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The lower bound of Frobenius norm of matrices product.

Let $A,B \in M_p(R)$ be symmetric matrices, $A$ is given and non-singular, where $\|.\|$ is Frobenius norm. I would like to find the lower bound of $\|A^{-1}.B.(A+B)^{-1}\|$: I have the result: $$\|A^{...
Võ Long Tuấn's user avatar
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Greatest lower bound and smallest upper bound of Frobenius norm of product of matrices

Let $A,B \in M_p(R)$ be symmetric matrices, $A$ is given and non-singular, $\|A^{-1}\|.\|B\| < 1$ where $\|.\|$ is Frobenius norm. I would like to find the lower bound and upper bound of $\|A^{-1}....
Võ Long Tuấn's user avatar
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Lower bounding $v^TA^{\dagger}v$ where A is a sum of rank-1 matrices

This is related to a previous question I asked (Upper bounding $v^TAv$ where $A$ is the inverse of a sum of rank-$1$ matrices and $v$ is a vector). Let $(x_i)_{1 \leq i \leq n}$ be vectors of $\...
Skywear's user avatar
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Lower bound of norm squared

Let $(X, \| \cdot \|)$ be an $n$-dimensional normed $\mathbb{R}$-linear space. Let $\{x_1, x_2, ..., x_n\}$ be a basis of $X$. Show that there exist positive constants $C_1$ and $C_2$ such that for ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Bound on L2-Norm of Probability Distributions?

I am working on a problem where I have continuous probability distributions $p$ over a bounded domain $D$, i.e., $\forall x$ $p(x) \geq 0$ and $\|p\|_1 = \int_D p(x) dx = 1$. However, I also want $p$ ...
Ambar's user avatar
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How to find an upper bound for a norm with power less than 1?

I need to find an upper bound for $$\|x-y\|_2^\nu$$ in which $\nu \in [0,1]$. I was wondering if $\|x-y\|_2^2$ can be considered as an upper bound. or $\|x\|+\|y\|$?
Andreas deniro's user avatar
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If a real-valued $f(t)$ is absolute continuous on a domain $[a,\,b]$, Does it imply it is also absolute integrable $\int_a^b |f(t)|dt < \infty$?

If a real-valued $f(t)$ is absolute continuous on a domain $[a,\,b]$, Does it imply it is also absolute integrable $\int_a^b |f(t)|dt < \infty$? If is not true in general, please give some counter-...
Joako's user avatar
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Can a norm on polynomials be supermultiplicative?

A norm on a real algebra is supermultiplicative when $\lVert f\cdot g\rVert\geq\lVert f\rVert\cdot\lVert g\rVert$ for all $f$ and $g$ in the algebra. Is there a supermultiplicative norm on $\mathbb R[...
mr_e_man's user avatar
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Can a norm on polynomials be "almost multiplicative", even for large degrees?

Definition: A norm on a real algebra is called almost multiplicative if there are positive constants $L$ and $U$ such that, for all $f$ and $g$ in the algebra, $$L\lVert f\rVert\cdot\lVert g\rVert\;\...
mr_e_man's user avatar
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Upper bound on the norm of an inverse of a positive definite matrix

Given two real-valued symmetric positive-definite matrices $A$ and $B$. Assume that $A\succeq I$. Let $\Delta = B-A$. We are interested in a bound on $\Vert B^{-1}-A^{-1}\Vert$ in terms of $\Vert \...
You_Don't_Know_Who's user avatar
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Upper Bound for the Induced 2-Norm $\|(A+B)^{-1}A\|$

Assume $A$ is a positive definite matrix, and $B$ is a positive semi-definite matrix. I am interested in the problem of whether there exists a constant upper bound for the induced 2-norm (spectral ...
Sean2020's user avatar
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supremum on quadratic and bilinear form

Let $V$ be a real normed vector space. Denote by $V_1$ the subset of $V$ of vectors with norm $\le 1$. Consider a positive-semidefinite symmetric bilinear form $\langle \cdot, \cdot\rangle : V\times V\...
geodude's user avatar
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bounds on norm of a vector

Let $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$, and $M \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a full rank square matrix. If it is known that $ \| M x\|_2 \leq c$, then what can be said about the upper bound of $\| x\|_2$, i.e., $\|...
ChargeShivers's user avatar
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Lower bound on the components of a unit vector

Let $u \in \mathbb{R}^n$ be a unit vector: $\|u\| = 1$. Is there a formula for the smallest $C > 0$ such that $|u_i| \geq C$ for some component $u_i$ where $i = 1,...,n$? For example, if $u \in \...
Frederic Chopin's user avatar
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If the norm of the difference between two unit vector is lower bounded by a positive constant, does it mean that the inner product is upper bounded?

