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76 votes
7 answers

Is an automorphism of the field of real numbers the identity map?

Is an automorphism of the field of real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ the identity map? If yes, how can we prove it? Remark An automorphism of $\mathbb{R}$ may not be continuous.
Makoto Kato's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Why is it so hard to prove a number is transcendental?

While reading on Wikipedia about transcendental numbers, i asked myself: Why is it so hard and difficult to prove that $e +\pi, \pi - e, \pi e, \frac{\pi}{e}$ etc. are transcendental numbers? ...
aGer's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

What is the "higher cohomology" version of the Eudoxus reals?

The "Eudoxus reals" are one way to construct $\mathbb{R}$ directly from the integers. A full account is given by Arthan; here is the short version: A function $f: \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$ ...
user263190's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Finite dimensional division algebras over the reals other than $\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C},\mathbb{H},$ or $\mathbb{O}$

Have all the finite-dimensional division algebras over the reals been discovered/classified? The are many layman accessible sources on the web describing different properties of such algebras, but ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Can $\mathbb{R}^{+}$ be divided into two disjoint sets so that each set is closed under both addition and multiplication?

Can $\mathbb{R}^{+}$ be divided into two disjoint nonempty sets so that each set is closed under both addition and multiplication? I know if we only require both sets to be closed under addition then ...
Elf's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is there an "algebraic" way to construct the reals?

It's possible to construct $\mathbb{Q}$ from $\mathbb{Z}$ by constructing $\mathbb{Z}$'s field of fractions, and it's possible to construct $\mathbb{C}$ from $\mathbb{R}$ by adjoining $\sqrt{-1}$ to $\...
Bears's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is there a minimal generating set of reals which additively generate all the reals?

Is there a set $S$ of real numbers such that the submagma generated by $S$ under addition is the entire set of real numbers, but such that no proper subset of $S$ generates the entire set of real ...
user107952's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Are the real numbers the unique Dedekind-complete ordered set?

A totally ordered set is Dedekind-complete if any subset which has an upper bound also has a least upper bound. Now any two ordered fields which are Dedekind-complete are order-isomorphic as well as ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Using Zorn's lemma show that $\mathbb R^+$ is the disjoint union of two sets closed under addition.

Let $\Bbb R^+$ be the set of positive real numbers. Use Zorn's Lemma to show that $\Bbb R^+$ is the union of two disjoint, non-empty subsets, each closed under addition.
Omar's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Proving (without using complex numbers) that a real polynomial has a quadratic factor

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra tells us that any polynomial with real coefficients can be written as a product of linear factors over $\mathbb{C}$. If we don't want to use $\mathbb{C}$, the best ...
mweiss's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is this a field?

Let $S$ be the set of all the ordered pairs in the cartesian plane. That is: $$S=\{(x,y)|\ \ x, y \in \Bbb{R}\}$$ Then, If $a=(a_1, a_2)$ and $b=(b_1, b_2)$ are two arbitrary elements of $S$, the ...
NotAMathematician's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

$A,B$ such that $A\cap B=\emptyset$ and $A\cup B=\mathbb{R}$ and $B=\{x+y : x,y\in A\}$?

If set $A,B$ satisfy $A\cap B=\emptyset,A\cup B=I$, and $B=\{x+y : x,y\in A\}$, can $I$ be real number set $\mathbb{R}$? I think the answer is yes, but I can't construct it. If $A$ is odd number set, ...
Eufisky's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is $\mathbb Q$ a quotient of $\mathbb R[X]$?

Is there some ideal $I \subseteq \mathbb R[X]$ such that $\mathbb R[X]/I \cong \mathbb Q$? $I$ is clearly not a principal ideal.
Christopher King's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Path From Positive Dedekind Cuts to Reals?

Don't spend a lot of time on this. I'm certain I could bang it out myself; but maybe there's an answer out there that someone already knows. Say we use Dedekind cuts to construct the reals. Addition ...
David C. Ullrich's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Two "different" definitions of $\sqrt{2}$

In Walter Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd edition) (page 10), it is proved that for every $x>0$ and every integer $n>0$ there is one and only one positive real $y$ such that ...
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5 votes
3 answers

Is $\mathbb{Q}$ isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z^2}$?

