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Minecraft Earth was shut down due to outdoor restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
It can no longer be downloaded or played, but the contents of this page are kept for historical interest.
Diamond (inventory) MCE.png: Infobox image for Diamond the item in Minecraft
Invicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Diamond






The hardest material in the known overworld, and the hardest to find too!

In-game description

Diamonds were mineral items praised for their rarity and strength in tools. They were mainly used to craft diamond tools.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Diamonds were obtainable from smelting a diamond ore or crafting a diamond block. They were found inside rare and epic adventure chest with 0.2% and 1.1% chance respectively. Diamonds were also obtainable as login bonuses, three at a time.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Item Ingredients Crafting time[note 1]
9 diamonds Block of Diamond 1h
  1. Crafting time reduced to 5 seconds as of version 0.33.0

Smelting[edit | edit source]

Item Ingredients Smelting time[note 1]
1 diamond 1 diamond ore
625 Heat
  1. Smelting time reduced to 5 seconds as of version 0.33.0

Usage[edit | edit source]

Diamonds can only be used to craft diamond tools and diamond block.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Item Ingredients Crafting time[note 1]
Block of Diamond 9 diamonds 1h
Diamond Axe 3 diamonds
2 sticks
Diamond Hoe 2 diamonds
2 sticks
5h 20m
Diamond Pickaxe 3 diamonds
2 sticks
Diamond Shovel 1 diamond
2 sticks
2h 40m
Diamond Sword 2 diamonds
1 stick
5h 20m
  1. Crafting time reduced to 5 seconds as of version 0.33.0

History[edit | edit source]

Minecraft Earth
0.3.0 Added diamond.

Navigation[edit | edit source]