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Questions tagged [critical-theory]

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Does critical theory have any implications for unfalisifiable theories?

As science pursues truth but is not independent of man, does the true nature of society, especially its economic base, bear on currently unfalisfiable physical theories? Horkheimer thinks that there ...
andrós's user avatar
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Is the notion that queer identities and sexuality are innate incompatible with the view that genders are socially molded?

Probably the single most important proposition/thesis/tenet regarding queer identities currently held is that Queer individuals, just as cishet individuals, are simply born the way they are: they do ...
ac15's user avatar
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Trying to understand Horkheimer/Adorno Dialectic of Enlightenment

In the 1969 preface to the addition of Dialectic of Enlightenment, Horkheimer/Adorno say, "Critical thought, which does not call a halt before progress itself, requires us to take up the cause of ...
Gerry's user avatar
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Philosophical works on Privilege

I read the book "Caste", and can't recommend it highly enough. Are there any philosophical works that directly address the historical causes and current 'benefits' to society of what ended ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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Are French postmodernism, Critical Theory and their heirs related to idealism?

Are French postmodernism (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, etc.), and Critical Theory (Adorno, Marcuse, etc.), and their heirs such as gender and postcolonial studies (Butler, Saïd) related to idealism? ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Are French postmodernism, American Critical Theory and their heirs collectivist theories?

Is it correct to affirm that French postmodernism (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, etc.), and American Critical Theory (Adorno, Marcuse, etc.), and their heirs such as gender and postcolonial studies (...
Starckman's user avatar
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Who said sth like "Marxism could be said to be true, even if its specific predictions were falsified"

I'm trying to track down a remark I remember reading in college, I think made by some early to mid 20th century French Marxist, to the effect of "Marxism could be said to be true, even if its ...
Once a Philosopher's user avatar
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Tracing a possibly invented quotation (Adorno?)

SE has quite rightly banned, for now, "answers" generated by ChatGPT -- but this is a question derived from there. Here is the session we had, with me setting it up with an Arendt quotation:...
uhClem's user avatar
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According to Horkheimer and Adorno, how is the Enlightenment Dialectical?

In 1947 the Frankfurt School philosophers Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno published their seminal work "Dialektik der Aufklärung", first translated to English in 1972 as "Dialectic ...
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Does Critical Theories (CRT, Queer Studies etc.) come from the Frankfurt school or post-modernism?

I know post colonial studies which is a critical theory began with Orientalism which uses Foucault's concept of discourse. But also Frankfurt School is widely credited with finding critical theory ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What does this mean about critical theory?

In the introduction of her recent book "Between Gaia and Ground", Elizabeth Povinelli says: This book examines four axioms of existence that have emerged in recent years across a ...
Sasan's user avatar
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Can Autopoietic systems be nested?

I've been reading about Cybernetics, specifically the ideas of Stafford Beer and Luhmann. Beer states in what he calls "the principle of Cybernetic Isomorphism" that autopoietic systems are ...
SelfProduce's user avatar
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Need help with this paper on epistemic justice

What form must a theory of epistemic injustice take in order to successfully illuminate the epistemic dimensions of struggles that are primarily political? How can such struggles be understood as ...
Ericleast992's user avatar
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Use of the term "diabolism" in philosophy or critical/systems theory

This is mainly just a reference question. I seem to recall long ago encountering the term "diabolism" in some social theoretical writings, used not in any theological sense but in its ...
Nelson Alexander's user avatar
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What does the term "critical realism" mean in 2021

I cannot help but notice the increasing tendency of late to ambiguate the term “critical,” ostensibly in the service of rhetorical ends. My concern here is with the sense of that term in the concept ...
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