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Questions tagged [sequences-and-series]

For questions concerning sequences and series. Typical questions concern, but are not limited to: identifying sequences, identifying terms, recurrence relations, $\epsilon-N$ proofs of convergence, convergence tests, finding closed forms for sums. For questions on finite sums, use the (summation) tag instead.

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Difficulty in proof of a lemma in Katznelson's book about Harmonic Analysis chapt. 2 section 3 (divergence sets)

To explain my problem I must insert more from Katznelson's book than the part where I have a difficulty. (My comments to these copies in red.) Beginning of book quote End of book quote In the remark ...
Ulysse Keller's user avatar
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What is the number of integer sequences of length $T$ with fixed endpoints?

Let $T, n_1, n_2 \in \mathbb{Z}$ s.t. $T \geq 1$ be fixed. Consider the set $$\mathcal{P}(0, T - 1, n_1, n_2) = \Big\{x:\{0, 1, \dots, T - 1\} \to \mathbb{Z} \space \Big| \space \big(x(0) = n_1\big) \...
J_Psi's user avatar
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Does the rate $\log n$ imply "almost harmonic"?

Let $\{c_k\}$ be a decreasing positive sequence such that $\sum_{k=1}^n c_k \sim \log n$. Does it say $c_k=O(1/k)?$ I have found a reference where it says that the converse is true. I tried to tackle ...
L--'s user avatar
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$\operatorname{Li}_{2} \left(\frac{1}{e^{\pi}} \right)$ as a limit of a sum

Working on the same lines as This/This and This I got the following expression for the Dilogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_{2} \left(\frac{1}{e^{\pi}} \right)$: $$\operatorname{Li}_{2} \left(\frac{1}{e^{\...
Srini's user avatar
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Is there a non-trivial arithmetic progression of positive integers such that every number contains the digit $2?$

Let $X:=\{$ positive integers that contain the digit $2\}$ For fixed $m,n\in\mathbb{N},$ define the A.P. $S_{m,n:=}\ \{m,\ m+n,\ m+2n, \ldots\}\ .$ I am interested in $S_{m,n}\cap X,$ and $S_{m,n}\cap ...
Adam Rubinson's user avatar