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  • Member for 5 years
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4 votes

Why did Bilaam hate Israel?

3 votes

Was Mordechai the mashgiach at Achashverosh's party?

3 votes

Why didn't our forefathers team up with Shem and Ever?

3 votes

Three days before Matan Torah and three days of fast before Purim

2 votes

Does anyone draw a parallel between Haman selling himself to Mordechai and Esav selling the birthright to Yaakov?

2 votes

In Maoz Tsur should it say תִכּוֹן בֵּית זביחתי instead of תִכּוֹן בֵּית תְּפִלָּתִי

2 votes

Proof of Divine Inspiration in Megillas Esther

2 votes

Hashem lamenting to Adam after he hid: "you used to delight talking to Me" - Source?

1 vote

Banging by Zeresh in the Megillah

1 vote

Why pray for David before praying for prayer?

1 vote

Children of Israel being crowned with the crown of Torah - Messianic Era

1 vote

Why are Haman's ten sons mentioned in the megillah

1 vote

בָּרוּךְ אֱלֹקֵינוּ שֶׁבְּרָאָֽנוּ לִכְבוֹדוֹ - What is the background of this prayer?

1 vote

What miracle(s) occurred on Purim?

1 vote

Purim in Adar and not Av?

1 vote

Why is myrrh the allusion to Mordechai?

1 vote

The Orchos Tzaddikim in Shaar HaSimcha: What does Purim have to do with remembering the Exodus?

1 vote

Why would the Temple turn to a House of Prayer?

1 vote

How practically did large farmers manage presenting their bikkurim?

1 vote

Esther 8:17 - Is the phrase פַּֽחַד־הַיְּהוּדִ֖ים synonymous with יִרְאַ֚ת יְהֹוָ֨ה?

1 vote

What is the connection between Haman and HaMelech?

1 vote

What does the Targum have against Tattenai?

1 vote

How was the non-Jewish city of Shushan "confounded"?

1 vote

Who was worse: Lavan, Pharaoh or Haman?

0 votes

Hang up people to cause the anger of the Lord to turn

0 votes

Why were Haman's sons killed?

0 votes

Was Haman rewarded for supporting Torah learners and building the Beis HaMikdash?

0 votes

Did Esav do Teshuva?

0 votes

Yehoshua and the Destruction of Amalek

0 votes

Why didn't Mordechai kill Haman?