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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


The Enterprise rescues colonists from a planet torn apart by natural disasters. The colonists were suffering from a genetic disease but are now completely healthy. Troi is suspicious of their behavior, including Geordi's former lover.

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Log Entries[]

  • Captain's Log, Stardate 43201.8.
    We have reached Cassiopeia Delta Seven-- Also known as Serafin's Planet-- After receiving a distress call from the planet's Federation colony.
    The Cause of the distress call us painfully obvious now. Internal stresses are tearing this world apart, creating all manner of natural disasters on its surface.
    It is remarkable that there are any survivors among the colonists, given the advanced state of the planet's self-destruction. But perhaps I should not be surprised...
    After all, this is a most unusual colony.



Antoine • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Data • Dupont • Geordi La Forge • James McRobb • Miles O'Brien • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Dahlia Santorini • Dara Stockton • Randy Stockton • Deanna Troi • Miguel Uribe • Worf

Starships and vessels[]

USS Enterprise-D


Cassiopeia Delta VII (aka Serafin's Planet)

Races and cultures[]

Betazoid • Human • Klingon

States and organizations[]

Federation • Starfleet

Other references[]

bridge • synthehol • transporter


Related media[]

This story is completed in TNG comic #6: "Shadows in the Garden"




published order
Previous comic:
#4: The Hero Factor
TNG comics
DC monthly series
Next comic:
#6: Shadows in the Garden
Previous story:
The Hero Factor
Comics by:
Michael Jan Friedman
Next story:
Shadows in the Garden
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Bonding
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
Shadows in the Garden
Previous Adventure:
The Bonding
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Next Adventure:
Shadows in the Garden

External links[]
