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Questions tagged [workplace]

For questions regarding laws that apply to the workplace. Related tags: [employment], [employment-law]

19 votes
2 answers

What rights does an employee retain, if any, who does not consent to being monitored on a work IT system?

I am interested in privacy at the interface between one's personal and professional lives. This question is adjacent, but not identical to others related to IT system use (1, 2). Given a workplace IT ...
Halyn Betchkal's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Workers Comp. Insurance with Regard to Single-Member LLCs in Virginia

Consider that I own a single-member LLC in Virginia. Must I carry Workers Comp. insurance (in the U.S.) because I pay my wife from time to time? I ask, because I am under the impression that if a ...
Jethro's user avatar
  • 53
-2 votes
1 answer

If you report your employer for wage theft, do you have to provide evidence you hold no shares and therefore FLSA applies?

If you report your employer for wage theft, do you have to provide evidence you hold no shares and therefore FLSA applies? How do you convince your manager to confirm you have no shares without making ...
Coo's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Is it legal in United States to record your computer screen while you do employment/computer work if you're the only person recorded and you're alone?

Is it legal in United States to record your computer screen while you do work on a computer if you're the only person recorded and you're alone?
jkj's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Do you need consent when taking a screenshot during a video conference?

In a state that has "all party consent" laws when it comes to recording conversations, does taking a screenshot during a video conference (e.g. Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) require consent from ...
cine's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How and when is something "published" to be considered libel?

When looking up "libel" in a dictionary, it says a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation. I am pretty sure there are laws for almost any ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is it illegal to voluntarily work longer than the law allows?

Let Bob be a software developer that can work from home. Bob's contract says he has to work 40h/week. The employer offers a flexible distribution of those hours and doesn't care when Bob works, as ...
infinitezero's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can my parents legally prevent me from working at 15 in Utah?

Can my parents legally prevent me from going to work at 15 in Utah when I already have a job? My parents refuse to let me go to work even with good behavior and all A's in school.
Jacob Welling's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is an employer permitted to use images of employees for marketing without their consent?

Paul works in a restaurant, sometimes as a chef and sometimes as a bartender. David is the manager of that restaurant. David has been taking pictures inside the restaurant including some showing Paul ...
Tom's user avatar
  • 41
28 votes
2 answers

Is my employer allowed to make me work without pay?

As the title says: A coworker and I had recently made a mistake at work. In response to this, our manager decides we have to work for two extra hours on our next shifts unpaid. Is this legal? I work ...
Cdoy's user avatar
  • 283
-1 votes
1 answer

can i write in my portfolio about a critical security bug in my last job? [closed]

I want to write about how i found a critical security bug when i was working at a company. Am going to stop working there in about a month and was just updating my portfolio with the things i did ...
E P's user avatar
  • 141
13 votes
3 answers

Are there potential legal considerations in the U.S. when two people work from the same home and use the same internet connection? [duplicate]

Consider the following scenario: Person A is employed by a large company and has the usual "everything you do while employed by us is owned by us" in their employment contract. Person B is ...
confused-by-it-all's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are coworking companies bound by legal precedent not to use the intellectual property nor trade secrets of its customers?

The companies which operate coworking facilities are in a position to learn a lot about a person's business. Every facility I've seen is blanketed with cameras, potentially including microphones, the ...
confused-by-it-all's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

In Ratatouille, did Linguini have a legally legitimate reason to fire Skinner?

In Ratatouille, when Linguini took over Gusteau's by proving he inherited the restaurant, Skinner seemingly lost his job. Was there legal precedent for Skinner to lose his job; would Skinner hiding ...
yolo's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is awarding a day off for women employees on 8 March a discrimination against the male employees?

