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6 votes

Jacobian of the normalization of vector x, with respect to vector x.

$\def\vec{\operatorname{vec}}$ $\def\qty#1{\left( #1 \right)}$ $\def\d{{\sf d}}$ There is no need to write the Jacobian matrix as $\frac{\partial \vec {\bf y}}{\partial \vec {\bf x}}$ since both $\bf ...
Ted Black's user avatar
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5 votes

A dual space to a space of homogeneous polynomials

The dual can be described in terms of differential operators. Given a polynomial $p(x, y)$ in two variables we can consider the family $f_{i, j}$ of linear functionals defined by taking the partial ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
3 votes

Jacobian of the normalization of vector x, with respect to vector x.

Using product differential rule: $$ d\frac{\textbf{x}}{\sqrt{\langle \textbf{x}, \textbf{x} \rangle}}=\frac{d\textbf{x}}{\sqrt{\langle \textbf{x}, \textbf{x} \rangle}} + \textbf{x}\:d\frac{1}{\sqrt{\...
Egor Ivanov's user avatar
3 votes

Additive inverse in a Field $\Bbb Z_2$ with 2 elements 0 and 1

The notation $\mathbb{Z}_n$ refers to the integers modulo $n$. This is the remainder after dividing by n. For example, $19 \mod 4 = 3$ because $19 = 4\cdot 4 + 3.$ So, $\mathbb{Z}_2$ looks at ...
Sean Roberson's user avatar
1 vote

Low-dimension matrix approximation?

$E_2W$ is a matrix with rank at most $n_2$. Following the Eckart-Young-Mirsky theorem, the smallest possible result for the objective function is obtained when $E_2 W$ is equal to the truncated SVD of ...
Ben Grossmann's user avatar
1 vote

How axioms of inner product ensure that an instantiation/realization capture notion of angle correctly?

A real inner product on a real vector space $V$ is a symmetric positive definite bilinear form $V \times V \to \mathbb{R}$. You already accept that $|x| = \sqrt{\langle x, x\rangle}$ captures the ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
1 vote

Ideal , subring and subspace of a linear algebra over a field

The definition of a linear algebra in Hoffman-Kunze is what is more commonly known as an (associative) algebra over a field. It seems that you are also assuming the existence of identity, which would ...
SomeCallMeTim's user avatar

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