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Questions tagged [kavod]

Questions pertaining to the Jewish concept of honour - כבוד (Kavod)

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Feet/sitting on table with Torah books - size and shape of table

I understand that it is forbidden to put one's feet on a table that has Torah books. Does the size and shape of the table make any difference? For example, regarding shape: a curved desk, that is ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is there a mitzvah of Kavod Yom Kippur

According to Halacha, is there a mitzvah of Kavod Yom Kippur or no? On the one hand, it is a day of affliction, so the usual mitzvah of Oneg with regards to nice food etc. is not there, but is there ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is there a mitzvah of Kavod or Oneg chol hamoed

In Halacha, is there a mitzvah of Kavod or Oneg chol hamoed like there is with Shabbat and Yom tov? Or no, even though they are special days is there not a specific requirement for Kavod or Oneg?
Kirk's user avatar
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Does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue

According to Halacha, does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue? The reason I ask is because it is sort of a designated area for prayer but does this have halachic implications ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What has priority, Kavod or Oneg Shabbat

Does Halacha have a preference for either Oneg Shabbat or Kavod Shabbat? For example, if a fancy suit would make a Jew uncomfortable (like during summer) that would be Kavod Shabbat but hurt Oneg ...
Kirk's user avatar
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How would the Ramchal's standards for joking about Torah apply to Purim Torah?

The PTIJ posts (and Purim Torah in general) seem to make a mockery of the Torah. Is there something I'm missing? Is there some Halacha or words of Razal that allow this? I am looking at this question ...
zunior's user avatar
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Are מתיהדים (geirim) required to give precedence to Yisra'Elim today?

Are מתיהדים also known as geirim or proselytes, the descendants of converts to the Israelite religion, required to give precedence to Yisra'Elim today?
הראל's user avatar
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Can Tzitzit be thrown in the trash [duplicate]

According to Halacha, is there any issue with throwing a garment/tallit with Tzitzit out in the trash? Do any laws of Kavod apply to them, or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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During Torah reading may Jews leave to bathroom

According to Halacha, during the Torah reading, Jews should not leave the synagogue where the Torah reading is occurring. However, is it permissible for them to leave if they have to use the restroom, ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May a wife go a place against her husband’s will

According to Halacha, if a husband tells his wife she can’t go somewhere (for example, the supermarket) is the wife obligated to listen to her husband? Or can she (at least by halacha) go against her ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Using electric scooters to get to synagogue on Shabbat

There is a principle in Halacha known as Kavod Habriyot, which essentially means rabbinic prohibitions can generally be violated for human dignity. My question is, if somebody has a hard time walking ...
Kirk's user avatar
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How to address rabbis of a Bet Din in an email

What is the proper salutation and/or way to address the rabbis of a bet din in an email?
David H's user avatar
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Does Kavod Habriot ever apply to Safek d’oraita

Does the principle within Halacha of Kavod Habriot ever apply to leniencies for a Safek Doraita? So if there is human dignity at stake, could you rule lekula instead of lechumrah on a Safek d’oraita? ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are gentiles viewed with less value? [duplicate]

We are the chosen people so I guess to an extent we view ourselves as more valuable. I want to know to what extent that is. Is it just a status? I saw some anti-Semitic websites says that Jews view ...
Rardal 's user avatar
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Honoring your Mohel

Is it brought down anywhere that one should show honor to the one who circumcised him, since he is the one who brought him into the covenant etc.?
שלום's user avatar
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