Early this year I joined a new company. As part of the benefits they give to their employees is included a day off, paid by the company, to all female employees for the 8 of March because of the ...
CuriousMe's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Getting employed by different company than you sign contract with (without your knowledge) [closed]

This is in Germany. So there is company A. Recently i applied for a job with A, got interviewed, got accepted and signed a Arbeitsvertrag (work contract) with company A. Now i got my first ...
user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Work time when unable to work due to power outage (germany)

I'm working in an office space where I don't have fixed daily hours but a weekly amount of hours in my contract. Electricity is necessary to do my job (on computers). We had a power outage due to a ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it illegal to warn employees about workplace harassers if the company doesn't want you to?

I was sexually harassed at my previous job. I filed a complaint to the company, but they downplayed and dismissed it. I've heard that workplace harassment cases are hard to win, and I didn't think I ...
adachoi's user avatar
  • 31
5 votes
2 answers

What building code regulations may in-office beds violate in San Francisco?

I read on San Francisco does not appear convinced that adding in-office beds isn’t a violation of ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Would staggered layoffs circumvent the WARN Act's protection against mass layoffs?

The U.S. federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act (WARN) states that employers with 100 or more employees must provide at least 60 days advance notice before a mass layoff affecting 50 or more ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Which public holidays apply to remote workers?

I am working remotely for a company in Germany from Germany. The company is in one state and my place of work is my home in another state. In Germany, we have different mandatory holidays in some ...
SteapStepper69's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Working part of the year from Spain for a UK company, what are the implications?

I am an EU national based in the UK working for a British company. I would like to live and work remotely from Spain between 3 to 6 months per year. My current company told me they would not ...
Pepito's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Is it legal to work as a student assistant in Germany if Im an Italian student?

So I have a long residency in Italy and I'm finishing my masters, but I found a good thesis in Germany and they offered me while doing the thesis to work as a student assistant (to be able to cover my ...
Ali_Nass's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

What (if any) offense is this: Booking the wrong task at the wrong date

In German law there exists the concept of "Scheinrechnung" (lit. "pretence invoice"), which, put simply, is an invoice for something that did not actually happen as claimed. ... It ...
Zsar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can the client of a Managed Service Company effectively make an MSC worker redundant for being off sick by terminating their specific role?

A worker in the UK is employed by a managed service company. They are going to lose their job because the MSC's client plans to remove that specific worker's role from the contract between the MSC and ...
Beebell Tayne's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Conditions to sabbatical holiday in France

I was interrested in sabbatical holiday in my country (France), and I would like to make sure that I understand correctly the official conditions. Quoting this (in the condition dropdown): Le salarié ...
Itération 122442's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Do employees in training require identification?

I got hired at a new job recently at a local business and I asked them when I needed to give them my SSN, and they said they didn't need it until after the first week of paid training. I asked them if ...
Shidouuu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

US Expat with Work/Bank/401k in the US, is that legal?

I'm a US citizen living in Europe for the last couple of years. I work remotely for a US company, receive salary in a US bank, 401k, pay full federal/state taxes - all as if I'm in the US. My employer ...
anon2328's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Can a company prevent you from leaving and work for another company?

Can a company prevent you from leaving and work for another company? Working at a company with a toxic boss and a toxic culture and I am wondering if they may try something funny on me. Is that ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

statute of limitations on injuries in the workplace in israel?

A year ago I got hit by a metal bar on my leg. I didn't tell anyone because I have a speech problem and heavy shyness. It hurt me the first day and later the doctor told me it was not broken and gave ...
JustLookingforadvice's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can you say a developer is bad without being subject to a defamation lawsuit?

How can you say a developer is bad without being subject to a defamation lawsuit? If I add "this is my opinion, you can come to your own conclusions", does this still leave me vulnerable to ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Can a company use private Slack conversations for a lawsuit against you?

Can a company use private Slack conversations for a lawsuit against you? I work at a company where there's a lot of toxicity and a lot of people seems to be unqualified for their jobs, which leads to ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can you get sued for gossiping about an incompetent tech lead if you believe you're saying the truth?

Can one get sued for gossiping about an incompetent tech lead if you believe you're saying the truth? Let's say a person tells one of his or her coworkers that this tech lead isn't qualified for his ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How many days of vacations am I entitled to?