Let $x,y$ be two vectors with $\lVert x \rVert = \lVert y \rVert =1$ and $\lVert x-y \rVert \geq \delta$, where $\delta \gt 0$. Is it possible to show that, $1-(x^Ty)^2 \geq \delta^2$? My Approach: $$\...
Lemma_infinity's user avatar
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Randomness in the norm of sum of vectors

Let $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n \in \mathbb{R}^d$ be vectors and $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n \in \mathbb{R}$ be random iid scalars distributed by $N~(0,\sigma^2).$ Then, is it possible to lower bound the ...
Lemma_infinity's user avatar
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$\ell_2$ vs $\ell_{\infty}$ induced norm of a square matrix

I'm wondering if the result of this post $\| A \|_{L^2} \le \| A \|_{\infty}$ for symmetric matrices $A$ applies to square matrices that are not symmetric. Of course, for an asymmetrical square ...
user594147's user avatar
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Probability of ell-1 norms of vertices of the rotated Hamming cube

Let $O$ be a $d$-dimensional rotation matrix (i.e., it has real entries and $OO^T = O^TO = I$). Let $\mathbf{x}$ be a uniformly random bitstring of length $d$, i.e., $\mathbf{x} \sim U(\{0,1\}^d)$. In ...
arriopolis's user avatar
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Gettings bounds for seminorms from bound of absolute value

On a compact domain $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$, we have a function $u(x) \in C^{\infty}(\Omega)$ with an approximation $u_h(x)$ with the following properties: $$ |u(x) - u_h (x)| \leq C h^{m+1} |...
Quang Thinh Ha's user avatar
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Wrong defined/boundless $g \rightarrow\sum_{n = 1}^\infty\frac{g(\frac1n)}{2^n}$

Let's consider: $$f\colon (C[0,1], \Vert\cdot \Vert_1) \ni g\rightarrow \sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{g(\frac1n)}{2^n}$$ I'm trying to check if this object is well defined. where $\Vert f \Vert_1 = \int_0^1|...
Lucian's user avatar
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Why $\|(A + cI)^{-1}x\|\leq \frac{\|x\|}{\lambda_{\min}(A)}$

Given $A\succ 0$ (positive-definite) and $c>0$, I am trying to show $$\|(A + cI)^{-1}x\|\leq \frac{\|x\|}{\lambda_{\min}(A)} \tag{1}$$ using information like this but without success so far. Could ...
Thoth's user avatar
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Inconclusive inequality result: show $(id - f)^{-1}$ is bounded

I have the following statement to prove: Let $V$ be a normed vector space (so not necessarily complete or finite dimensional) over $\mathbb{R}$. Take any norm $\Vert \cdot \Vert_V$ on $V$ and let $\...
user594147's user avatar
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Bound on l1 norm given bound on l2 norm

While doing self-study exercices, I found the following bound without explanation and was not able to see why it is always the case. I found some examples, it seems legitimate but I am unable to ...
Alf's user avatar
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Is the 2-norm of a matrix bounded by the maximum of its 1-norm and Infinity-norm?

I am implementing the algorithm in "Approximating the Logarithm of a Matrix to Specified Accuracy" by Sheung Hun Cheng, Nicholas J. Higham, Charles S. Kenny, Alan J. Laub, 2001. In this ...
datahaki's user avatar
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Bounding $\|A^n-B^n\|_F$ by $\|A-B\|_F$

Given $$ \epsilon = \|A-B\|_F, $$ it is clear that $$ \epsilon^n > \|(A-B)^n\|_F, $$ which follows from submultiplicativity. I wonder if something related can be said about $\|A^n-B^n\|_F$?
Daniel's user avatar
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Bound for $\Vert\sum_iA_i^\dagger A_i\Vert_\infty$ given that $\Vert\sum_i A_i\Vert_\infty$ is small

Let $A_i$ be matrices such that $$\left\Vert \sum_i A_i \right\Vert_\infty \leq \varepsilon,$$ where $\Vert\cdot\Vert_\infty$ is the operator norm and is equal to the largest singular value of its ...
user1936752's user avatar
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How to find upper and lower bound

Let $\Sigma \in S_{++}^n$ be a symmteric positive definte matrix with all diagonal entries one. Let $U \in R^{n \times k_1}$, $W \in R^{n \times k_2}$, $\Lambda \in R^{k_1 \times k_1}$ and $T \in R^{...
newbie's user avatar
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alternative asymptotic bounds

I have an $n$ by 1 vector of weights $w$, and an $n$ by $k$ matrix, $\Gamma$. I have that $w'w$ is $\mathcal{O}(1)$, $\frac{\Gamma'\Gamma}{n}=\mathcal{O}(1)$ and $\frac{\Gamma\Gamma'}{n}=\mathcal{O}(1)...
yungmist's user avatar
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Deducing properties of the $\ell_3$ norm from the $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$ norms

Suppose we have a function $f: [0,1] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, $f(x) \geq 0$ normalised so that $\|f\|_1 = 1$, where $$ \| f\|_p = \left( \int_0^1 f(x)^p d x \right)^{1/p}. $$ Moreover, we know that $\|...
Eddy's user avatar
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Upper bound in bayesian regression setting

Let $y_i = x_i^\top \beta + \epsilon_i$, $i=1,\ldots,n$; where $\epsilon_i$ are i.i.d. following a distribution with mean zero and unit variance, i.e., $\epsilon_i \sim P_{\epsilon_i}(0,1)$, $i=1,\...
newbie's user avatar
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