am particularly interested in the case where ...
aleph's user avatar
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Searching specific original source of this illustration of the "Train-&-Track" thought experiment (which decisively differs from Einstein's drawing) [duplicate]

I'm trying to ascertain the original source and author of this picture: which can be found in this section ("An Einsteinian Experiment") of Einstein’s Theories of Relativity and ...
user12262's user avatar
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3 votes
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Frederic Paul Schuller QFT notes

I have heard that Fredric Paul schuller gave a lecture on Quantum field theory once. Can someone provide me with the lecture notes of that course?
0 votes
1 answer

Looking for a book of which I have one chapter about plasmons

I am looking for a book of which I have one chapter. I tried to find this book by references and by copying the text in the GPT chat however without success. One chapter was sent to me by a professor ...
1 vote
1 answer

Solutions to problems in Schwartz QFT and the Standard Model

I am currently self studying QFT using Schwartz's book but I am unable to find any solutions to the exercises. Does anyone know if a solution manual exists for this book or if solutions are available ...
1 vote
0 answers

Does anywhere exist a document of solutions to Collins' Foundations of Perturbative QCD?

I and some classmates are recently teaching ourselves the famous book Foundations of Perturbative QCD by John Collins via a form of regular peer reading group. We find that exercises in this book are ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is Fermi's Nuclear Physics still relevant as an entry level textbook? [closed]

As a quantum/theoretical chemist, I am eager to broaden my understanding of quantum phenomena. Fermi's Nuclear Physics book from 1950 seems like an important text. However, seing it is 70+ years old, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Help in Finding a specific Quantum Mechanics Book with Minimal Formula

I'm reaching out to this wonderful community in the hopes that someone can assist me in identifying a particular book on the topic of quantum mechanics that I read nearly 25 years ago. Unfortunately, ...
1 vote
0 answers

First depiction of Einstein's "Train and Embankment" thought experiment with relevant 3 "train constituents" shown individually labelled (A', M', B') [closed]

The principal source of the widely known "Train and Embankment" thought experiment is -- by all appearances as well as by expert judgement -- Albert Einstein's booklett "On the Special ...
user12262's user avatar
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What is the diffusivity of colloidal Formazine in water?

I have synthesized Foramzine in an aqueous solution (turbidity = 4000 NTU), and will be further diluting it. I would like to know the diffusion coefficient (diffusivity/mass diffusivity) of colloidal ...
optomechanic's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Where are generalized angular-momentum operators used in physics?

The usual angular-momentum operators we see in quantum mechanics describe the behavior of a complex-valued function on the sphere as we rotate about each of the three axes. In particular, we can ...
Mike's user avatar
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Does anybody have solutions to the Feynman handouts?

I've recently been reviewing the Feynman Lectures. Caltech has posted Feynman's actual handouts from his lectures on the website below. Though ...
0 votes
0 answers

Reference for critical exponents in a non standard derivation

I'm currently preparing an individual project about Landau theory of phase transitions. I think I understand well enough the standard procedure: expand the free energy as $F(P, T, \phi) = F_0(P, T) + ...
Samuele's user avatar
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On the Terent'ev, M V original article

I am in a Phd program and I want to read the Terent'ev, M V original article "On the structure of the wave functions of mesons considered as bound states of relativistic quarks" or, in ...
1 vote
0 answers

Who was the first to publish the term 'spacetime'? [closed]

I'm looking for the earliest references to the word spacetime (in the modern sense), in any language. The first references would likely be in German, as Raum-zeit or Raumzeit. Of course, H. Minkowski ...
3 votes
1 answer

Weinberg on the Dirac Equation

I am searching for a reference I read and then misplaced, in which Weinberg asserts that the Dirac equation's prediction of the positron is a characteristic of any equation which has the general form ...
1 vote
0 answers

Original Einstein papers on theory of relativity

I am looking for definitive way to get einstein original paper on theory of relativity which is both papers of special relativity and general relativity. I am software engineer with graduation in ...
0 votes
1 answer

Dependency Chart for Goldstein's Classical Mechanics Book

I was wondering if there's a dependency chart for Goldstein's book, i.e. what chapters do I need to read before reading a specific chapter I'm interested in (it need not be an official one made by ...

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