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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Annika Hansen (mirror).

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01 (or Seven for short) was a 24th century Human woman, and former Borg drone, born as Annika Hansen in the year 2348.

She was assimilated, along with her parents, in 2356, but was later liberated by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2374. In the following years she began to reclaim her humanity, but still preferred to go by her Borg designation rather than her given name. She eventually returned to Earth aboard Voyager in 2377.


Annika Hansen[]


Annika Hansen in 2354.

Annika Hansen was born on the Tendara Colony on stardate 25479, to human exobiologists Erin and Magnus Hansen. Because her parents moved frequently because of their work, Annika spent a great deal of time with her aunts, Irene Hansen and Helen, on Earth. (VOY episodes: "The Gift", "Author, Author"; VOY short story: "Maturation")

One of her ancestors was Sven "Buttercup" Hansen, a 22nd century prize fighter. (VOY episode: "11:59", ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)

Her maternal grandmother, Elaine Bergstrom, was a security officer aboard the USS Enterprise during the 2270s. She died in 2349. (TOS novel: No Time Like the Past)

By the time that she was five, Annika was living with her parents on Heronius II. She often spoke to her Norwegian maternal grandfather via subspace. Shortly before her sixth birthday, she was visited by an older version of herself (though Annika did not realize her identity) who tried to dissuade her parents from their plans to leave Federation space. Following this encounter, Annika began to have disturbing dreams of black cube-shaped starships. (VOY short story: "A Ribbon for Rosie")

In 2354, Annika and her parents left Heronius II aboard the USS Raven, as they finally had approval by the Federation Council to begin a study of the mysterious Borg Collective. After spending many months searching for a Borg ship, the Raven had broken regulations and had crossed the Romulan Neutral Zone. However, just as they were contemplating a return to Earth, they encountered a Borg Cube. After six months of observation, the Raven followed the cube into a transwarp conduit and into the Delta Quadrant.

Life as a drone[]


Seven of Nine in 2374.

The Hansens gathered a large amount of data about the Borg over the next two years, however it came to an abrupt end in 2356, when the Raven was detected by the Borg and attacked. The Borg pursued the Raven to a planet just inside B'omar space, where the science vessel crash landed. While her parents were quickly assimilated, Annika attempted to hide, but was later found and also assimilated. (VOY episodes: "Dark Frontier", "The Raven")

Annika Hansen was given the designation Seven of Nine and served aboard a cube. In 2368, Seven was briefly disconnected from the hive mind when she and several other drones in her unimatrix crash landed on Planet 1865-Alpha. Scared of being alone, she injected her fellow drones with nanoprobes and established another collective, before being rescued and re-assimilated. (VOY episode: "Survival Instinct")

In 2374, Seven, working on Cube 3764, was selected as a liaison to work with Captain Kathryn Janeway and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok as of the alliance against Species 8472. Their mission was to develop a modified nanoprobe weapon that could destroy 8472 bio-ships and force them to withdraw back to fluidic space. After the mission was successful, Seven attempted to assimilate the Voyager crew, but her link to the collective was severed. (VOY short story: "Seventh Heaven", VOY episode: "Scorpion")


7of9 Brig

Seven, initially resistant to life on Voyager

After many of her implants were successfully removed by Voyager's EMH, her mental and emotional recovery as well as social training was going to be a huge task. After several attempts to communicate with the collective, Seven eventually accepted that her place was aboard Voyager as an individual. Earning the trust and respect of Captain Janeway, Seven began to work on several projects to enhance Voyager's capabilities, such as working on transwarp drive and the construction of the astrometrics lab. (VOY episodes: "The Gift", "Day of Honor", "Revulsion")

On stardate 53689, Seven analyzed debris that was destroyed with Borg technology; She confirmed that it was Borg technology. During that time, Seven told Janeway that she was receiving a Borg message but was not sure what it meant. When Voyager was trapped by a Borg ship of some kind but found its tactics odd. After they failed to modulate their shields against the Borg ship, Seven suggested that she attempt to board the ship knowing that she might still be taken as Borg. Captain Janeway agreed but also advised sending Chakotay, Tuvok and an away team disguised as Borg to the ship. (VOY comic: "False Colors")

