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14 votes

How can I learn how to solve hard problems like this Example?

Technique : rationalization When we are given $A/B$ or $1/B$ , we try to eliminate the Denominator. That will involve "conjugates" , that is , When Denominator is $x+\sqrt{y}$ , we could ...
Prem's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I learn how to solve hard problems like this Example?

And guess what, these problems are hard for me. Should I spend more time on hard ones before giving up? Should I memorise solutions by heart to get techniques? What could I do if I get stuck? I am ...
preferred_anon's user avatar
4 votes

How can I learn how to solve hard problems like this Example?

Let's start with some tough love: If you gave up after half an hour, you didn't really try. Prem and others have already posted some concrete tips on how this particular problem could be approached, ...
Einar Rødland's user avatar
4 votes

Solutions to $(f(x)-f(y))^3=f\left(x^3\right)-f\left(y^3\right)$

I leave my proof, let me know if there are some incorrect reasonings please. The globally constant functions satisfy our equation, so we can suppose there are $x$ and $y$ such that $f(x)\neq f(y)$. We ...
Federico Fallucca's user avatar
4 votes

Integration of a very hard expression

For all $n \in \mathbb {N}$, see $$\begin{align} \int_{0}^{\infty} {t}^{n} {e}^{- t} \text {d} t & = - \int_{0}^{\infty} {t}^{n} \cdot \frac {\text {d}}{\text {d} t} {e}^{- t} \cdot \text {d} t \\ ...
Simon's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prove $(x+y)|a|^2 |b|^2 - x |a|^2 - y |b|^2 = - (x|a|^4 + y |b|^4)$?

Use the constraint $|a|^2 + |b|^2 = 1$: $$(x+y)\,|a|^2 |b|^2 - x |a|^2 - y |b|^2 \;=\; (x+y)|a|^2 |b|^2 - \Big(x |a|^2 +y |b|^2\Big)\Big(|a|^2 + |b|^2\Big)$$ then multiply out & simplify.
Hanno's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make the largest square possible from smaller squares

Here's a 7X7 square 8X8 square can't be done
NivMan's user avatar
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Is $(\mathbb{Q},0,+,<)$ isomorphic to $(\mathbb{Q}^{+},1,\cdot,<)$? ("Logic in Mathematics and Set Theory" by Kazuyuki Tanaka and Toshio Suzuki)

A positive rational number can be written uniquely $$q=\prod_{p\in\mathcal P}p^{r(p)}$$ where $\mathcal P$ is the set of prime numbers and $r:\mathcal P\to\Bbb Z$ is of finite support (i.e. $r(p)=0$ ...
Anne Bauval's user avatar
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Blitzstein, Problem number 7, Stat 110 Homework 4 Solutions, Fall 2011

You can define a random variable $Y_j:= \max_{1\leq i \leq j} X_i$. Then $\{ I_j=1 \}=\{ Y_j =X_j \}$. Notice also that $ \cup_{\ell=1}^j \{ Y_j =X_\ell \} $ is the whole event space. Since $X_1,...,...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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1 vote

Problem E1 in Engels's "Problem Solving Strategies"

The difference between $x_{n + 1}$ and $y_{n + 1}$ gets smaller as $n$ grows because it's less than half the difference between the previous $x$ and $y$ coordinates. This is the key. In general, just ...
K. Jiang's user avatar
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Is $(\mathbb{Q},0,+,<)$ isomorphic to $(\mathbb{Q}^{+},1,\cdot,<)$? ("Logic in Mathematics and Set Theory" by Kazuyuki Tanaka and Toshio Suzuki)

You can try to prove that $\mathbb{Q}^{×}$ is isomorphic to the direct sum of a cyclic group of order 2 and a free abelian group with countably many generators, and $\mathbb{Q}^{+}$ is not a direct ...
0001晕1000's user avatar
1 vote

Is $(\mathbb{Q},0,+,<)$ isomorphic to $(\mathbb{Q}^{+},1,\cdot,<)$? ("Logic in Mathematics and Set Theory" by Kazuyuki Tanaka and Toshio Suzuki)

Let $F(1)=q=\frac{a}{b}\in\mathbb{Q}^{+}$ and $a,b\in\{1,2,3,\dots\}$ and $\gcd(a,b)=1$. Let $n\in\{1,2,3,\dots\}$. Then, $F(\frac{1}{n})=\sqrt[n]{\frac{a}{b}}=\frac{l}{m}$ for some $l,m\in\{1,2,3,\...
佐武五郎's user avatar
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Which of the equations has solutions in $\mathbb{Z}$?

HINT.-Because of by q.r.l. $(\dfrac{-1}{p})=(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}$ which is negative for $p=3,7$, we have that $-1$ is not a square modulo $p$ for $p=3,7$. It follows $3x^2+5y^2=7z^2$ and $3x^2+7y^2=...
Piquito's user avatar
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Russian roulette with re-spin intuition for asymmetric solution

Each run is independent in a certain abstract sense. We can imagine an indefinite sequence of spins of the cylinder, always with one live bullet and pulling the trigger after each spin. In this ...
David K's user avatar
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How to prove $(x+y)|a|^2 |b|^2 - x |a|^2 - y |b|^2 = - (x|a|^4 + y |b|^4)$?

Hint: $$-x|a|^2-y|b|^2=(-x|a|^2-y|b|^2)(|a|^2+|b|^2)$$ because by assumption $|a|^2+|b|^2=1$.
Föölücks's user avatar
1 vote

Then the number of solutions of $| x^ 2 − [ x ] | = 1$ is?

There is a solution, which does not imply any graphical ideas. First of all, your equality is equivalent to: $x^2-[x]=1$ or $x^2-[x]=-1$, from where we will write $[x]$ as $x-frac(x)$, where $frac(x)$ ...
Vlad Boiko's user avatar

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