Most of us are aware of the fact that $\mathbb{C}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{R^2}$, as we can define $\mathbb{C}$ as follows : $$\mathbb{C} := \left\{z : z=x+iy \ \ \ \text{where} \ \ \langle x,y \...
Perturbative's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to define the operation of division apart from the inverse of multiplication?

Sorry if this question is too far out there, but I'm looking for a rigorous definition of the division operation. As I have seen it before, $a/b$ is the solution to the equation $a=xb$. While I am ...
Paddling Ghost's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a binary operation over the nonnegative reals satisfying the metric and group axioms?

Is there a binary operation over the nonnegative reals which satisfies the metric axioms and the group axioms? I.e., find an $f : S \times S \to S$ such that $(f,S)$ follows the group and metric ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there any proper subring of $\mathbb{R}$ with field of fractions equal to $\mathbb{R}$? [duplicate]

Is there any proper subring of $\mathbb{R}$ with field of fractions equal to $\mathbb{R}$? Can we construct that proper subring? Is it necessarily an integral domain? Updated: Is there an example to ...
Mojee KD's user avatar
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1 answer

Two uncountable subsets of real numbers without any interval and two relations

Are there two uncountable subsets $A, B$ of real numbers such that: (1) $(A-A)\cap (B-B)=\{ 0\}$, (2) $(A-A)+B=\mathbb{R}$ or $(B-B)+A=\mathbb{R}$ ? We know that if one of them contains an interval,...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Existence of identity element for binary operation on the real numbers.

We define a new operation $$x*y= x+y+xy,$$ on the set of real numbers with the usual addition and multiplicaton. Has this operation got an identity element? It seems clear for me that there is one ...
Javier CF's user avatar
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Elements of $\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb{Z}} (\mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}) $ as Cauchy sequences

There is an isomorphism of abelian groups $\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb{Z}} (\mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{R}$, a proof is based on three observations: $\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb{...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Abstract concept tying real numbers to elementary functions?

Real numbers can be broken into two categories: rational vs. irrational. Irrational numbers can be approximated, but never fully represented by rational numbers. Analytic functions have Taylor ...
Eric's user avatar
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1 answer

$n$-dimensional integer space? Or $\{ \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n | x_1, x_2, ..., x_n \in \mathbb{Z} \}$?

If $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n$, then we would have $x_1, x_2, ..., x_n \in \mathbb{R}$, right? This is commonly known as $n$-dimensional space. My question is, could we also have such a thing as $\...
The Pointer's user avatar
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3 votes
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Homomorphism from $\mathbb R^2\to \mathbb C$

Is it possible to define a surjective ring homomorphism from $\mathbb R^2$ onto $\mathbb C$? The multiplication defined on $\mathbb R^2$ is as follows: $(a,b)(c,d)=(ac,bd)$
Anupam's user avatar
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Why is $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ not an $\mathbb{R}$-vector space?

This is an embarrassing question which might seem elementary and possibly silly, but its suddenly confusing me. Clearly I'm missing something very obvious. Take the structure $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$. ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the observation that proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra requires some topology not tautological?

I have heard it mentioned as an interesting fact that the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra cannot be proven without some results from topology. I think I first heard this in my middle school math ...
Owen's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why there would be no additive inverse in real numbers if we changed the definition of a cut?

We define a cut to be a proper subset of rationals such that: 1- It is not the empty set $\emptyset$, 2- It is closed to the left, meaning that if $p \in \alpha, q<p \Rightarrow q \in \alpha.$ So, ...
john's user avatar
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1 answer

Sets of real numbers which are anti-closed under addition

Let $(M,*)$ be a magma, that is, a set with a binary operation. I define a subset $S$ of $M$ to be anti-closed under $*$ iff for all $x,y$ in $S$, $x*y \notin S$. For example, the set of negative real ...
user107952's user avatar
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Abstracting Magnitude Measurement Systems (i.e. subsets of ${\mathbb R}^{\ge 0}$) via Archimedean Semirings.

I did some googling but could not find any easily accessible theory so I am going to lay out my ideas and ask if they hold water. Definition: A PM-Semiring $M$ satisfies the following six axioms: (1)...
CopyPasteIt's user avatar
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