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Questions tagged [priorities]

Questions about which action takes priority in a specific case, usually when only one thing can be done.

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Are tallitot which are rabbinically obligated put on before or after tefillin

The Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 25 rules you should put a Tallit on before tefillin, this is based on the principle of Tadir, mitzvot which are more common take precedence, generally. However, if one ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What has priority, Kavod or Oneg Shabbat

Does Halacha have a preference for either Oneg Shabbat or Kavod Shabbat? For example, if a fancy suit would make a Jew uncomfortable (like during summer) that would be Kavod Shabbat but hurt Oneg ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Do Talmid chachamim or parents get first priority

According to Halacha, which takes precedence, honoring a Talmid Chacham, or honoring parents? For example, if a Talmid Chacham ask a Jew for something, and a Jew’s parent requests something else, ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Where is a responsum regarding misguided Jews prioritizing kisui rosh over observance of kashrus?

I'm having trouble tracking down a teshuvah where it is mentioned that some folks used to prioritize kisui rosh which isn't necessarily halachically mandated while not keeping kashrus and were ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Should a woman pick shaatnez or non tzniut clothing?

If a woman is in a position where she only has clothes that are either not tzniut, or contain shaatnez, which should she pick? So basically, she is in a position where she has to wear clothes out, ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Does a kohen have to marry a convert or divorcee he rapes

According to Halacha, if a kohen rapes a convert or divorcee must he marry her? Or is he Petur from this law since he is otherwise prohibited from marrying a divorcee or a convert?
Kirk's user avatar
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Minyan or Hachnasat orchim

If one has to choose between the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests) and the mitzvah of davening in a minyan, which takes priority? Like in Halacha, if you have to choose between staying ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can one water plants before Shacharit?

Would one be permitted to water plants or feed pets (as another example), before saying shacharit, or would it be better to say shacharit first?
Eak2449's user avatar
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If it is time for set prayer, and one can only either pray or exercise, what comes first?

If one only has the strength or will-power or interest to do one thing, which should it be: Pray (e.g., Shacharis, Mincha or Maariv) or exercise? For instance, say one comes home from work late one ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Which comes first after picking up shel rosh: talis or tefilin?

If a person picked up his tefilin before his talis, he puts on his tefilin first (Shulchan Orech OC 25:1). Additionally, if a person picked up his shel Rosh before his shel yad (ibid. :6) he puts down ...
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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Kiruv- quantity vs. quality

I'm looking for sources discussing the question of priorities in kiruv, especially when there's a conflict in resources. The question is often asked using the following scenario: "Imagine you're a ...
Binyomin's user avatar
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How should one prioritize honoring parents in comparison with other laws? [duplicate]

In prioritizing the law, how does a person honor his parents if his parents are law-breakers? For example, if a man's father is a murderer, would the man choose to dishonor his father by handing him ...
Truth's user avatar
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Order in which to wash face, hands and feet

A halocho sheet given out in my shul says that there is an order to washing (e.g. on Erev Shabbos) – first face then right hand, left hand and finally feet. The source is given as מחזיק ברכה ר״ס, ג. ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can you kill person A to protect yourself from B?

So it's really difficult to think of a practical example of this, but imagine there were some scenario in which, G-d forbid, you needed to kill a non-guilty party in self-defense. If one were in this ...
SAH's user avatar
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Fitting in a Succah precedence - kids, parents, women or guests

When there's no place for everyone in the Succah, who takes the precedence: one's sons (underage and grown-ups) one's parents/grandparents women (wife, grown-up daughters) the guests (male/female)? ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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