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Questions tagged [trade-secret]

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Can a co-manufacture share product samples from company "A" to a potential company?

Is it legal for the Sales and Marketing team to send new customer samples of products from a different customer? In contract manufacturing it is come to have may brands that make similar products. ...
Vallie Green's user avatar
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Duty to disclose to shareholder vs. confidential information

I was talking with friends about Apple switching from Intel CPUs to their own, and an interesting question popped up. Since we're not privy to any of the details, this is purely speculative and out of ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Two questions about UK's strict 6-month patent grace period rules for public disclosure at a trade show [closed]

Is Technology for Marketing @ Excel London 2023 a valid trade show for a UK pre-patent publication grace time? Also how to establish ownership? In the UK, it's possible to get a grace period of 6 ...
Harvey's user avatar
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Are coworking companies bound by legal precedent not to use the intellectual property nor trade secrets of its customers?

The companies which operate coworking facilities are in a position to learn a lot about a person's business. Every facility I've seen is blanketed with cameras, potentially including microphones, the ...
confused-by-it-all's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make sure your startup or project idea is not stolen or given away when sharing it with professors or sources of support [duplicate]

Say you have an idea for which you can appreciate some intellectual and financial support. For this you may reach out to different sources, such as university professors or research institutes that ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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is it legal to read the code of github copilot?

I have already downloaded the extension from the Visual Studio Market place in the .VSIX file. and unzipped it ,Now I'm confused. What are these .wasm files and I tried to open the extension.js but it ...
Chirag's user avatar
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Can taking photos from a hallway be a trade secret violation

I was rereading Killer Market by Margaret Maron. In this book furniture buyers and reporters and others are admitted to a complex of buildings housing offices and showrooms for a set of sales-related ...
David Siegel's user avatar
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Have plaintiff allegations in complaint ever been considered slander of title?

Let's say that a business owner A maliciously sues a competing business owner B alleging that business owner B has stolen trade secrets that contained information about business owner A's customers ...
user2138912's user avatar
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Can a Table with Material (Steel) Properties be Copyrighted? Can material properties be considered a fact?

Let's say someone did a lot of tests in a material, for example, STEEL, and found out some properties like tensile strength, yield strength, etc. Then this person take those values, put in a nice ...
xadun's user avatar
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When is a certain combination of software, a trade-secret?

Lets say, a contractor did some work for a client in a specific industry (lets say hospitality) using a stack of very common software development tools and technologies. For example SalesForce in the ...
Michael M's user avatar
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Which legal specialty covers the sale of potentially profitable information?

In There Will Be Blood (2007), there is a scene where Paul Sunday sells information about there being oil where he grew up. This struck me as something very difficult to negotiate, because, while ...
MWB's user avatar
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Is customer list really a trade secret in California?

This is about the lawsuit where our tenants and we, the landlord, are being sued for misappropriating competing beauty salon's trade secrets (i.e. customer list). We are about to sign retainer ...
user2138912's user avatar
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Can trade secrets be so broad that they prevent employees from working in the same field or doing academic research?

We all know that employees have a duty not to disclose or use trade secret information. But can trade secret be defined so broadly that, because of the duty of non-disclosure, an employee can no ...
Tom Bennett's user avatar
-1 votes
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Advice if concept is too general for NDA [closed]

I am currently low on money and have no way of paying for a patent on a new device I have designed. However, I wish to spread my idea to a few others who may be willing to help me grow the concept and ...
t1r3d's user avatar
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Taking Leads from a Company I quit

If Im a 1099 (independent contractor) at a cash advance firm and I left (quit). Can I take the leads I sorted through and became "my list" and take those leads and start my own merchant cash advance ...
Moshe's user avatar
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