In mid 2374, shortly after discovering the Hirogen communication relay stations, (VOY episode: "Message in a Bottle")

Voyager was intercepted by the individual Borg, Hugh. Hugh had learned about Seven's severance from the collective and wanted her to be his Second of the Independent Nation of Borg. After some deliberation, Seven decided to remain aboard Voyager. (VOY short story: "Seventh Heaven")

In 2375, Seven suffered a telepathic assault by a race known as the Skedans. As a result, the personality of Annika Hansen briefly resurfaced, as part of a plan by the Skedans to exact revenge on the Borg after the near-completed annihilation of their race. (VOY novel: Seven of Nine)

Later that year, Seven became the target of an assassin aboard Voyager after a series of potentially fatal accidents occurred. An in-depth investigation revealed that Voyager herself were responsible for the accidents, after a specially programmed bio-neural gel pack had been installed by Ensign Roberta Luke. Luke was revealed to be a Section 31 agent who had been assigned to Voyager in 2371 as part of an operation to destroy the Maquis. After re-establishing contact with the Federation in 2374, Luke was ordered to kill Seven, but she herself was killed by the Srivani shortly after. (VOY - Section 31 novel: Shadow)

In 2377, Seven and Lieutenant Tom Paris were abducted by the Chiar while Voyager was undergoing repairs in orbit. The Chiar were dependent on nanotechnology. After infecting Paris with memory suppressing nanites, Seven was tortured by the Chiar, and eventually removed and replicated Borg nanoprobes. Unfortunately, the nanoprobes began assimilating the Chiar, but Seven was able to modify Paris' memory nanites to disable the Borg nanoprobes. (VOY novel: The Nanotech War)

In the Alpha Quadrant[]

Fenris Ranger Seven

2390s, as a Fenris Ranger.

"He was a son to me, Jay. This is for him."
—Seven of Nine to Bjayzl, 2399[src]

After Voyager's return to Earth, Admiral Kathryn Janeway fought unsuccessfully to get Seven into Starfleet. (PIC episodes: "Stardust City Rag", "Hide and Seek")

Upon the USS Voyager's return to Earth, Seven of Nine was met with racism and suspicion by both Starfleet officials and the Fenris Rangers, who feared she could be a Borg infiltrator. (PIC novel: Firewall)

Due to her expertise with the Borg, she was a vital part of a Federation think tank. (VOY reference: The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway)

Opting to retain her Borg designation over her birth name, Annika Hansen, she was denied her Federation citizenship, though officially, her name change was not cited as the reason. Amid these difficulties, Admiral Janeway's efforts to get Seven admitted into Starfleet were unsuccessful. Seven's personal connections suffered; she lost touch with all her Voyager crewmates besides Janeway and ended her relationship with Chakotay when he was reassigned to the USS Protostar. Attempts to bond with her aunt, Irene Hansen, failed.

When her appeal for Federation citizenship had been rejected in 2380 and her house in Cape Town was vandalized by locals, she decided to leave Earth. She then moved to two different worlds and, one year later eventually settled in Starheim on Utsira III, a Federation protectorate. She worked in a factory there.

During that time she was approached by an individual named Arastoo Mardani who claimed to represent the Federation Security Agency. He recruited her to gather intel on the Fenris Rangers in Arendel on Otroya II. (PIC novel: Firewall)

By 2386 Seven joined the Fenris Rangers. (PIC episodes: "Stardust City Rag", "Hide and Seek")

During that time, she became friends with Bjayzl and told her about her surrogate "son" Icheb. However, Bjayzl had kidnapped Icheb and harvested his body for Borg components on Vergessen. Seven ended the operation, but was forced to euthanize Icheb due to the operation. Seven spent the next 13 years tracking Bjayzl down. (PIC episode: "Stardust City Rag")


Seven's Ranger ship.

