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3 votes

chromatic number of a locally connected graph

There are known bounds to the chromatic number of a graph. In general, if $\Delta$ is the highest degree in the graph and $\chi(G)$ its chromatic number, $$\chi(G) \leq \Delta + 1$$ If the graph is ...
lafinur's user avatar
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2 votes

Does there exist an oriented graph with fixed amount of vertices and fixed possible indegree and outdegree?

Solutions for your pair of equations can be found using the theory of diophantine equations. If you specify your two degree sequences (you specify for each vertex both its outdegree and indegree), you ...
caduk's user avatar
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1 vote

Finding a new MST for $G(V,E)$ after connecting a new vertex

This is exactly one step of Prim's algorithm. There we already have a minimum spanning tree of some subset of vertices $V'$ then we consider new vertex $v$ and it's incident edges along with the ...
spectralmath's user avatar
1 vote

Simple paths in a graph

There are two paths from a to b, two paths from b to d, and one path from a to d. Therefore, 2 x 2 + 1 = 5.
Doug's user avatar
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An interesting Hamiltonian path problem concerning the connectivity of subgraphs

I can only provide some generalizations of X.H. Yue's results for small and large $t$. For $t=2$, the condition is just a reformulation of "every pair of vertices must have an edge between them&...
Ingix's user avatar
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Distance between two vertices picked at random from random graph.

This depends on your random graph model. Peeyush's answer is true for fixed $p$, however in a random graph model, we often take $p \in \Theta(\frac{1}{n})$, then by the same reasoning, sending $n\to \...
Elijah Blum's user avatar
1 vote

How to prove crossing number is 3?

I will try to briefly describe my solution. Let our graph G be somehow drawn in the plane. The graph $G$ contains two subgraphs with vertices $23157$ and $34157$ isomorphic to $K_5$ and a subgraph $H$...
kabenyuk's user avatar
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