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13 votes

The maximum area of a pentagon inside a circle

Consider any two consecutive sides $AB$, $BC$ of a convex polygon inscribed in a given circle. Suppose to keep all vertices fixed apart $B$: the area of the polygon is maximum when $B$ is the midpoint ...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
5 votes

The maximum area of a pentagon inside a circle

Let's look at general (convex) $n$-sided polygons inscribed in a unit circle. Join the centre of the circle to each vertex of the polygon to form $n$ isosceles triangles. Say their apex angles are $\...
Chris Lewis's user avatar
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3 votes

Largest Area Triangle in the Vesica Piscis

Here is a solution in the "17th century spirit" where extremal solutions were found based on the computation of infinitesimal quantities. I assume that we look for an optimal solution under ...
Jean Marie's user avatar
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2 votes

Find sum of factorials divisible by the largest possible prime squared

I used such approach: for given $n$ (currently, $n=32$), loop through prime numbers $p$ starting from certain value $p_0$ to, theoretically, $\sqrt{\sum_{k=1}^n k!}$; and for these $(n,p)$ construct 2 ...
Oleg567's user avatar
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1 vote

Constrained optimization with restriction

Both methods will yield the same result, it's just a matter of when you perform the algebraic manipulation. In your first case, you first calculate the derivative of $f$ and $r$ and then combine them,...
5xum's user avatar
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How to rigorously show that the maximum variance of an hermitian matrix is $\left( \frac{h_{max}-h_{min}}{2} \right) ^2$?

Without loss of generality we may assume that $H$ is real diagonal. In that case, you have--denoting $\lambda_j$ for the (positive, real) eigenvalues, $$ F(v) = \sum_{j} \lambda_j^2 v_j^2 - \Big(\...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Minimizing a function using matrix calculus

The basic idea is to find $dJ(K)$ in terms of $dK$. I'll demonstrate for the first term $$J(K) = x^T C^T K^T G K Cx.$$ We have \begin{align} dJ(K) &= x^T C^T dK^T G K C x + x^T C^T K^T G dK C x \\ ...
Kakashi's user avatar
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Optimal permutation of transition probabilities in random walk to minimize expected stopping time

I have a way of reformulating the problem that may be helpful: Let $t_r$ be the expected stopping time starting from position $r$. Then we have, for $2 \le r \le n$: $$t_r=p_r t_{r+1}+(1-p_r)t_{r-1}+1$...
Zoe Allen's user avatar
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