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Questions tagged [chabad]

Chabad is a branch of Hassidim that focuses heavily on Chassidus as an intellectual pursuit, and on outreach to nonobservant Jews.

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What are the chidushim of The Lubavitcher Rebbe? [closed]

What are some of the most novel and unique chidushim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe? This is mainly regarding his Torah but can be his unique opinion on anything. Primarily looking for specific examples of ...
The Targum's user avatar
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What are the maamorim of the Frierdiker Rebbe that are learned regularly in Chabad yeshivot?

I know the classic Rashab maamorim like Ranat and Samech Vav, but what about of the Frierdiker? I’m wondering specifically from ת״ש-תש״ג
MarMani's user avatar
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Left behind after final redemption

This question is based on the Ha Yom Yom sefer which is well know to the Chabad school of thought adherents. We are taught that Moshiach will gather the Jewish people from all corners of the earth and ...
Mars Sojourner's user avatar
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Davening in the times of the first Bait Hamikdash

In likuttei torah Perek 4 it is written כמו במקדש ראשון שלא היו מתפללין לפי שהיה שכלם בהיר בשחקים כל היום לראות ולהבין פלאות א״ס ב״ה Loosely translated- like in the first Bait Hamikdash where they ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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What did the Brisker Rav say about the Lubavitcher Rebbe?

In this answer, @Schmerel quotes the Brisker Rav as having seen a maamar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi M M Schneerson, and commented that the Lubavitcher Rebbe believes he is Moshiach. Here is the ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Did the Lubavitcher Rebbe want people to say יחי אדונינו, or not? [closed]

B"H If this question is closed then this other question: How can the Rebbe be considered Moshiach? Also must be. There's no difference in principal. The phrase, יחי אדונינו מורינו ורבינו מלך ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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What is Tzurah and Chomer & does it relate to mainly Olam deisgalia & Olam De Iskasia

BH Hi, I read in ch 26 in Tanya that if a person is going through any sort of pain it is essentially coming from the world of Olam deIskasia(the hidden world that is mainly labeled by the first two ...
David 's user avatar
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What is the Chinam Klipa

BH Hi I was told about a klipa explained in Chassidus called chinam where a person wants everything for free without work. Where does it talk about this? What is the sources in Chassidus?
David 's user avatar
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What is the Rebbe and 6th Rebbe's view of daf yomi

B"H I heard that the rabbis who started daf yomi didn't consult the 6th Rebbe before doing so, and therefore Chabad doesn't officially learn daf yomi. Is there a basis for this? What was the ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Why do some frum Jews go to college, even though the Lubavitcher Rebbe writes that it's completely forbidden for all Jews forever? [closed]

B"H This question is clearly NOT opinion based because it is only asking for any official published justification for college from any rav or rabbi in response to the very specific points ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Where does the Rebbe write that Rambam was a mekubal

BH I heard the Rebbi mi Lubavich (Rebbi) said Rambam was a mekubal. Where does he say this?
David 's user avatar
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What was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's position on Zionism?

B"H Question says it all. Did his position change? Is it different from his predecessors? What specifically is it, in detail? How does it differ from Rebbe's of other chassidim (like Satmer)?
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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What is the sefer hasichos ? How is it different from likkutei sichos? [duplicate]

What is sefer hasichos? I know what toras menachem is, what likkutei sichos is, but what's sefer hasichos? How is it different from likkutei sichos?
anonymous's user avatar
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What will be the difference between the two types of "natural" miracles when Moshiach comes?

B"H In the Maamar Kimei Tseischa, 5712, the Rebbe discusses different types of miracles. First, there are miracles beyond nature, and miracles that are disguised in the 'garments' of nature. And ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Wearing a Bendel Minhag Chabad

Minhag Chabad is to wear a Gartel (generally called a Bendel) all the time under the shirt. This accomplishes 2 things: Separates the heart and Erva for davening etc. Keeps the Tzitzis in place so ...
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