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Heightmaps are maps to store the Y-level of the highest block at each horizontal coordinate. They are stored in chunk files and used for various game calculations. This page currently describes heightmaps in Java Edition only.

Types[edit | edit source]

Several different heightmaps check and store highest block of different types, and are used for different purposes. In Java Edition, there are six heightmap types:

WORLD_SURFACE[edit | edit source]

Stores the Y-level of the highest non-air (all types of air) block.

WORLD_SURFACE_WG[edit | edit source]

Stores the Y-level of the highest non-air (all types of air) block. Used only during world generation, and automatedly deleted after carvers are generated.

OCEAN_FLOOR[edit | edit source]

Stores the Y-level of the highest block whose material blocks motion (i.e. has a collision box). One exception is carpets, which are considered to not have a collision box to heightmaps. Used only on the server side.

OCEAN_FLOOR_WG[edit | edit source]

Stores the Y-level of the highest block whose material blocks motion (i.e. has a collision box). Used only during world generation, and automatedly deleted after carvers are generated.

MOTION_BLOCKING[edit | edit source]

Stores the Y-level of the highest block whose material blocks motion (i.e. has a collision box) or blocks that contains a fluid (water, lava, or waterlogged blocks).

MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES[edit | edit source]

Stores the Y-level of the highest block whose material blocks motion (i.e. has a collision box), or blocks that contains a fluid (water, lava, or waterlogged blocks), except various leaves. Used only on the server side.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Heightmaps are used for various in-game calculations. For example, a lightning rod can only be triggered when there is no non-air block above it. Therefore, the game compares the Y-level of lightning rod with heightmap WORLD_SURFACE to know if there are non-air blocks above it.

Heightmaps of both server side and client side can be seen in debug screen. The "CH" line is the value in client side heightmaps at the player's current X/Z coordinates. The "SH" line is the server side value in heightmaps at the player's current X/Z coordinates. In the two lines:

  • O means OCEAN_FLOOR

/execute positioned over can change the execution position of the command to one block above the Y-level stored in the specified heightmap. WORLD_SURFACE_WG and OCEAN_FLOOR_WG cannot be used in this command.

Navigation[edit | edit source]