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Questions tagged [ads-cft]

AdS/CFT is a special case of the holographic principle. It states that a quantum gravitating theory in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space is exactly equivalent to the gauge theory/Conformal Field Theory (CFT) on its boundary.

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Measuring "complexity"

A recently popular idea in the quantum theory of black holes is that there is an isomorphism between the interior state's volume and the computational complexity of the CFT dual (in an AdS/CFT setting)...
Foster Boondoggle's user avatar
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Quantum corrections in Holography

AdS/CFT stablish that there is some kind of correspondence between the ${\cal N}=4$ SYM theory and strings in $AdS_5\times S^5$ space-time. I know, for instance that 1/2 BPS operators like Tr$(\phi_1^...
BVquantization's user avatar
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Boundary conditions and field quantization in AdS

While studying the AdS/CFT correspondence, one encounters very early the example of a scalar field in AdS. The general solution to the Klein-Gordon equation in the limit $z\rightarrow 0$ may be ...
SouthernLion's user avatar
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Confusion regarding the Susskind-Uglum conjecture

I have a very basic confusion regarding entropies in holography. In AdS/CFT, the Susskind-Uglum conjecture states that the generalized entropy of a bulk region, given by $$S_{\text{gen}}(A) = \frac{\...
pseudo-goldstone's user avatar
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Reparameterization invariance in gravity

It's often said that gravity/general relativity has 'reparameterization invariance.' In particular, this comes up when people talk about the duality between the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model and ...
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What's physical meaning of 2-point correlation function in holographic condensed matter?

Background: In AdS/CFT, we can do calculations in AdS spacetime, and get the result in CFT. When we consider RN-AdS black hole/brane, 2-point correlation functions in CFT can be obtained, which are ...
dualer's user avatar
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What are Bubbling Geometries?

I know that Wilson loops in certain higher rank representations are dual to Bubbling Geometries. Also, certain local operators are dual to this kind of solutions. But (independently from holography), ...
ConfusedPhDstudent's user avatar
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Does AdS/CFT correspondence apply to entire AdS space or those covered by Poincare patch?

I am getting confused as I study the AdS/CFT correspondence, so I ask this question. CFT is given on the conformal boundary of AdS, which can be derived from Poincare coordinate patch to AdS. Would ...
Neijal Kanderbalt's user avatar
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Phase shift in holographic one-point function

I have a simple question about the response of an operator one-point function to an external source $\propto e^{-i\omega t}$ in AdS/CFT. I consider a real scalar probe of mass $m$ in $AdS_{d+1}$ which ...
phonon's user avatar
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Reverse AdS/CFT correspondence?

$\text{AdS}_{n}/\text{CFT}_{n-1}$ correspondence provides a dictionary for one-to-one mapping observables in bulk gravity to boundary conformal field theories. However, does the reverse correspondence ...
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Equation of motion of scalar field [closed]

I have the metric of the five dimensional Schwarzschild AdS space with metric $$ds^2=-\frac{L^2}{z^2}(1-\frac{z^4}{z_H^4})dt^2+\frac{L^2}{z^2}\frac{1}{(1-\frac{z^4}{z_H^4})}dz^2+\frac{L^2}{z^2}(dx_1^2+...
mrbeast123's user avatar
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Schwarzschild AdS Black Hole

Why do we study the five dimensional Schwarzschild AdS Black Hole in AdS/CFT? Does it have to do with the symmetries that these theories have?
mrbeast123's user avatar
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OPE Coefficients in Holography

I am having trouble reproducing a calculation from the paper "Holography from Conformal Field Theory". In a 2d CFT, consider an operator $\mathcal{O}$ in mean field theory (MFT) with ...
Stressed Tensor's user avatar
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ODE singular point

I want to study the equation of motion of a scalar field in the Schwarzschild $AdS_5$ black hole $$\frac{\hat{\omega}^2\phi(\hat{z})}{(-1+\hat{z}^4)^2}+\frac{(3+\hat{z}^4)\phi(\hat{z})}{\hat{z}(-1+\...
mrbeast123's user avatar
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Definitions of Thermodynamics and Holography

There are many differences between the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of black hole thermodynamics (BHT): Zeroth Law: In thermodynamics, the Zeroth Law establishes the notion of thermal ...
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