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Existence of Weyl invariant regulator for bosonic string theory

In sec $(3.4)$ Polchinksi says It is easy to preserve the diff- and Poincare invariances in the quantum theory. For example, one may define the gauge fixed path integral using a Pauli-Villars ...
aitfel's user avatar
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Is Weyl transformation part of diffeomorphism? Does a gravitational anomaly capture also the anomaly due to Weyl transformation? [duplicate]

Weyl transformation is a local rescaling of the metric tensor $$ g_{ab}\rightarrow e^{-2\omega(x)}g_{ab} $$ Diffeomorphism maps to a theory under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations (...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Holomorphic instantons in target torus

For computing instantons contributions from worldsheet torus to target torus, one can evaluate zero modes contribution of genus 1 partition function given by following expression: $$Tr(-1)^FF_LF_Rq^{...
user44895's user avatar
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Anomalies in the self-dual Yang-Mills theory and $\mathcal{N}=2$ open-string theory

I am reading a paper, written by G. Chalmers and W. Siegel -, where they discuss the action of self-dual Yang-Mills theory, which in light-cone formalism is ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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OPE of stress tensor in CFT

I come aross an OPE between stress tensor components in CFT which is \begin{equation} T(z)\bar{T}(\bar{w})\sim -\frac{\pi c}{12}\partial_{z}\partial_{\bar{w}}\delta^{(2)}(z-w)+... \end{equation} I am ...
phys_student's user avatar
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Casimir Force and bosonic String Theory dimensions

I was reading the lecture notes on Quantum field theory by David Tong. In the section on Casimir force he derived the force of attraction felt by the plates due to the field vacuum energy in $1+1$ ...
Manvendra Somvanshi's user avatar
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Faddeev-Popov-Determinant of Polyakov Path Integral

I'm currently trying to understand the paper "Quantum Geometry of bosonic Strings" by Polyakov. I think I roughly understand the X integration, but when it comes to the integration over the metric ...
Sven's user avatar
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Target Space Lorentz Invariance vs. World Sheet Weyl Invariance

The Polyakov action, $S\sim \int d^2\sigma\sqrt{\gamma}\, \gamma_{ab}\partial^a X^\mu \partial ^b X_\mu$, has the well known classical symmetries of world sheet diffeomorphism invariance, world ...
user26866's user avatar
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Confusion about two definitions of anomalies

As I am currently studying for an exam about quantum field theory and string theory, I got confused about the notion of "anomalies" and how they are actually defined. Similar questions have already ...
Noiralef's user avatar
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Anomalies from a Renormaization Group Equation (RGE)

This is an approach to anomalies which seems unfamiliar to me.. Firstly what is this function $W$ which seems to satisfy the equation, $\frac{\partial W }{\partial g^{\mu \nu} } = \langle T_{\mu \nu}...
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