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OVERWORLD BIOMES – The more you get to know the different biomes, the easier you will find it to navigate between them and make the most of the resources they offer. Let's take a closer look at what you can expect to find.

Minecraft Legends:
A Hero's Guide to Saving the Overworld

Biomes are a region in a world with distinct geographical features, terrain, mobs, foliage, and more. A total of ten biomes exist in Minecraft Legends. Some biomes have a resource associated with them.

List of biomes[edit | edit source]

Name Description Image
Badlands Badlands are dry plateaued biomes that feature tar pits, the biome becomes more forested at lower elevation, large skeleton structures can also be found in these lower sections.
Dry Savanna Dry savannas are dry biomes populated with dying coral-like trees. The biome is mostly flat but can feature sparse large plateaus.
Dry Savanna
Fatelands The fatelands are a flat biome composed entirely of occasional trees and towering rock formations, each of which contain a square hole at its peak. This biome always spawns in the center of the world only.
Forest Forests are somewhat dense biomes filled with short, thin trees, many of which have orange and red leaves.
Jagged Peaks Jagged peaks are comprised of large stone mountains blanketed with snow and populated by thin spruce trees.
Jagged Peaks
Jungle Jungles are populated by thick tall trees, the leaves of which form a canopy that covers the majority of the ground. The ground is filled with plants and foliage.
Meadow Meadows are flat grassland biomes populated by sparsely placed trees and long winding rivers. Small clusters of stone are also found scattered around.
Swamp Swamps are moist biomes largely dominated by bodies of water, large types of fungi can be found here, some of which emit light.
Tundra Tundras are a flat biome covered with snow and populated by geysers. The edges of rivers are frozen over and ice cactus-like formations can be found.
Ocean Oceans are large, seemingly endless masses of water around the island. They act as a barrier and provide no resources to the player.

History[edit | edit source]

Minecraft Legends
1.17.24827Added biomes.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues for Minecraft Legends relating to "Biome" are no longer maintained on the bug tracker since January 10, 2024. However, issues reported before then can still be viewed there.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Development Images[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]