Alternate timelines[]

25th century[]

Seven was then recruited by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E to help Starfleet infiltrate the Borg. (TNG - Hive comic: "Hive, Issue 2")

In 2385, Seven left Starfleet after it decided the fact the Borg were no longer a threat after a decade of non-threatening actions from them. Seven saw their decision as dangerously reckless. Seven then accepted a job as a researcher for the Daystrom Institute. (STO website: The Path to 2409)

In 2409, Seven refused to return to Starfleet despite the return of the Collective and the Borg attacks on Vega colony. However, at the request of Admiral Tuvok, Seven accepted the position of science adviser to Tuvok's fleet and was assigned to the USS Callisto. (STO video game: Delta Rising)

Seven of Nine STO

Seven of Nine in 2410

In 2410 the Callisto was destroyed by a malfunction in the automated defense system of a Federation outpost in the Delta Quadrant's Yontasa sector. Seven was able to disable the defenses and beam the survivors aboard the outpost. After being rescued by an Alpha Quadrant Alliance starship, Seven helped the crew re-enable the planetary defense grid on the Turei homeworld, foiling a Vaadwaur invasion. When the USS Voyager arrived in orbit after the battle, Tuvok asked her to rejoin Voyager's crew, and she accepted. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Revelations")


Seven in 2411.

In the year 2411, Seven operated for the Fenris Rangers again. She followed up a report of Borg activity in the Traelus system when she and an Alliance vessel were pulled to Excalbia. The Excalbians put them through trials, alongside a construct of Michael Burnham, to help them decide whether to pursue the ideals of Good or Evil. (STO - J'Ula's Discovery mission: "The Measure of Morality (Part 1)")

The Excalbian constructs became sentient, and a construct of Seven of Nine, enhanced by Control's nanites into a powerful Borg Queen, threatened the Excalbians. Seven, Burnham and their allies defeated the constructed queen and her minions, allowing Seven to conclude her mission in the Traelus system. (STO - J'Ula's Discovery mission: "The Measure of Morality (Part 2)")

In an alternate timeline, "Admiral Seven of Nine" married The Doctor in the late 25th century. A renowned Federation scientist with political ties, she and the former EMH contributed research to the Phoenix Project. Both were compelled out of mutual respect for the countless hours of dedication and sacrifice devoted to the Pathfinder Project years ago. (DS9 novel: The War of the Prophets)

In another alternate timeline, she remained a member of the Collective until late 2374, when an attack by Species 8472 liberated her and seven other members of Unimatrix Zero. They were subsequently rescued by the Vostigye ship Ryemaran, and Seven reasserted her identity as Annika Hansen.

In another alternate timeline, Species 8472 won the war with the Borg by using the Omega molecule to destroy approximately half of the Borg Collective while limiting the surviving Borg vessels to sublight velocity. As it had already moved beyond Borg space by this time, Voyager was not affected. In this timeline, Seven of Nine was never liberated from the Collective. It was believed that she was killed in the devastation caused by the Omega molecule. (VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella: Places of Exile)

In another alternate timeline, Annika Hansen was a member of Jean-Luc Picard's resistance cell, until Wesley Crusher staged a coup, which she joined. She was subsequently killed by the Klingons. (TNG - Myriad Universes comic: "Do Not Close Your Eyes")

In another alternate timeline in which Voyager took twenty-three years to return to Earth, Seven married Chakotay at an unknown time and died some time between the wedding and their return to Earth. Grief over her death caused Chakotay's own death in 2394. It was these events, along with Tuvok's insanity, which caused Admiral Janeway to go back in time and bring Voyager home in 2377. (VOY episode & novelization: Endgame)

In another alternate timeline in which the Borg were not absorbed by the Caeliar gestalt, Seven retained her Borg technology and link to the collective. When the Voldranaii attacked the Borg and started to purge the galaxy, Seven, operating undercover, was selected by the Borg Queen to be their ambassador again and to help Starfleet update their weapons. She confirmed the Voldranaii threat the Queen told them. When Starfleet realized the Borg's deception, Seven was coerced into betraying Starfleet when the Queen transmitted the Sentinel protocol to her. She was forced to give the Borg the prefix codes to all Starfleet ships, enabling the Borg to lower all the Starfleet ships' shields. Fortunately, Commander La Forge was able to disrupt the Queen's control over Seven.

