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Dividing $100$ coins into $7$ groups such that I can choose any number of coins by selecting whole groups

You are forced to powers of $2$ when the total number of coins is $2^k-1$ and you split them into $k$ groups. You have groups from $2^0=1$ to $2^{k-1}$ and the sum of these is $2^k-1$. To find the ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
4 votes

Creative Algebra Net Problem Solving Question

Since you have $4$ linear equations in $3$ unknowns, it's an overdetermined system and, thus, potentially inconsistent, but this answer shows this isn't the case. First, to avoid dealing with ...
John Omielan's user avatar
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3 votes

Probability of 3 darts landing in the same half of the board

The “darts on a board” version is equivalent to the “points on a circle” version. When you throw darts on a board, you can radially project the darts onto the circumference of the dartboard; these ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 78.3k
2 votes

Expected Number of Letters Typed Until MOO is Typed When Letters Are Typed Randomly

I disagree with the official solution. Further, I think that the original poster's first approach is both workable and elegant. However, the math needs to be nailed down. Assume that the character ...
user2661923's user avatar
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2 votes

Number of Chess Games Possible: Parity Discussion

My ideas aren't completely thought-through, but here's what I've come up with so far: $\Large \text{Switching colors}$ The idea here is to "pair up" games to prove that the total number of ...
BobTheThird's user avatar
1 vote

Russian roulette with re-spin intuition for asymmetric solution

Each run is independent in a certain abstract sense. We can imagine an indefinite sequence of spins of the cylinder, always with one live bullet and pulling the trigger after each spin. In this ...
David K's user avatar
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1 vote

Question 4.31 Heard on the Street - Probability/Game Theory Question

As you say, if B plays red/blue with equal probability, it is better for A to play red with probability 1; but then it is better for B to play blue with probability 1; etc; but then it is better for A ...
mcd's user avatar
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1 vote

expected value of high-low guessing game

You can get one number (either $50$ or $51$) on your first guess, then either of two numbers on your second guess, then any of four numbers on your third guess, and so forth, except that your seventh ...
Brian Tung's user avatar
  • 34.5k
1 vote

Relationship of the Egg Riddle solution to bisection and $\log(N)$ function?

Defining the function of minimum number of drops required with $k$ eggs for $n$ floors:$$f(n, k) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{ if } n=0\\ \infty & \text{ otherwise if } k=0 \\ \min\limits_{x=1}^{...
EnEm's user avatar
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