Legends:First of Oak

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First of Oak
First of Oak Render MCL.png: Infobox image for First of Oak the legends entity in Minecraft



Player unit





Hitbox size

Height: 4.5 Blocks
Width: 2.65 Blocks





LegendsStructureSprite first-of-oak-spawner.png: Sprite image for first-of-oak-spawner in Minecraft linking to MCL:First of Oak SpawnerFirst of Oak Spawner


Not spawnable with spawners
Versus Mode:
45 LegendsMiscellaneousSprite diamond.png: Sprite image for diamond in Minecraft linking to MCL:DiamondDiamond
30 LegendsMiscellaneousSprite lapis.png: Sprite image for lapis in Minecraft linking to MCL:LapisLapis
8 LegendsMiscellaneousSprite flames-of-creation.png: Sprite image for flames-of-creation in Minecraft linking to MCL:Flames of CreationFlames of Creation

The First of Oak is a golem that shoots powerful arrows within Minecraft Legends.

Lore[edit | edit source]

The First of Oak was built by Knowledge and, according to the hosts, were responsible for the forests of the Overworld by planting the seeds. Eventually, they remained disassembled and buried atop a pile of mud on a badlands biome until they were awakened to join the fight against the piglins. The First of Oak also served as the inspiration for plank golems.

Spawning[edit | edit source]

Campaign[edit | edit source]

The First of Oak can be found disassembled randomly in badlands biomes. If the wake the firsts improvement has been placed at an improvement hub, the First of Oak can be reassembled by spending 100 gold and 500 wood.

Once the First of Oak has been awoken, it will act as a regular unit. Only one can ever been spawned at a time. If the First of Oak is defeated or de-spawns through other means it will respawn when the player fast travels to a village or the Well of Fate.

Versus[edit | edit source]

The First of Oak can be spawned by interacting with a First of Oak spawner and spending resources. More than one can be spawned at one time, however each First of Oak will take up eight flames of creation.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

The First of Oak fires strong arrows slowly at targets, dealing large damage. It occasionally shoots arrows at trees. Once the Nether portal it was targeting was destroyed it will cheer and raise its arms up to the air as a celebration.

Attacks[edit | edit source]

The First of Oak has 12 variations or ranged attacks. Note that close shots 3 through 5 are identical to one another, this is also the case for close shots 6 through 9.

Name ID Damage Cooldown Min range Max range Damage type(s)
Burst shot burst_shot_1 20 4 secs 0 80
Close shot close_shot 2.1 3.5 secs 0 7 Ranged
Close shot 2 close_shot_2 2.1 3.5 secs 0.5 5 Ranged
Close shot 3 close_shot_3 2.1 3.5 secs 1 5 Ranged
Close shot 4 close_shot_4 2.1 3.5 secs 1 5 Ranged
Close shot 5 close_shot_5 2.1 3.5 secs 1 5 Ranged
Close shot 6 close_shot_6 2.1 3.5 secs 0.5 5 Ranged
Close shot 7 close_shot_7 2.1 3.5 secs 1 5 Ranged
Close shot 8 close_shot_8 2.1 3.5 secs 1 5 Ranged
Close shot 9 close_shot_9 2.1 3.5 secs 1 5 Ranged
Close shot 10 close_shot_10 2.1 3.5 secs 1.5 5 Ranged
Close shot knockback close_shot_knockback 2.1 3.7 secs 0 5 Crush

Resistances and weaknesses[edit | edit source]

The First of Oak can be dealt more or less damage depending on the type of damage inflicted.

Damage type Multiplier
Fire 2x
Chop 1.5x

Quotes[edit | edit source]

In the journal
Icon Name Category Unlocked by Quote

First of Oak


Rebuilding the First of Oak

"The First of Oak's powerful cannon can launch booming ranged attacks against the piglins. To assemble the Firsts, you must build a special improvement at the Well of Fate and collect the required resources. When a First is defeated, they will meet you at the nearest village fountain or beacon."

Quotes about or relating to the First of Oak:

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
LegendsAchievementSprite allstar-cast.png: Sprite image for allstar-cast in Minecraft linking to MCL:All-star CastAll-star Cast
Collect all the Firsts in a single world. 50GSilver

History[edit | edit source]

Minecraft Legends
TU01.17.24827 Added the First of Oak.
1.18.14350The First of Oak is now categorised as "Ranged" instead of "First".

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues for Minecraft Legends relating to "First of Oak" are no longer maintained on the bug tracker since January 10, 2024. However, issues reported before then can still be viewed there.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Textures[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]