Java Edition 1.15.2 Pre-Release 1

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1.15.2 Pre-Release 1 (known as 1.15.2-pre1 in the launcher) is the first pre-release for Java Edition 1.15.2, released on January 14, 2020.[1]

Additions[edit | edit source]

Command format[edit | edit source]

  • Added doPatrolSpawning.
    • Controls the spawning of patrols.
    • Defaults to true.
  • Added doTraderSpawning.

General[edit | edit source]

The disclaimer that appears when clicking on to multiplayer.
  • Added a legal disclaimer when clicking the multiplayer button from the main menu: a new information screen informs the player that "Online play is not rated".

Changes[edit | edit source]

Blocks[edit | edit source]

  • Oak and birch saplings grown within 2 blocks of a flower on the same Y-level have a 5% chance to have a bee nest.

Mobs[edit | edit source]

  • No longer anger when a nearby beehive or bee nest is destroyed using a Silk Touch tool.
  • The texture of the horse armor slot in the horse GUI has been changed to reflect the current horse armor textures.

World generation[edit | edit source]

Bee nests

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Status effects
  • Effects are now stored when overwritten by an effect of a higher amplifier.
    • A beacon effect only temporarily overwrites a lower amplifier potion until the beacon effect runs out.

General[edit | edit source]

Block models
  • Added gui_light option in models to allow controlling light when rendering model as an item in a GUI.
    • If set to side, the model is rendered like a block.
    • If set to front, the model is shaded like a flat item.
Game window
  • Now displays the session type in the window title, such as singleplayer or multiplayer.
    • If applicable, the window title also specifies the type of multiplayer server the player is on, such as on a LAN or third-party server.
    • Example: "Minecraft 1.15.2 - Multiplayer (LAN)".
    • Available types: "Singleplayer", "Multiplayer (LAN)", "Multiplayer (Realms)", and "Multiplayer (3rd-party)".
Main menu
  • If the game is modded, word "(Modded)" appears after the game version found on the main menu.
    • Example: "Minecraft 1.15.2 (Modded)".
Profiler report
  • Now captures more information about performance problems.[2]
  • Removed a stray pixel from the bottom-right of the critical hit particle texture.

Fixes[edit | edit source]

29 issues fixed
From released versions before 1.15
  • MC-862 – Spawn protection does not work for item frames, paintings and armor stands.
  • MC-1541 – Beacon effect removes potion effect of the same type.
  • MC-51053 – Furnace minecarts lose power after navigating corners.
  • MC-88038 – Furnace minecarts go backwards when turning corners.
  • MC-106468 – End crystal beam has incorrect texture on one side.
  • MC-150575 – Concrete powder does not turn into concrete when letting it fall beside water.
  • MC-153987 – Falling down ladders while wearing elytra.
  • MC-166319 – B on "Open in browser" is lowercase in link confirmation GUI.
  • MC-167018 – Misplaced pixel in critical hit particle texture.
  • MC-167079 – Horse armor texture is off.
  • MC-167416 – Distance from where a monster will stop a player from sleeping is off-center.
From 1.15
  • MC-165695 – Hoppers harvesting honeycomb from bee hives and bee nests only pick up one honeycomb.
  • MC-166312 – Loom UI pattern icons are too dark.
  • MC-166324 – "Raw input" button has lowercase "i".
  • MC-166397 – Entities become white from certain angles when affected by glowing and invisibility effects.
  • MC-166722 – Some custom item models appear dark in the inventory.
  • MC-167201 – Invisible glowing entities do not respect their team color.
  • MC-167219 – Reloading a resource pack enough times will cause intense lag.
  • MC-167220 – Items on marker armor stands no longer glow.
  • MC-167235 – Distance from where you can enter a bed is off-center.
  • MC-167344com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.ClipboardManager leaks direct buffers.
  • MC-167444iron_golem_crackiness_* textures show up on invisible iron golems that are damaged.
  • MC-167709 – Bees that ride a boat, minecart or other entities when entering their hive or nest cannot leave the hive or nest ever again.
  • MC-168091 – Concrete powder does not convert into concrete when dropped into deep water.
From 1.15.1
  • MC-168230 – End crystal beam is dark/desaturated.
  • MC-168467 – Bees do not remember how many crops they have pollinated.
  • MC-168657TrueTypeGlyphProviderBuilder.create(ResourceManager) leaks buffer.
  • MC-169157 – Breaking a hive with obstructed front makes bees vanish.
  • Fixed crashes and exploits.[2]

Video[edit | edit source]

Video made by slicedlime:

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This was the first version of 2020 and therefore the 2020s decade.
  • Unlike the second pre-release, this version name has an uppercase "R" in-game, similar to 1.15-pre2.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Minecraft 1.15.2 Pre-Release 1", January 14, 2020.
  2. a b "What's New in Minecraft 1.15.2 Pre-release 1?" – Slicedlime on YouTube, January 15, 2020

Navigation[edit | edit source]