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Questions tagged [feminism]

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4 answers

In philosophy, why are feminism and transsexuality so controversial? [closed]

Is it possible for feminism and transsexuality to be discussed philosophically? Is this hindered by the domination of philosophy by males?
Meanach's user avatar
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Is transgenderism a radical rejection of feminism?

A woman can be an engineer; a man can be a nurse. A woman can be aggressive; a man can let a woman take the lead. A little girl can play with toy trucks; a little boy can play with dolls; A woman can ...
David Gudeman's user avatar
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1 answer

Feminist linguistics?

So I've noticed commonly in young girls, they express themselves with words like: "I do not feel pretty." Upon noticing this, I find it tragic that the very framing of a problem to revolve ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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The Historical Influence of Philosophy on Popular Thought: Did Early Feminism Draw Inspiration from Feminist Philosophy?

I've been pondering the relationship between philosophy and popular thought, specifically in the context of early feminist movements. It's fascinating to explore how ideas developed within the realm ...
Bishop_1's user avatar
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5 answers

Can the sexual double standard be justified according to this logic/reasoning? [closed]

The sexual double standard is a social phenomenon where the sexual value of males and females are evaluated differently, based on their sexual history with sexual partners of the opposite sex. Given ...
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5 answers

Is the use of feminist stories sufficient evidence to claim misogyny keeps women out of STEM fields? [closed]

Recently, I asked if multiple anecdotes are logically unsound in this thread: Are multiple anecdotes still logically unsound? The answer was anecdotes can be used correctly depending on the context. ...
DdogBoss's user avatar
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Question on Simone de Beauvoir's ”The Second Sex”

Could someone help break down this section from ”The Second Sex” by Beauvoir? “Indeed, along with the ethical urge of each individual to affirm his subjective existence, there is also the temptation ...
Ericleast992's user avatar
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Philosophical/Natural Complementarianism

According to Wikipedia, 'Complementarianism' is a theological view that "men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, and religious ...
Rob's user avatar
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Need help with this paper on epistemic justice

What form must a theory of epistemic injustice take in order to successfully illuminate the epistemic dimensions of struggles that are primarily political? How can such struggles be understood as ...
Ericleast992's user avatar
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Simone de Beauvoir on woman's job and sex

I am reading The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, and there are two quotes from page 92 struck me A truly socialist ethic—one that seeks justice without restraining liberty, one that imposes ...
Debanjan Chakraborty's user avatar
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Evil Force in The Second Sex mentioned by Simone de Beauvoir

So I am reading The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvior. In page 30, she writes the following, which confuses me. Indeed, beside every individual’s claim to assert himself as subject—an ethical claim—...
Debanjan Chakraborty's user avatar
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2 answers

Inhowfar is scientific inquiry modeled on the interrogation of witches?

(Carolyn) Merchant sees proof in the link between persecution of witches and development of modern science in the work of Francis Bacon, one of the reputed father of the new scientific method, showing ...
mart's user avatar
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2 answers

What is radical feminism? What "radical reordering" does it call for?

Wikipedia has this definition of "radical feminism": Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated ...
user716881's user avatar
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1 answer

What did Judith Butler mean by "differential axis of domination" in Gender Trouble?

Can anyone explain the meaning of the following from Judith Butler's Gender Trouble: Juridical notions of power appear to regulate political life in purely negative terms—that is, through the ...
Mischa's user avatar
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2 answers

Looking for references to political/moral philosophy literature on communal child-rearing and the institution of the family

[Note: this question was previously closed under the reason "needs to be more focused". I subsequently edited the question to make it more focused and then hoped it would be reopened, but no ...
Smithey's user avatar
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