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Questions tagged [bikkurim-first-fruits]

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Bikkurim offerings quality

The Passuk commanding Bikkurim (Exodus 23:19) commands the “choicest” fruits. Were any bikkurim offerings (from the last prescribed species) ineligible for offering because of being too ripe, not ripe ...
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The Quality of Charity

Parshat Ki Tavo tells us about bikkurim -- offering God the first fruit of the harvest. [Deuteronomy 26:2-11] The Rambam says that all donations for the sake of God should be of the best goods we ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Declaration of First-Fruits

When a person offers the bikkurim for the first time of that year, they come to the Kohen of those days and declare to him the declaration of Deuteronomy 26:3: ובאת אל־הכהן אשר יהיה בימים ההם ואמרת ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Prostration during offerings?

While the first-fruits were being offered, it is stated in Deuteronomy 26:10 that after the declaration of the person offering, they would "prostrate themselves before Hashem." Where would ...
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why do we lein both rishon and sheini of ki savo on monday/thursday/shabbos mincha?

i would assume it is to be able to link the parshios of bikurim and vidui maaser due to their similarities, but would like to see a source inside for it. thanks!
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Does a hybrid count as a fruit from the seven species?

If a hybrid of two different fruits from the seven species was grown, does it still count as a fruit from the seven species, or is it considered a fruit of its own, with regards to Bikkurim and the ...
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Could one bring bikkurim on Tisha B'Av?

Bikkurim can be brought from Shavuot till Sukkot and perhaps longer (not after Chanukah). Part and parcel of the mitzvah of Bikkurim seems to be an aspect of simcha/rejoicing. I have not seen any ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Questions about Barley harvest and first fruits [closed]

I am studying the agricultural cycle as it relates to the feasts, and have a few thorny questions about the firstfruit offering in Nisan, in Leviticus 23:9-14. This is my first question, so excuse me ...
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Can a sikrikon be Jewish?

Can a sikrikon be Jewish, or are they by definition non-Jewish bandits? If by definition non-Jewish, then why are they specifically listed as not bringing bikkurim in the Mishna? (Bikkurim 1:2) Non-...
PurpleTurtle's user avatar
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Did two and half tribes settled across the Jordan bring Bikkurim?

Two and half tribes (Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh) were settled on the other side of Jordan and according to Rabbi Yose the Galilean fruits from across the Jordan were not allowed Bikkurim 1:10 ...
collen ndhlovu's user avatar
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Would the kohen place his hands under a woman's hand when she brought bikkurim?

In Devarim 26 and tractate Bikkurim it describes the bikkurim ritual including the fact that the kohen would place his hands under the hands of the person bringing the bikkurim during the waving of ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why does the Jerusalem Talmud speak of only white wine grapes being offered at the temple?

According to Asaph Goor, the Jerusalem Talmud, Bikkurim, chapter 1, Halacha 3, contains a discussion on the question of the propriety of vine offerings to the Temple. It strictly enjoins that only ...
Jess's user avatar
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Where in the Torah is the "ascending order of importance" derived?

Where in the Torah is the "ascending order of importance" derived, as used by the Temple Institute in describing the basket of firstfruits? They wrote, [> "The fruits were arranged ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Who used the "Special seven tiered baskets" that "were employed to display the firstfruits"?

The Temple Institute wrote, "Likewise, pilgrims brought the firstfruits from their own fields and orchards, of the seven fruits of the land of Israel mentioned in Deuteronomy: Figs, grapes, ...
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Why can a convert say mikra bikkurim but not viduy maaser?

Maaser Sheini 5:14 says that a convert can't say viduy maaser because he doesn't inherit a portion of the Land and can't say ואת האדמה אשר נתת לנו. We follow this mishnah. Bikkurim 1:4 says that a ...
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