Despite Lieutenant Kira Archer's and Seven's call to terminate herself, Picard kept her alive and under guard. She, Captain Picard, and Data then devised a plan to use Seven's filter technology and the nano-virus that the future Locutus created to stop the Borg. The three of them then beamed to the Borg Vinculum, where Picard allowed himself to be assimilated by the Queen. Seven then used her filter to save as many drones as she could. However, Seven was mortally wounded during the attempt, when Lieutenant Archer fired torpedoes at the Borg cubes. Seven then died onboard the Enterprise. (TNG - Hive comics: "Hive, Issue 2", "Hive, Issue 3", "Hive, Issue 4")

Personal timeline[]

date(s) assignment/event location
24 June 2348 Born Tendara Colony Ufp-emblem
2356 Assimilated by the Borg USS Raven (NAR-32450), B'omar space Borg
2356-2374 Drone in the Borg Collective Borg space, Delta Quadrant
2374 Liberated from the collective by the crew of the USS Voyager USS Voyager, Delta Quadrant Starfleet 2370s insignia
2374-2377 Crew member, USS Voyager
c. 2386-2399 Fenris Ranger
C.2401 Acting CO USS Stargazer



USS Voyager miscellaneous personnel
Federation icon image. Agalsoff • Allyn • Bagdadi • Bernard • Betts • Bokk • Bourse • Braswell • Brownfield • Brooks • Burgess • Canamar • Charnock • Chichester • Chronister • Connolly • Cooper • D'Angelo • DiPasquale • Djanrelian • Dorton • Drapanas • Enberry • Englert • Eyslee • Ferginson • Forster • Frankenheimer • Gerron • Heebaek • Mariah Henley • Hester • M. Hoffman • Hoffman • Homs • Hutchinson • Icheb • Ishii • James • Kardesh • Karnes • Kes • Knapp • Lattin • Mackey • Mackey • Madalone • Magdaleno • Mannick • Mayer • Middleton • Minster • Moore • Mosko • Neelix • Nelson • Nesterowicz • O'Hea • D. Okuda • M. Okuda • Peets • Perskle • Phillipuk • Renta • Rush • Russo • Santo Pietro • Schwartz • Sears • Sepulveda • Settle • Seven of Nine • Shostrom • Sims • Sirelka • Spitalny • Sternbach • Stimson • Tarrine • Taylor • Thomas • Thompson • Trexis • Triggiani • VanZyl • Vitolia • Weisz • Westmore • Wheeler • Wildman Starfleet icon image.
see also: engineering personnel • medical personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff
Stargazer personnel
USS Stargazer (NCC-2893) Ailat • Ang • G. Asmund • I. Asmund • Ben Zoma • Bender • Caber • Cadwallader • Cariello • Chen • Crusher • Durand • Grace • Greyhorse • Hanta • Iulus • Jiterica • Joseph • Kastiigan • Ki'hiut • Kochman • Kotsakos • Leach • Lisuni • Maisel • Merritt • Morgen • Nikolas • Obal • Paris • Pfeffer • Picard • Pierzynski • Refsland • Ruhalter • Satran • Schuster • Simenon • Stroman • Suranyi • T'Moni • Ulelo • Urajel • Valderrama • Vandermeer • Vigo • Werber • Wu • Yojaleya • unnamed USS Stargazer (NCC-2893) personnel Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
USS Stargazer (NCC-2893-A) USS Stargazer (Intrepid-class NCC-2893-A): Hendry • Rackham
USS Stargazer (Stargazer-class prototype NCC-2893-A): Roma Giordano
USS Stargazer (NCC-82893) Cristóbal Rios • Seven of Nine • Mekara • Moshe • Sing • Urtern • Kemi • unnamed USS Stargazer (NCC-82893) personnel
beta shift: Jörg Hillebrand • Richard Kruse • Thomas Marrone • Ben Robinson • Claudia Roque • Brad Wilder
gamma shift: Benjamin Betts • Amber Maher • Larry Markart • Todd Marks
ISS Stargazer Reginald Barclay • Deanna Troi • Jean-Luc Picard • Data • Natasha Yar • Sam Klock • Khushal • Geordi La Forge • Jack Crusher Terran Empire emblem image. Seal of the Terran Empire Starfleet.
Terran Rebellion starship Stargazer Gerda Idun Asmund • Gilaad Ben Zoma • Andreas Nikolas • Phigus Simenon • Montgomery Scott Seal of the Terrans.
USS Titan-A personnel
