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How many dimensions are in string theory? [duplicate]

How many dimensions are in string theroy? I heard that there are 11 but to my understanding, there is an infinite, also can strings be on a 2D plane?
6 votes
1 answer

String theory and trace anomaly in semiclassical gravity?

what does string theory have to say about the trace anomaly in the expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of massless quantum fields on a curved background and its interpretation as the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Anomalies in the self-dual Yang-Mills theory and $\mathcal{N}=2$ open-string theory

I am reading a paper, written by G. Chalmers and W. Siegel -, where they discuss the action of self-dual Yang-Mills theory, which in light-cone formalism is ...
3 votes
1 answer

How is the dimensionful renornalization scale $\mu$ related to break of scale invariance in String Theory?

In the $7.1.1$ of David Tong's String Theory notes it is said the following about regularization of Polyakov action in a curved target manifold: $$\tag{7.3} S= \frac{1}{4\pi \alpha'} \int d^2\sigma \ ...
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Unitarity of Effective String Theory away from critical dimesions ($D=26$) , in the static gauge

Starting from compete UV description of QCD (in the confined phase), if we integrate out the quarks and Glueballs, in principle, we will get an effective theory of strings (QCD flux tube and not ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is string theory self-consistent? (Conformal anomaly)

Recently I attended a very short course on string theory. We went through the standard presentation in light-cone gauge for brevity. We ‘derived’ the Einstein field equation in the following manner. ...
8 votes
2 answers

Weyl anomaly in 2d CFT (string theory lectures by D.Tong)

In his lectures on String Theory (, Tong gives a proof of the Weyl anomaly, using equation $(4.37)$. It seems wrong to me. Here he uses the OPE between ...
4 votes
0 answers

Normalization of zero point energy in string theory

Following Joe Polchinski’s Little Book of String, page 12, he use the sum $$1+2+3+...=-1/12$$ to find the zero point energy of the bosonic string (and later used the result to argue that we must have ...
7 votes
1 answer

Target Space Lorentz Invariance vs. World Sheet Weyl Invariance

The Polyakov action, $S\sim \int d^2\sigma\sqrt{\gamma}\, \gamma_{ab}\partial^a X^\mu \partial ^b X_\mu$, has the well known classical symmetries of world sheet diffeomorphism invariance, world ...
2 votes
1 answer

Light-cone quantization of open string as derived in Polchinski

Polchinski uses the following gauge conditions, but I don't follow this procedure of gauge fixing and quantization: \begin{align} X^+ = \tau, \tag{1.3.8a} \\ \partial_\sigma \gamma_{\sigma \sigma} = 0,...
0 votes
0 answers

Why M-theory has eleven dimensions? [duplicate]

Why M-theory has exactly 10+1 dimensions? Some combinatorics with tensor indices will do.
2 votes
1 answer

Weyl Anomaly for Old Covariant Quantization in String Theory?

In the context of quantization in string theory, the modern approach is the path integral/modern covariant quantization approach. As known from QFT, we fix our gauge and represent the arising Fadeev-...
1 vote
1 answer

How did the two copies of the Witt algebra become two copies of the Virasoro algebra in the CFT?

The Virasoro algebra \begin{equation} [L_m,L_n]=(m-n) L_{m+n} +\frac{c}{12} (m^3-m) \delta_{m+n,0} \end{equation} of the stress energy tensor $T$ was said to follow from the witt algebra of the local ...
5 votes
1 answer

Why Must Conserved Currents of Lorentz Symmetry Satisfy the Lorentz Algebra?

I've seen it written many times that the commutation relation $$[M^{I-},M^{J-}]=0$$ is required for Lorentz invariance in the light cone gauge quantisation of the bosonic string. This follows ...
2 votes
0 answers

How does one arrive at the relation of commutator $\left[M^{-i}, M^{-j}\right]$ of Lorentz generators $M^i$ in terms of the string modes $\alpha_n^i$?

I am reading the book "String theory demystified" by David McMahon. On page 149, the author discusses the "critical dimension" for superstrings. the number of spacetime dimensions ...

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