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Questions tagged [group-theory]

Group theory is a branch of abstract algebra. A group is a set of objects, together with a binary operation, that satisfies four axioms. The set must be closed under the operation and contain an identity object. Every object in the set must have an inverse, and the operation must be associative. Groups are used in physics to describe symmetry operations of physical systems.

2 votes
2 answers

Given a representation $(n, m)$ of the Lorentz group, is the little group representation just the tensor product $n \otimes m$?

I've been reading Weinberg's QFT Vol 1. and more specifically section 5.6. I would like to know if my understanding is correct or if I missed something. He starts with the full Lorentz group $\mathrm{...
Wihtedeka's user avatar
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How to find Casimir operator eigenvalues of $SU(N)$? [closed]

The $[f1, f2, f3…fn]$ in the image represent the irreducible representations of $SU[n]$. How to find the irreducible representations of $SU[n]$ that conform to the form $[f1, f2...fn]$. Can you give ...
snow snow's user avatar
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Does all symmetry breaking have corresponding unitary group?

In high energy physics. Symmetry breaking like electroweak's has corresponding $SU(2)\times U(1)$ unitary gauge group broken down to $U(1)$. Does it mean all kinds of symmetry breaking (even low ...
Jtl's user avatar
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What is the importance of $SU(2)$ being the double cover of $SO(3)$?

To my understanding, it is important that $SU(2)$ is (isomorphic to) the universal cover of $SO(3)$. This is important because $SU(2)$ is then simply-connected and has a Lie algebra isomorphic to $\...
Silly Goose's user avatar
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$Ad\circ\exp=\exp\circ ad$ and $e^{i(\theta/2)\hat{n}\cdot\sigma}\sigma e^{-i(\theta/2)\hat{n}\cdot\sigma}=e^{\theta\hat{n}\cdot J}\sigma$

This question is inspired by my recent question How to prove $e^{+i(\theta/2)(\hat{n}\cdot \sigma)}\sigma e^{-i(\theta/2)(\hat{n}\cdot \sigma)} = e^{\theta \hat{n}\cdot J}\sigma$? with answer https://...
Jagerber48's user avatar
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How to prove $e^{+i(\theta/2)(\hat{n}\cdot \sigma)}\sigma e^{-i(\theta/2)(\hat{n}\cdot \sigma)} = e^{\theta \hat{n}\cdot J}\sigma$?

Disclaimer: I'm sure this has been asked 100 times before, but I can't find the question asked or answered quite like this. If there are specific duplicates that could give me a simple satisfactory ...
Jagerber48's user avatar
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Help with Wigner-Eckert Theorem problem

Currently trying to solve the following problem: Consider an operator $O_x$ for $x = 1$ to $2$, transforming according to the spin $1/2$ representation as follows: $$ [J_a, O_x] = O_y[\sigma_a]_{yx} / ...
user45689's user avatar
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Can you ever obtain a pure rotation from composing Lorentz transformations?

An exercise asks one to show that given $v, u$ speeds much smaller than $c$ and oriented orthagonally, the composition of the lorentz boosts $B(\mathbf{v})B(\mathbf{u})B(\mathbf{-v})B(\mathbf{-u})$ is ...
Y G's user avatar
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Rotation and translation of a function of a 3D vector

I want to change the frame by doing translation and rotation. $$f(\vec{v})=\sum_{n,l,m}R_{nl}(v)Y_{lm}(\hat{v})f_{nlm}^v.$$ Let, $\mathcal{R}$ be the rotation matrix and $\mathcal{T}$ be the ...
QED's user avatar
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From any element of $\mathrm{SO}(8)$, can we always find one corresponding $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ element?

I first recap the relation between $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ and $\mathrm{SO}(3)$ and then raise my question concerning $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ and $\mathrm{SO}(8)$. Given any traceless hermitian matrix $H$, we can ...
narip's user avatar
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5 answers

Is intrinsic spin a quantum or/and a relativistic phenomenon?

Ok, this is my reasoning. I am probably making some wrong assumptions here, pls tell me where I am going wrong. Spin as a quantum phenomenon: Quantum phenomena disappear as the Planck constant goes to ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Rotation of spherical harmonics

I have a question about the rotation of spherical harmonics. In Wikipedia it is mentioned that if we make a rotation in 3D space: $R\vec{r}=\vec{r}'$,then the Spherical Harmonics can be written as a ...
Thanos Athanasopoulos's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What does the $N$ in $SU(N)$ mean?

So I know this is a very basic question, but I can't really wrap my head around it. I was told $N$ is the number of dimensions in the rotations of the group theory that we are considering, so I ...
minime's user avatar
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Do GUT's really explain parity violation?

Every book on the Standard Model introduces early on the concept of left and right-handed quantum fields, defined as \begin{align} (\psi_L)_{\alpha} = \left(\frac{1-\gamma_5}{2}\right)_{\alpha \beta}\...
user38680's user avatar
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Free fields in Weinberg QFT vol.1

Background: In section 5.1 Weinberg discusses free fields. He had shown that for interaction of the form, $V(t) = \int{d^3x \mathscr{H}(\mathbf{x},t)}$ if $$U_0(\Lambda,a) \mathscr{H}(x) U_0^{-1}(\...
Damo's user avatar
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