alpha shift Amy Arnold • Barlow • Beryl Brachman • Corey Bronson • Michael Crow • Carmen Davis • Doug Drexler • Elise Drozdowski • Garnet Filo • Gree • Matt Jerome • Mitch Kenney • Sidney La Forge • Mahler Landman • Jim Martin • Mura • Oak • Natasha Parkin • Lily Scott • Seven of Nine • Liam Shaw • Alyssa Tull • Cesha Ventre • Vesco • Wndell Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
beta shift Reina Allez-Herberger • Vicky Antonyan • Ben Betts • Dorothy Bulac-Eriksen • Gina Cercone • Maggie Chan • Sophia Coronado-Carvalho • Elizabeth Estervig • Daniel Lim • Peter Macaluso • Bertha Macias • Alejandra Madrigal-Aviña • Amber Maher • Ariana Marciano • Larry Markart • Todd Marks • Sharon McGunigle • Kasha Meyers • Wendy Polutanovich • John Ringhoff • Kainan Short • Shannon Short • Michael Sloan • Ivory Stanton • Imario Susilo • Tÿra Youland
gamma shift Danny Brown • Corey Checketts • Sam Dean • Lawrence Decker • Mark Dodd • Sean Dommett • Casey Feldt • Dustin Foster • John Foster • Jayse Hansen • Lance Inoue • Andrew Jarvis • Chris Kieffer • Bill Krause • Koko Lee • Joe Martinez • Nathan Nannie • Christian Plascencia • Matthew Ruiz • Clint Taylor • Joshua Tovar • Ray Wilkerson • Kyle Wilson
other crew Ensign Eli Foster • Doctor Ohk • William T. Riker (acting captain, 2401) • T'Veen
Commanding officers of the ships Enterprise
Enterprise (sloop-of-war) Dickenson USA flag
HMS Enterprise Carnegie Flag of the British Empire.
USS Enterprise (schooner) Decatur • Burrows USA flag
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Hardison
Enterprise (OV-101) Haise
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) Roper
Enterprise (NX-01) Archer Enterprise assignment patch.
Enterprise (NX-01) (alternate timelines) Archer • T'Pol • Tucker • Lorian
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Rasmussen • April • Pike • Vlasidovich • Kirk • Zarlo • Hensham • Decker • Spock USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701's predecessor) (Kelvin timeline) April • Marcus Assignment badge.
USS Enterprise (Kelvin timeline) Pike • Spock • Kirk
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (other alternate realities) Kirk • Kirk • Pike • Thelin • Spock • Hoffman • Mitchell
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Kirk • Spock • Sulu Assignment badge.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) (alternate realities) Pike
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Harriman • George • Rendón • Sulu • Johnson
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Garrett • Castillo
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Picard • Riker • Jellico Badge image.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (alternate realities) Picard • Crusher • Halloway • Riker
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Bateson • Picard • Riker • Data Badge image.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (alternate realities) Picard • Halloway • Riker • Data • Jellico • Crusher • Worf
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) Shon Badge image.
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) (alternate realities) Picard • Riker • Data • Shon
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) Seven of Nine
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) Dax Badge image.
ISS Enterprise (NX-01) Forrest • Archer Emblem of the Terran Empire.
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) April • Franz • Pike • Kirk • Spock • Decker • Riley • Saavik
ISS Enterprise (ICC-1701) (Kelvin timeline) Spock
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Pavel Chekov
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Jean-Luc Picard
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Jean-Luc Picard
Free Starship Enterprise Jean-Luc Picard
ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) Leeta

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