I started on August 19 2020 and vacations are added on May, so between August 19 2020 and May 1 2021, I had around 9 days of vacation, but then HR tells me between May 1 2021 and May 2022, I can only ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What happens when a legal message goes to the spam folder?

Here is a hypothetic question. A person signed a contract with a company, to work for 3 hours a week. The contract says that the company may reduce the number of hours based on its needs, by sending ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Company pays employees corona bonus for the previous year, but I've quit in January

My ex-company decided to pay its employees a bonus for the struggles with Corona in 2021. I've resigned from my job at that company in January 2022. They announced the bonus payment in February 2022, ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any legal action I can take after my company discouraged me from calling 911 after a workplace injury? [closed]

I fell at work causing me to have 6 compound femur fractures. I begged my boss to call 911 because my leg was broken . They laughed at me saying there's no way it was broken and that I was ...
Nick Wooten's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What does the word contribution mean in contracts?

What does the word contribution mean in the following statement: The position would be subject to a contract and would come with a contribution of £1000 GBP per annum, understood as a contribution to ...
Tom Riddler's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does 'Doing Research' Count as 'Working On' a Personal Project On Company Property?

I have been given approval from the company I work at to be able to own my side projects. I am a Support Technician (Customer Service) who does not code anything during my work day. However, my ...
SC4RECROW's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can your workplace ask you personal details about your religion and sub-beliefs from religion in the US?

Not much other than the question. Can a workplace for example ask if you are Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Jehovah's Witness via survey... and then sub-questions based on your answers? I want cases ...
blankip's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Terminated without cause. Do I have a claim for unjust termination or toxic work environment? [closed]

I was recently terminated without cause. I had been working in a liquor store for about 6 months. There was something "special" about the work environment. Several businesses in the area ...
user39743's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Contract to hire in Texas

There are a lot of employers who normally hire people only after a period of time as a contractor. They seem to hire people as contractors and they go through a contracting agency that is separate ...
mark b's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

I am stuck working alone with new coworker who I believe is dangerous. Must the employer take action?

I work in a shop. Most of the time I work alone or with one other person. We recently got a new manager who hired two new employees. One of them I have conflicts with (back story on workplace....
user127275's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can a company force a worker to work in 40°+ degrees Celsius and not allow any concessions for basic comfort to stay more safe?

Can a company force a worker to work in 40°+ degrees Celsius and not allow any concessions for basic comfort to stay more safe? This question is a result of this question on Lifehacks SE: How to stop ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Let's say a UK employer doesn't have a password policy - can they insist that an employee divulge a password used on a client's systems?

Purely a hypothetical scenario: UK employer is an agency with various teams that provide services - some of which are digital - to a third party. The employees create accounts on the third party's ...
Trent Babelin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I temporarily work remotely in a different country than my residence/employer?

I currently work fully remotely as a full-time employee for a US company. The office is closed with no plans for anyone to return until at least September. I was thinking of working from home in a ...
Runeaway3's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can a F-2 visa holder establish a company but can't work inside the US?

As I searched about, I found that establishing a new company inside the US is allowed for everyone, but working inside the US is not allowed for certain type of visas like F-2 visa that is a student's(...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When can a customer be denied service for not wearing a (COVID) mask, considering medical exceptions?

I work in a retail liquor store. We require customers to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID19. Technically speaking is wearing masks a law, a health order or the store policy as a result of the ...
casablancaeggplant's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Allowable Discrimination For Jobs

Just lately I realized that anti-discrimination/equal opportunity legislation only applies to proscribed categories of discrimination grounds, e.g. race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, age, etc. Up ...
Trunk's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does this devotion clause mean I cannot work on personal commercial projects (or a registered business)?

As an engineer, I would like to make sure that I can work on side projects, and have the right to commercialize it; that is publishing on the app store as a paid app, or hosting on the web with a ...
States's user avatar
  • 133

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