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Greatest lower bound and smallest upper bound of Frobenius norm of product of matrices

Let $A,B \in M_p(R)$ be symmetric matrices, $A$ is given and non-singular, $\|A^{-1}\|.\|B\| < 1$ where $\|.\|$ is Frobenius norm. I would like to find the lower bound and upper bound of $\|A^{-1}....
Võ Long Tuấn's user avatar
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Lower bounding $v^TA^{\dagger}v$ where A is a sum of rank-1 matrices

This is related to a previous question I asked (Upper bounding $v^TAv$ where $A$ is the inverse of a sum of rank-$1$ matrices and $v$ is a vector). Let $(x_i)_{1 \leq i \leq n}$ be vectors of $\...
Skywear's user avatar
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Upper bound on the norm of an inverse of a positive definite matrix

Given two real-valued symmetric positive-definite matrices $A$ and $B$. Assume that $A\succeq I$. Let $\Delta = B-A$. We are interested in a bound on $\Vert B^{-1}-A^{-1}\Vert$ in terms of $\Vert \...
You_Don't_Know_Who's user avatar
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Upper Bound for the Induced 2-Norm $\|(A+B)^{-1}A\|$

Assume $A$ is a positive definite matrix, and $B$ is a positive semi-definite matrix. I am interested in the problem of whether there exists a constant upper bound for the induced 2-norm (spectral ...
Sean2020's user avatar
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$\ell_2$ vs $\ell_{\infty}$ induced norm of a square matrix

I'm wondering if the result of this post $\| A \|_{L^2} \le \| A \|_{\infty}$ for symmetric matrices $A$ applies to square matrices that are not symmetric. Of course, for an asymmetrical square ...
user594147's user avatar
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Why $\|(A + cI)^{-1}x\|\leq \frac{\|x\|}{\lambda_{\min}(A)}$

Given $A\succ 0$ (positive-definite) and $c>0$, I am trying to show $$\|(A + cI)^{-1}x\|\leq \frac{\|x\|}{\lambda_{\min}(A)} \tag{1}$$ using information like this but without success so far. Could ...
Thoth's user avatar
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Bounding $\|A^n-B^n\|_F$ by $\|A-B\|_F$

Given $$ \epsilon = \|A-B\|_F, $$ it is clear that $$ \epsilon^n > \|(A-B)^n\|_F, $$ which follows from submultiplicativity. I wonder if something related can be said about $\|A^n-B^n\|_F$?
Daniel's user avatar
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Bound for $\Vert\sum_iA_i^\dagger A_i\Vert_\infty$ given that $\Vert\sum_i A_i\Vert_\infty$ is small

Let $A_i$ be matrices such that $$\left\Vert \sum_i A_i \right\Vert_\infty \leq \varepsilon,$$ where $\Vert\cdot\Vert_\infty$ is the operator norm and is equal to the largest singular value of its ...
user1936752's user avatar
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How to find upper and lower bound

Let $\Sigma \in S_{++}^n$ be a symmteric positive definte matrix with all diagonal entries one. Let $U \in R^{n \times k_1}$, $W \in R^{n \times k_2}$, $\Lambda \in R^{k_1 \times k_1}$ and $T \in R^{...
newbie's user avatar
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upper bound for quadratic form in terms of vector norm and eigenvalues

I have a quadratic form. if Q, P and M are positive and symmetric matrices. $$(-x^T Q x - 2 x^T Q e - e^T Q e) + (y^T M y + 2 x^T P y + 2 e^T P y )$$ how can I get an upper bound for this quadratic ...
reza's user avatar
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Relationship between $\|AB\|_*$ and $\|A\|_*\|B\|_*$

Suppose we have two matrices $A\in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ and $B\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}$, then what's the relationship between $\|AB\|_*$ and $\|A\|_*\|B\|_*$? The notation $\|\cdot\|_*$ means ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Show that $\|A\|_{\infty} \leq \sqrt n \|A\|_2$

Question: Let $A \in \Bbb R^{m\times n}$. Show that $$\|A\|_{\infty} \leq \sqrt n \|A\|_2$$ Attempt: First, I tried invoking the SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) of $A$: $$\|A\|_\infty = \|UDV\|...
glowstonetrees's user avatar
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2-norm of product of multiple matrices

Suppose that $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m,n}$ and $B \in \mathbb{R}^{n,m}$ and $A$ has a bounded 2-norm. We know that $AB$ is a positive semi-definite matrix with $\|AB\|_2 \leq 1$. Further, assume that $C \...
KRL's user avatar
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Upper bound the maximum column sum of a particular stochastic matrix

Let $(x_i)_{i=1}^N$ be a set of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^D$. Define the matrix $W \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}$ as: $W_{ij} = \frac{\exp(-||x_i-x_j||^2)}{\sum_k \exp(-||x_i-x_k||^2)}$ i.e. row $i$ of $...
hyunjik11's user avatar
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A lower bound for the condition number matrix

I have the following proposition: Theorem: For every invertible matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ and every matrix norm $\|\cdot\|$, then the condition number $\mathcal{K}(A):=\|A\|\cdot\|A^{-1}\|$ ...
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